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Everything posted by Carrie

  1. I don't add sweetner to mine either. I think that if it's sweet, people will lick their lips and that makes them dry. They will think the lip balm was crappy because they got dry lips from it.
  2. yes, the weather is so nice, I was really tired of winter. I'm even finally planting my flowers and tomatoes.
  3. Do you know which FO makes it seize? Maybe you could find a replacement that doesn't seize.
  4. Holly, Are the ones from Impact the ones that don't work well with vanilla scents? I've seen lots of co-ops for these and haven't seen anyone say anything about problems with vanilla. You might want to email Peak and ask if theirs are the same. If you need some fast I have some from an Impact co-op I can get in the mail. You'd have them tomorrow.
  5. Wouldn't it be nice if we could contact the manufacturer and ask for a SAP number, since they won't usually give out the percentages?
  6. Yes, it's a joke. The frumunda is what would be very hard to collect in bulk.
  7. I wouldn't respond but make sure you check the IP address and check it's location. My bet is Africa or China. Also, candles that are 4.5 x 1/2 are so mass produced that they are way cheaper from non crafters. It can't possibly be real.
  8. Personally, I'd download Avery Design Pro free edition and make custom labels with that program. It very easy to learn.
  9. I'm always happy to share my recipe, it's 33% castor, 33% frumunda oil, 33% squirell tallow and 1% FO. Feel free to share...
  10. MissMary, you should be able to get lye in Colorado but if you can't find it, they sell it at Colorado Organics in Littleton, southwest part of Denver.
  11. Hey Gerrie, when DS was little he was terrified by the monsters in his room. They'd cling to the blinds and had huge eyes. I finally got him to "catch" one and flush it down the toilet. He got so excited he caught and flushed the rest of them. Only one or two more ever showed up again and he'd grab them and flush them. I wish I'd have known of/thought of monster spray back then. It might have made nights a little easier.
  12. Yes, I was hoping for a repeat of that swap. I used up 3 bars and gave one to Scented. What a great soap that was.
  13. I love the whipped consistency of the scrub. You've tried my scrub a while ago, it was whipped.
  14. I think salt bars just get better with age. I hvae one in my shower that is about a year old and it's lovely. When it was 6 weeks old I almost threw them all out.
  15. Maybe you have a latex allergy. Gloves used to burn my hands and then I found out I have a latex allergy...now I use the Nitrile.
  16. That 24 bar is exactly like the one my neighbor made for me.
  17. I melt my hard oils, waxs and butters then add the liquid, room temp oils to the hot oils. I put that in the KA and walk away for 10-15 minutes. I add fo when it isn't clear anymore and I add preservative at the recommended temp. The last thing I do is add the sugar.
  18. Maybe you could wear gloves while cleaning up. Also, if you're washing your soaping equipment without gloves, are you getting raw soap on your hands? That means active lye. Safety precautions don't end once the soap is poured.
  19. I suggest you have your molds made for you then. Ask them to cut the slots with a band saw. The blade is very thin. If you do this, make sure the wood is very dry. If it warps even a little, the slots close up. The slots in mine are just barely wide enough for the misty creek blade. Perfect every time.
  20. Mine have the cut marks and I had the neighbor use a bandsaw to cut them so they are very narrow, just narrow enough for the cutter. That way there is no play in the slots like in the misty creek. The cuts are straight every time.
  21. I got a neighbor to copy the misty creek style and make a custom size mold. The guy moved and I don't know how to find him now. I found another man that does wordworking as a hobby and he's willing to try to make copies of my copies. He can't work on them until the end of June though. I also took my misty creek to a cabinet maker to see if he could make me some molds. He said he would, but never made them. There are people all over the place that can make molds. Ask around, ask the guys at the hardware store who makes wood products as a hobby, ask at the lumber yard. You'll find someone who can make molds for you and they will usually be way cheaper than buying retail.
  22. I thought about making an unscented lip balm with the hemp wax and marketing the hemp aspect. We have tons of greenies around her. Or even adding a little to some scrubs. Heck, I could even add a little to my candle wax, scent with maryjane and market that. Hmmm. Who has the best MJ scent?
  23. LOL...Until they are hard enough to unmold. I don't usually stop gel so my RTCP is always ready in 24 hours. Give it another day or two, if it's not hard enough you might want to remove it gently and let then entire slab/log air dry a bit longer before cutting.
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