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Everything posted by Carrie

  1. Because they don't know how to correctly calculate cost, IMO.
  2. I would pretty much guarantee within a few days she won't be your customer anymore. You linked her site from CT. When she looks at her stats she'll follow the links here and read what you've accused her of. If that were me, I'd cancel my order and move on. IMO, they are similar but there is nothing there that shouts copied. Both websites look like they were made with similar templates that can be obtained from many sources. I think you just shot yourself in the foot.
  3. Gerrie, call your bank and ask if they have any free checking accounts. I got one of those and then I linked it with my regular accounts online but made sure they took any check guarantee crap off incase the account got hacked. I keep less than $5 in there most of the time.
  4. IMO, and I'm sure I'll get some Sh*t for this but IMO...The jelly jars look cheap. They may be cute or prim or whatever but everyone knows jelly jars are cheap. They look like anyone could make them and they don't demand a higher price. I think that a unique jar will turn more heads and people will come over to look and then the look and scent will make them buy. Upgrade your look and you can upgrade your prices. Right now you are competing with the $4 crowd. Move up.
  5. Do you get that same tightness when you use the soap in the bath or shower? It might be your recipe instead of the way it was made.
  6. I didn't explain, sorry. KOH makes a soft, liquid soap. NaOH makes a hard soap. Regardless of heat, soap made correctly with NaOH will get hard. Mix them together and you get a softer soap, cream soap.
  7. KOH is used for liquid soap. I've seen some nice cream soap recipes using a combo of both.
  8. I'm confused. If you are making 100% coconut soap what superfat are you adding with your FO? Also, tests have shown that fats added before the lye and fats added at trace, all saponify together. There aren't more of the later fats left over after the cure.
  9. I don't HP either but I've read over and over how it's saved a batched batch. Good Luck!
  10. My guess would be that when it riced you didn't continue to blend until it came back together. It seems to have separated. I'd say put it in the crockpot and cook it HP. If that's truly what happened to it, your soap should HP just fine.
  11. Could it be the alcohol? Sorry, that's the only thing I can think of, WSP base smells like rubbing alcohol to me. It would be gone in the finished product.
  12. I don't see why you couldn't. Personally, if I tried it, I'd pre-slice the loofah and use individual molds. Also pour a very thin trace.
  13. Make sure you still have your eye protection on when you slam it on the ground or counter. If there are any bubbles in there they can jump out of the soap and get you. I've had them land on my goggles before.
  14. Yeah, and it works way better than the search feature.
  15. Many people are suprised to find tallow in store bought "soap". Who looks at ingredients on soap in the store? Many, many of them say sodium tallowate. That's beef fat. Your family has probably been using soaps with animal fats in them most of their lives and never even noticed.
  16. LOL...Too bad you have to post to get the board to do a search. Look at the bottom of the page. There are a few threads about favorite bases. If only the search feature worked as well...
  17. My first thought was a removable divider. Remove it at thick trace and pour the brown into the gap and swirl the top a bit.
  18. Oregon Trails has many of the items I use. They also offer a sample pack of oils. I think it's 3 - 8oz bottles or something like that. Their M&P is SFIC. Customer service has been excellent every time I've ordered.
  19. Is it really synthetic? I was under the impression it was tryly derived from Urine.
  20. Lotion is lotion regardless of homemade, store bought or base. The same rules apply. Without knowing where you live no one will be able to answer your question. The rules are different by county, state and country. KWIM!
  21. Vicky, is the OP in the US? Maybe you can tell as a mod but I can't tell where this person is located.
  22. It depends on the laws of the country where you are located.
  23. Oops, thanks jbren, the Tony's molds didn't register in my brain as the 1/2 rounds. I too love my Tony's molds for salt bars.
  24. L x W x H x .4 will give you the oils needed to fill the mold.
  25. By the name of the thread I thought it was going to be an ugly mess...LOL. Do the suds go dark from the charcoal? I think I'll go search charcoal now. Can't figure out why it would be good in soap.
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