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Everything posted by Melly

  1. Great box designs, adorable and highly proffesional!
  2. You might want to try checking my board, lots of reviews on lots of fall scents from differnt suppliers http://scentreview.szenasi.ca As for finding those other fragrances there is a fragrance finder available. I dont have the exact address available, but im sure somone will chime in with it.
  3. Has anyone had a problem with Glue Dots Candle dots not sticking to thier jars? I purchased some of these to try, Placed the dot on the end of my wick, pressed the wick tab firmly into the jar with my ball point pen tube, held it for a second firmly, then took the pen off. The glue released once while I was heating my jar, then again when I poured at 160??? Am I doing something wrong or is it the dots themselves?
  4. I dont think you are giving up scent throw by adding soy, most people who use a blend rave about thier hot throw. Try adding a few different percentages and see what works best for you, Im playing with blending Ecosoya and IGI waxes right now.
  5. Try subbing some castor into your recipie, helped my bath bombs stick together better, aswell a light misting of alcohol works, if it gets too dry it wont stick.
  6. ahh, how sweet of him I use soybean oil in my soap all the time!
  7. I just had a $1200 Colour Laser MFD with fax, scanner and copier dropped on my doorstep. The box is currently filling up my entire hallway. Will let you know how I like it when hubby sets it up for me this weekend I looked into having my lables professionally printed, but I would like a seperate photo for each scent, so this seemed the be he easiest way to go for me. Full colour ink jet lables would have cost me a small fortune in Ink. (not like the whole printer didnt)
  8. I am starting out with about 15 scents in paraffin, and carrying about 8 of those in Soy aswell. I am also doing soy and Paraffin Votives. For jars, for now I am only doing 16 oz jars. That is my starting point to get me off the ground. I will be expanding my scents from there, introducing some b&b, soaps and some more jar sizes eventually. I wanted to have a good selectoin to start with, and tried to choose scents from each catagory so that I hopefully have something that appeals to everyone.
  9. I use epsom salts in mine, I had to 1/2 the amount in Elizabeths bath bomb recipie which is posted in the B&B Recipie section. If you use to many and are in a humid area, they can attract humidity and make your bath bombs fizz. I use them for visual appeal, im sure they are not necessary.
  10. Thanks guys Im still up in the air as to wether to blend or not, I want to make a candle everyone is happy with, currently right now, I am planning on offering both Soy and Paraffin candles, and letting my customers choose which it is they want to buy. I will try pouring a little pure soy, and a few blends at different ratios and see which I like best. Do scents that do not "work" in soy work in a blend?
  11. Arg, how did I miss the signup for the fall votive swap???? Been watching for this daily. I think im gonna cry!
  12. Great job! Love the swirls.
  13. Ive done similar, but not with anything as enjoyable as candlemaking. Dreamed i was at work in a call center taking horrid call after horrid call. Woke up dead tired.
  14. Its in my sig. http://scentreview.szenasi.ca
  15. Ok guys Im just wondering all of the advantages of going with a blend, rather then going with straight soy or straight paraffin. Does a blend allow you to use scents that will not throw in soy? I take it alot of you use it to get rid of the soy associated "embraces" such as frosting and the cauliflower effect? Is the throw better then in plain paraffin candles? Do they still last longer and burn cleaner? Im just trying to decide wether to offer 2 lines of jars, some soy and some paraffin, or just blend them all. For those of you who use a blend, do you still lable your candles as being soy candles? If not how do you lable them?
  16. Did you follow elizabeths recipies exactly or did you modify it? How many sprays did you do? I sprayed mine about 30 times before initial molding,(5 - 10 sprays mix, spray more , mix , spray more , mix) and a time or two after if it seemed dry. I did have to modify the oils I used in the recipie inorder for it to stick together well. I swapped 50% of the oil with Castor oil. I also dropped the epsom salt to 1/4 cup to stop them from fizzing.
  17. Yes, they do fizz and the one i gave him was littlerally chasing him accross the tub. I got yesterdays batch to stick together, I adjusted my oils and added castor, and found that it held them together great, and with a whole one in the tub, they did not feel at all greasy. It was raining when I made them , so I had 2 of 4 fizz a little on my depsite the oven, Just need to tweek my dry ingrediants and I should have them mastered. You have to try one, they are great
  18. Those are so cute, I dont know if i would have the heart to snap his head off and stick him in a burner.
  19. Hey Tucker I picked on up at Canadian Tire for $35.00 and it works great!
  20. Maryann I was conidering packaging 2 together, as I find the amount of oil in the tub a bit much, or getting a smaller mold for baby bath bombs, as lots of people like the tub with a full large one in, if they didnt , they wouldnt manufacture them that way. To get rid of the fugly bath bomb problem, I unmolded them onto a clean towel, wrapped the towel over them and put them in the oven for about an hour at 175 degrees. I then left them covered overnight. I also sprayed the mixture with the alcohol and mixed steadily , rather then dumping and mixing like mad. If it got too dry to mold, I just sprayed it a few more times again.
  21. when I try to unmold the ball, the ball just breaks apart. It's almost like the 2 halves don't stick together.
  22. You have to put the address of the picture in "" brackets. Candles look great though, love your embeds.
  23. Thanks guys, I have orange and red liquid dyes so I will play with them tonight. Worse case scenerio, my supplier has Melon chips, i never thought to check under another type of fruit name for the colour
  24. The plastic ornament molds. Might look into getting myself a meatballer eventually, I want to offer 2 sizes.
  25. Ok ,i feel like an idiot asking this. I made georgia peach candles yesterday, and figured peach is light orange right. So i used 2 drops of liquid dye in a pound of wax, and well, they turned out yellowy orange. Not quite what i was hoping for. Does anyone know how to make a decent peach colour? I can not find peach dye chips or liquid dyes on my regular suppliers site.
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