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Everything posted by Glowlite

  1. I use a small square of alluminum foil and wrap it around my wick then us a huge glob of mold sealer to seal it. I love wick pins for votives but for pillars I like threading them. I can get the wick straighter on tilted layers.
  2. Container wax is so soft you wouldn't be able able to get it out of the votive mold. Unless you are pouring it directly into the votive holder. You'll have to test for wick size. I use paper core for my votives I couldn't vote in this poll...I use chevron 143 with an epolene additive.
  3. I need them to fit in 9oz and 4.5oz balmorals. I could cut them myself and I might just have to do that but I was hoping I could buy them somwhere. I saw in a store yesterday that they had 9oz balmoral without lids and they just had this plastic disk with the hole cut out for wick to stick through.
  4. I found some small ones at bittercreek but I need varying sizes. After searching till my eyes hurt I haven't been able to find them. Does anyone know where I can get em?
  5. Thats right. I use really thick dish soap for this and it never rinses off completely. After talking to freind last night he told me he uses the cheapest kind of soap he can get and the stuff is so thin he doesn't wash it out. He also told me that it keeps them from degrading/cracking. I don't agree with that... I still only get about 100 pours out of em before they get brittle
  6. Its weird, every time I see one these posts I just roll my eye's. Candle making is such a fun thing to do I can see why so many people would want to do it. And then they think.. hell if Illuminations can get 16 bucks for a 3x6 pillar I can too. They really don't think about all that goes into it.
  7. I love these bottles. http://store.scent-works.com/12ozwhhdmbo.html
  8. What a great confidence boost!! I'm not supprised though...Your stuff kicks a$$
  9. It stands for Wholesale Supplies Plus.:smiley2: www.wholesalesuppliesplus.com
  10. I know you say that the only cost to you is the Fo and time spent but add up what the cost would be to make it if you had to buy everything right now. Also try to do a search for the type of candle it is and see if its comparible to the 6.00 you came up with.
  11. I just eat the cost. On a 20 debit trasnaction I only loose .20 for credit transaction I loose .58 I have more debits than credit.....People really don't carry cash anymore and I know I would not be able to stay in business without my machine.
  12. I've always used liquid dish soap but you have to remember to wash it out before you pour..or your finished candle will be sticky.
  13. Yep Compass Bank is where my merchant account is set up. They offer great Merchant services. My freind signed up last month and along with the 6 months free machine she recieved a signing bonus of 50$. I have been so happy wth that bank that I transfered all my personal accounts to them too. After the 6 months I think the machine cost would be 450 to buy or 25 a month to rent it. I do worry whether the cards are good are not. And it sucks to have to wait till I get home to find out. If you have a cell phone you can call it in to get a verification # on the transaction. And if you use it manually....always ask for ID. take down there DL # I have yet to have a bad transaction. " Knock on wood"
  14. Manual imprinters are good to have. I recieved one as a back up to my credit card machine. But the machine I have also works without a phone line. It stores all of the transactions until you can get to a phone line, then you can upload them. The shows I did last year I noticed that people who paid with credit, debit cards usauallly spent about 20-30 $ more than cash customers. If you have a Compass Bank near you...they are currently offering a 6 month free trial on credit machines. And there % per transactions are great. .20 cents plus 1.9% per transaction for credit cards and .20 per debit
  15. Glycerin is a humectant. It draws moisture out of the air. That why It feels wet and more so if you put it in the freezer.
  16. Their beautiful. I agree with tucker they will sell fast!!
  17. I haven't tried any of peaks new waxes...but for rustics I don't see why their straight parifin wouldn't be good. http://www.peakcandle.com/Merchant2/merchant.mv?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=PCMS&Product_Code=WAX-PEAK140&Category_Code=WAX
  18. I used to swear by my color wheel. Now I'm pretty confident with mixing that I don't use it at all. Michael has them for .99 cents - 5 bucks. Cheap investment for something that can be really usefull.
  19. Do you think your wasting your time? Do you need her to do all the paper work or is it something that you can do along with all of what you currently do? Candlemaking for me is a labor of love! The upside is I get to make money at it too!! I don't think canlles will ever go out of style.
  20. I've never tried doing it for containers. But I did try the votive and it was hard...and messy. I think the votives are just to small. When I hit it with my heat gun it melted to fast and the colors blended to much. I barely got any marbled look to it all.
  21. All in all I thought the article was good. It put the bug in peoples ears "Candle Saftey" Would have been the headline I chose but I guess theirs sell more papers and that is all they care about. I had a guy come into my shop Friday and said votives don't last very long so he bought a couple of jars from me. As he walked out I asked how long the votive burned he said it melted all down his counter in less than 30 mins. What a fucking moron!!!!!! I said he should have used a votive holder. He said yankee didn't tell him that. I told him to read the label at the bottom of the votive and it would have told him. He said "Oh I didn't know candles came with instructions" If it has a wick they light it and most often they leave it. People just don't think that there is any need for concern
  22. I read it this morning too. IMO that 18% negligance rate is a little low.
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