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Everything posted by Melly

  1. Yes, October sounds good, I'd love to do a Holiday soap and b&b swap,that way we all have nice seasonal products to use through the winter . Just need someone to host it, I would do so guys, but 99% of the items would have to clear customs twice, which is alot of extra hassel and expsense. I would be more then happy to help organize it through the board.
  2. Yes i let it cool in the pot, cools faster there then in the presto as the presto stays warm for a little bit after unplugging.
  3. umm, i pour my melted wax into my pour pot, bring it down to 180, add my FO at 180, stir for at least 2 minutes with a plastic version of a wooden spoon, careful not to incorporate air, pouring temp depends on which type of wax im using and what type of candle im making.
  4. Any heavy florals or colone scents will give me a migrane. I cant wear real perfume either
  5. Looks good, I LOVE Lavender soap!
  6. Ham and cheese is right , interesting colour combination for Cukes and melons. Your swirls are gorgeous though! Great work.
  7. Or we could do a regular swap with a christmas theme, have 20 people or so sign up, everyone make 19 of an item, and instead of working on packaging, wrap all 19 items up like a christmas present. Then when you recieve your swap box , you have 19 different presents to open. Christmas is still 5 months away though, but having it Octoberish would probably get us ready to be in the holiday spirit. Or we could do a halloween theme, Call it a trick or treat swap.
  8. Beautiful gift set, love the way you wrapped your bath bombs, and your soap lable is adorable.
  9. I dont see why you couldnt use it, soap does not need to gel to become soap. Touch your tounge to it and if it dosnt zap you, you can use it. It definatly does look neat. **Edited because I can't spell
  10. Wow, scary. Glad everything is ok! Funny how you thought about it shortly before it happened.
  11. Welcome, your soap is gorgeous, love the third one , the first one makes me hungry
  12. We all ship our swap items to you, and send you the money for the return shipping. You repack one of each item into a box and send it out to us.
  13. oh oh oh I want in on a swap I can't host either, shipping everything in and out of Canada would complicate it too much, but i'd love to sign up for one aswell. Not Lotions body butters and stuff though Im not allowed to make those yet.
  14. Breath You can make a very nice soap with Simple ingredients from the store. Olive oil, lard, crisco, soybean oil, castor oil, and even coconut oil can all be bought locally, this way you dont have to worry about having them shipped out, you dont have to worry about spending alot of money on something you dont like, and if all else fails, you can use the leftover oils in the kitchen for something else. Check out www.millersoap.com She has some very easy recipies that do not require any special ingredients and all of them, I am told make a nice soap. My first recipie was a simple one from here, and lots of others have started here too. Good luck on your first CP
  15. I remember them selling these years ago, they were candles that you made to stick in the top of a bottle. When you lit it, it dripped different colours of wax down the bottle, then once you had a wax dripping pattern you liked, you left it as display. Was very popular with my teenage friends about 10 years ago, havnt seen or heard of them since.
  16. YAY! I ordered a 12 bar and a 48 bar mold on tuesday, and my order is still queued. Can not wait to get mine either. Remember to use a 3lb recipie in the 12 bar if you got the 1.5 inch size, 4.5 pounds of oils is the "Wet Soap" amount, which includes your water. Have fun with it and let us know if you like it!
  17. Wow, I gotta add one of those machines to my someday wish list Even the name "Factory Outlet" still implies cheap to me, I tend to think of it as a place that sells "seconds", Discontinued or damaged merchandise, as thats what most of the factory outlets here sell. You might also be wasting alot of FO by doing all your scents at 9%, alot of great quality FO's Kick Butt at 6%, and using to much can ruin the scent.
  18. It looks great! Congrats!
  19. Bear is Bear Laboratories Inc. http://www.incenseoils.com/fragrance-oils.html They seem to have really great pricing, and the reviews on thier fragrance oils and customer service has been great aswell.
  20. http://www.soapcalc.com/calc/SoapCalc.asp
  21. My husband chose the name, he wanted us to not sound home based, and wanted the website address to be easy to find. When we first started out, we were going to simply be resellers of Mia Bella Candles, which at the time, we were told were soy. Back then I knew nothing about candles, turned out they were palm. So, my husband and I agreed on the name Soyscents.ca. By putting the .ca in there , we are hoping people avoid putting .com on the end and going to a competitors site. Plus it lets everyone know we are a canadian company. It commits me to offering soy candles , but dosnt hold me back from offering paraffin candles and b&b either. Neways, I dropped Mia Bella once i learned the guys didnt have the greatest of business ethics, (that and I had to charge atleast $2.50 for a votive and $28.00 for a jar to make any profit, OUCH) and have spent the last year mastering candles and soap. We hope to get our site online and start selling this fall.
  22. hmm...and here I cant get the things to double wick for the life of me because it was getting way to hot, creating a huge melt pool and leaving my wax scentless. I had to drop down to a single wick on my 16oz's . I am getting a decent melt pool and no hang up and good throw with a 62-52-18z , am going to try a HTP105 and see what I like better. This is using 4786 with 6% FO.
  23. Ecosoyas site says that thier wax is safe to use in soaps and lists the SAP value.
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