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Everything posted by Melly

  1. LOL between posting as rockin and Limehead, you always have me confused. the other day i wondered why you told me that you loved me, then saw it was Mike
  2. Wow, those are good names! be sure to let us know how it works out for you, best of luck!
  3. I just ordered 2 from here... http://www.kelseiscreations.com/page3.html havnt recieved it to try it yet, but I like the dividers considering I couldnt cut straight it my life depended on it, and ive heard alot of good things about them
  4. They look really nice, your right on the scent seletion though, wouldt be my first choices either, good luck with the account.
  5. hmmm.. maybe my silocone spray isnt working aswell as i thought... Pam works well as mold release without effecting the candle?
  6. The wax is 4794. 1oz FO pp, they come out of the mold just fine, i just get uneven bottoms where the pin cracked the wax to release.
  7. What is the best way you have found to remove votive wick pins without breaking the bottoms. I have tried tapping the votive gently on the table, applying firm even pressure to the votive until the pin pops out and running a small blade along the bottom of the votive to release it. I find I damage more votives then I care to repour getting the pins out and would really like some advice on this.
  8. They look good. what are the red dots on the vanilla balls near the bottom?
  9. The clearance basket is a good idea, brings people over to your table too, everyone loves a deal.
  10. No, neither would I, I would call it a soyblend candle or something along those lines.
  11. I use 4794 and love it, smooth creamy votives with awsome throw!
  12. I used a baby wipe container for my first batch, however , I just did CP. I think Euginas suggestion is a good one. I have never put my soap in the oven and it always turns out fine.
  13. I used this one from Kathy Millers Site. Only 3 ingrediants all found at local stores. Blended Soap Using Beef Shortening (or Lard)/No Coconut (Kathy Miller) 64 oz. beef shortening (tallow and cottonseed blend or tallow and soybean... see below*) OR you may substitute lard 24 oz. olive oil 4 oz. castor oil 12 oz. lye crystals 32 oz. cold water Made an ok bar, thought it was great back then (then my coconut oil palm and shea butter arrived) Would probably scale it back to 2 lbs on the site if you use it.
  14. Oh ducky...hmm , lets see what we can think of The -'s in there are nice. www.candles-and-beyond.com is available and not that bad to type in. If you wanted it shorter you could also do www.candles-beyond.com In Canada we have a .ca extension to use. We were also concerned that people would put in .com on the end of our website. So we registered our business name as Soyscents.ca That way people always know our web address just by our business name, and it seems kind of catchy. (dont visit the site guys its not up yet)
  15. Im a bakery scent fanatic... love creme brulee , Cinnamon roll with Vanilla Icing, banana nut bread, Autumn Spice, and of course Lavender, its one of the few florals I love.
  16. guess im different, I use a 36C I like my cottons.
  17. I always keep a empty plastic container near my presto so i can dump off any excess when im done. If im planning on using the same type of wax for the next few melts, i just let it cool in there and put the lid on to keep dust out. But usually the container bug hits me when my presto has votive wax sitting in it Water never touches my molds or my pourpots. I put them in the oven at 175 for about 10 minutes then wipe them down. They retain a tiny bit of smell, but it has never effected my next batch. I also use pyrex measuring cups to do repours if im making large batches , these i melt the wax off of in the oven, and wipe down. Once they have cooled, i wash the remaining little bit of residue off with hot hot hot soapy water. If your cleaning metal moulds, wear gardending gloves while you wipe them. They heat dosnt come through, and you cant cut yourself.
  18. Congrats, How far along are you? Is this your first one? Atleast soon you'll be able to stand pouring again ..... If you can find the time to do it
  19. Looks great about time. Looking forward to trying it
  20. They look great, what scents are they?
  21. Looks great Ducky! Congrats on the first soap.
  22. Wow, Linny, thanks for the heads up on those forms. I cant beleive soap, bathbombs, and everything b&b requires registration like that, and bilingual lables, arg, going to have to find me a translator.
  23. hmm... is there a particular type of glue you buy for the glue gun? Hi Temp or anything? Will pick those up for my personal jars, and silicone for jars I am selling, I want to be able to reuse my own jars for testers.
  24. I've used crisco in smaller amounts in combination with palm, and had luck with it. However, the castile recipie that Eugina gave you is a really good starting point. Don't give up on CP, it can take a few tries to get the process down pat, and even the most experienced soapers have failed bathces now and then, Eugina can confirm that one for you . Once you've had a good batch of soap, you will never be able to go back to irish spring or manufactured body was again. trust me Also , just because an FO says it is soap or body safe, does not mean it will work with CP. Many FO's can cause your recipie to seize , they can morph ect. What soap safe means is that the FO will not irritate your skin if you use it in B&B products. I've seen lots and lots of people post sweet pea soap pics, give that one a shot.
  25. OK OMG, I can not beleive the quality of the images I am getting off this thing, very detailed and crisp, will have wonderful looking lables for sure. The extra cash was worth the money IMHO. We bought an HP Colour Laserjet 2840.
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