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Everything posted by Melly

  1. I just ordered myself 2 new upload molds (12 bar and 48 bar) Can anyone tell me if they have had success using an upland for CPOP? I dont want to accidently ruin it. (And no im not expecting the 48 bar mold to fit in my oven )
  2. Does anyone have a link where these molds can be purchased, my best friend is getting married and is interested in them aswell.
  3. Use drawer organizers for molds, Kmart carries the martha stewart line, we dont have Kmart in canada so i used a rubbermaid one and it worked well. I use my cooking pots for soapmaking all the time, they are the cleanest pots in the house.
  4. Bulk Oils http://scentreview.szenasi.ca/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=bulkoils;action=display;num=1121276907 Candle Supply Central http://scentreview.szenasi.ca/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=candlesupplycentral Dont have the third one yet, not alot of reviews on these companies but hopefully this helps.
  5. I asked a similar question a few months back, and recieved some helpful answers. Here is the link. http://www.candletech.com/cgi-local/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=bathandbody;action=display;num=1117389558;start=7#7 btw my fluffy is in the mid teens and I have nice lather
  6. I got curious and stuck my fingers in one of my soy candles and rubbed it in.... um yeah, really sticky and not at all softening, I dont know why anyone would do this on the regular basis. If paraffin is supposed to loosen dead skin on your hands arnt your peeling alot of it off with the wax and throwing it back in the pot, EWW.
  7. and light must be a way of saying " I didnt use 1oz pp and I have no throw"
  8. Both definatly look a tad off, perhaps we should email her the wick setter link Yankees are off center as well, and they always have bubbles on the tops.??
  9. You could use it in place of beeswax to make lip balms
  10. Wonderful! thanks for the heads up, make that two miles long, we have to probably put it down in french too.
  11. Defiantly mix it outside or under the range hood of your stove, near an open window ect. It will have fumes for the first few minutes then literally no smell at all, but those startup fumes can cause your airway to become soar and iritated if you inhale them.
  12. I like the design on the second one, might want to put the burning one an a plate there though hun, looking at the way that one there is burning, I would be very leary of the inbeded ones with the flowers. it looks as thought you one side wall melted.
  13. Very nice site, welcome to the board.
  14. I LOVE creme brulee, have some burning right now. It lingers in the house for days after its poured Votives look great!
  15. Um.. yeah.. oh boy I think your wick is a little off center on the second one Were you trying to imbed flowers into it?
  16. My crisco container says its soybean and palm????? Would both have the same sap value?
  17. Sounds like bad business to me, I would never imagine trashing someone elses products (unless its yankee , or Colonial, havnt they ever heard of repours.)
  18. just use the glass holders as molds.
  19. yup, its looking like this wick should do fairly well for me, I am pouring another container to test it in, as this poor container has been through so much, I want to make sure it is a fair test. It has been overwicked beyond the point of having any scent left, put in the oven to even out several times after I had some tunneling, had over 10 wicks poked into it during my testing phase, and it was a bad colour trial and a scent i don't care for to boot. Will try a burn on sunday and let you guys know how it does. If i ever have a FO that needs to be wicked up, guess it will have to be an HTP wick.
  20. I snuffed it at the 4 hour mark. Will try a few more burns, how long am I supposed to wait between burns?
  21. Hi Holly, Thank you for your help, the jar is 4 inches wide. Slight correction, the melt pool is acutally 1/4 inch deep. The lip is slowly fading, however it will not be gone within the next 20 minutes, when the 4 hour burn test is complete, I'll let it go an hour or two longer and see what happens. The flame seems to natuarly dance in one direction, explaining the lip i turned the container, so i know it is not a breeze in the room effecting it.Maybe this is one of those things that will work itself out on the third or fourth burn? There is no smoke or soot, which is good. The flame is a really nice size. I am going to try the HTP, as the cotton one does not seem to come in this size on my suppliers site, sigh. She only has up to 60-44-18c. I might give that one a shot and see how it goes. i really dont want to have to order wicks in from the states or another candian supplier as this one is fairly local.
  22. This one has been burning now for 3 hours with a 62-52-18z in it, the melt pool has reached the edge on one side, and there is about a half inch lip on the other side, ( it is centered properly, no cieling fans or breezes on it) At its deepest point beside the wick the melt pool is about 1/2 an inch deep. Im not even testing scent throw on this candle as ive tortured this poor thing to death trying to find the right wicking. I might try a cotton or an HTP that is a similar size in it, as they burn hotter. I think my supplier might be missing alot of wick sizes, she only carries 4 sizes, the smallest being 36-24-24z. The only ones she has for small containers are HTP 41s and 52s.
  23. Can someone who uses this jar or similar please tell me what they use as a starting point when wicking it. http://www.jarstore.com/product.asp?itemid=4&catid=32 I have been working on this for over a week, and tried about 10 different wick combos, both double and single wicks. Either I am not getting a full melt pool after nearly 2 hours of burning, or when i double wick, I am getting a full pool within 20 minutes and the pool gets so hot you cant even smell the FO in the candle anymore after its burnt out. Normally I would never ask for help on wicking, but im pulling my hair out here. I am using IGI 4786, 8% FO in the jar I have been testing on, Have Zinc, Cotton and HTP wicks on hand in various sizes. What should I be looking for in a melt pool, how long does it normally take the top of your candle to completly liquify? Any help would be appreciated.
  24. I have the tare feature, my scale remembers the wiegh of the poor pot as debscent said.
  25. If im melting a small amount for ex. 1 or 2 pounds , i weigh out the solid wax pieces on my scale, then melt it and pour it all into my pour pot. If im doing large amounts, I just put my pour pot on my scare, tare it, then ladle in and weigh the melted wax. ladling is alot less messy then you think, just hold the pour pot over the presto and weigh every few scoops, you get used to knowing about how many scoops you need after a while.
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