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Everything posted by Glowlite

  1. That pig is friggin SCARY!!!!!!! Wheres the ..running away and hide... smiley
  2. I don't think its ugly! You made great soap and I bet they smell wonderful!
  3. Your swirls are perfect. Simply beautiful!
  4. For oils I use Castor I don't use much maybe about a tbls. No oily mess in my tub. I use mica's for the coloring, they don't leave color in the tub and are much easier to mix in.
  5. Every month when I add up all the money I spent and then look at the tiny amount I made I always say I need to get out of this business. But the next morning I am always right back into my candle room making more candles! Hang in there! I'm sure it will get better.
  6. I don't heat them and I only get pin holes when I'm in a rush and not paying attention to the pour temp. eddited to add. Or pouring patchouli.. I don't know why but this fo gives me problems!
  7. Do you heat your jars before you pour? I used to not do this but ever since I started heating them up. I noticed the little bubbles are gone.
  8. Thanks Scented......Well hopefully the chic I bought it for likes it. I have always thought that peaches where very light so I never added it to my collection. But I have a wholsesale account who asked about it and then another customer asked too so I figured I would try it out.
  9. I still have 4 ounces of this left from last year! I wonder if its any good. I didn't like it much but I did sell what I put in wax.
  10. Mediterranean Fig. I love this one but have only sold a few votives. One that I hate with a cold hard passion is Moonlit Path. But, that one sells out fast.:undecided
  11. I would never pay more that 30$ for a one pound bottle of FO.
  12. I just ordered the georgia peach. Is that not a straight peach?
  13. The one and only thing I dislike is the amount of stuff I have. I always seem to buy to much and then I don't want to part with it so I have to keep asking dh to build me sheds to put it all. Pretty soon I'm not gonna have a back yard. :rolleyes2
  14. I use tabs that kinda push into the wax like georgia said. It causes the wick not to come out. But I have bought some that do that. Its no big deal just put the wick back in and light. I wouldn't see that as a liability issue.
  15. I use old credit cards or grocery cards as scrappers. They fit perfectly in my hand.
  16. I've tried it once and couldn't get good colors. They all turned pastel.:undecided
  17. I use the roater a couple of times. When I need it for big orders or somthing I definitly like the pretos better though.
  18. Since I went to the clamshells I have sold more than I ever did with the fluted tarts. I recomend to my customers 2 suqares to a tart burner. I have a smaller one than most people so if I put 3 in its to much. People like to be able to mix and match scent. I sell for 3.00 and can't keep them in stock.
  19. Eeek better go stock up. Thanks for the info!
  20. I charge 3.00 too. I have a sale once a month and charge 2.50
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