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Everything posted by Noodle

  1. So what are you going to do first? HP or CP? You are going to love it!
  2. swimswamswum, how long does it last once made? It sounds like it would get nasty after a few days even if it was tightly sealed.
  3. I don't know how it is possible to make MP into liquid unless you add a ton of water which is prone to mold, or a ton of oil which will do nothing but make your skin slick and greasy. Have you thought of buying a nice liquid base? There are so many good ones out there.
  4. The only fudge brownie that I have ever tried is from BCN. It is fantastic.
  5. You saw it too! I can't remember either.
  6. It was not cranberry cobbler. I know that I saw a muffin. LOL! Cranberry Cobbler is what I will use if all else fails.
  7. or Orange Cranberry Muffin FO? I think that I am losing my mind. The other day I was searching various supplier sites and I stumbled onto this scent SOMEWHERE. I even saw a picture of muffins. It was a body safe scent and for the life of me I cannot remember where I saw this! I googled this scent in a number of ways and just cannot find it anywhere. I know that I did not imagine seeing it. Does anyone have an idea where I can find this scent that is body safe? I am too young to be going senile. but I do need your help.
  8. WSP is one of my main suppliers. I think their shipping is high, but my order is here faster than a speeding bullet. I have never had a single problem in hundreds of orders.
  9. I try to be natural, but most of the time it is my thing and not my customers. I have noticed that very few care one way or the other.
  10. I don't know anything about the low sweat base. But I use the white base all of the time from SFIC and that bars last forever. It is a shame that they don't last for you.
  11. Men have a tendency to like ocean scents, eucalyptus, vanilla, earthy scents like Amber, Musk, and Patchouli. Citrus always sells to men too.
  12. I have never heard of coconut cream butter. But that sounds interesting!!!
  13. Keep in mind that MP soap does shrink over time. I do not know how this will affect your soaps if at all.
  14. I forgot to ask you just how below the minimum are they? Glad to see that you will charge a fee if they fall below it.
  15. Why not charge the $20 fee? That seems reasonable. Your policy is clearly stated. Don't feel bad about doing it.
  16. I could nver limit my line that much, but I admire your doing so. You can always add scents later. If I had to pick just four, they would be ROSE OMH or VANILLA (I haven't decided yet) CITRUS something or other OCEAN (sells great to both genders)
  17. I have to add my 2 cents and say that ANYTHING from Nature's Garden is great- especially their FO's. You will not be sorry!
  18. My suppliers for scent are Nature's Garden, WSP, Brambleberry, and MMS. I think that all of their oils are wonderful. HOWEVER, the head turning and second glance aromas that blow everyone's mind are always from Sweet Cakes. I always thought that they were too pricey and never ordered from them. I did well and sold plenty. Then I bought a couple of FO's from someone on auction and they were from Sweet Cakes. I thought that they were incredible. But that could just be me, right? Well, it was NOT just me. I noticed a major difference in sales. Even my husband who cannot tell much in regard to FO's thought that the SC's oils were amazing. I got more than ooooos and ahhhhs when I used their oils. I got results and lots of business. At least 50% of my oils come from Sweet Cakes. I think that the price is worth it and the quality is phenomenal. I cannot live without their Mandarin Orange, Musk, Black Raspberry, Blueberry, Amber, Lily of the Valley and Gardenia. I have found that for me, when I buy cheapo, I get cheapo.
  19. Are you still here KristinesShower? I thought that you would be in the maternity ward by now. LOL!
  20. I like that name better. Are you still going to use the pretty picture of the cabin? Heather's Cabin doesn't do it for me either. LOL! I just liked it better than with the "in the woods" part. Lets see... Heather's Candle Cabin Heather's Country Cabin Heather's Candle Works Heather's Log Cabin Cabin In The Woods I stink at this. Naming is NOT my forte. LOL! If the Dakota Candle Works is not taken, go for it. I have found that your business becomes like the name over time.
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