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Everything posted by CaptnKush

  1. You should try the CSN wicks from Candle Science. They were made for Palm wax from what I hear. Thats what I use for mine and haven't had any problems.
  2. Been searching the net and can't find black 8 oz tins. I see black tin candles being sold on Etsy, but I don't think they are painting the tins themselves. Does anyone know where to purchase these?
  3. Take a drill with small drill bit and drill a hole. Just be sure not to go so fast that you crack the glass.
  4. Funny you mention this. I have been having problems also with red coloring using the Reddi glo dye chips. I haven't had your problem yet because I haven't done a layered candle with red yet, but every red pillar I have made seems to bleed out of the wax and gets all over my hands. I can still see the color in the molds. I would like to find out as well.
  5. This is great, thanks for all the links you posted. I think Im gonna try this place out.
  6. Ahahaha yes, if you spend a fortune on scent, its been scientifically proven to cure migraines
  7. High end meaning they use higher quality more expensive ingredients to make it. The quality is equal to a perfume your wife would wear. A Jo Malone candle compared to Yankee candle.
  8. I know they do a huge markup, but after using their scents compared to CS, AZTEC etc, there is a huge difference in Lab & Co's quality, Its like walking through the perfume department at Macy's. I know I can have this quality made at AFI but I am not ready to buy their minimum purchase yet. I was just hoping to find what Lab sells at a cheaper cost to me, maybe their supplier if anyone knows.
  9. Does anyone know where to get high end fragrance oils similar to what Lab & Co sells? I saw Wellingtons selection that gives options of premium grade and lower but I am not sure if there premium is just the same as lets say Candle Science fragrance oil.
  10. I use both. I use a candy thermometer in the Presto melting pot and then the IR point and shoot when I put the wax in my Aluminum mixing pot. Home Depot has several models, depends on what you want to spend.
  11. I haven't used any of those listed, but there is one more very similar that you left out, and that is IGI 4627. The 4627 is my favorite. 4630 that you have listed is almost the same as 4627 except it is in slab form. The 4627 is more like a thick Vaseline that you scoop out of a bag. Its a love it or hate it wax. But, there is no other wax that out performs it in cold and hot throw except maybe a Soy that has cured for a year Hope this helps. The suppliers of these waxes you listed also have reviews on them that will help you out.
  12. I was messing with this 2281 and added a little to 4627. It made the wax harder than what 4627 is, even with just a little amount. Is there any benefit to making the wax harder even though both waxes are almost the same melting point for a container candle?
  13. Ok try this. After first pour is hard enough that if you tip the mold you don't see a mound forming, take a heat gun and heat the remaining portion of mold that is visible ( not too much) then pour the next layer and so on. Your pour temps are good, I think your mold is cooling down too much. I don't use non mottling wax for pillars so its a little different. For the mottling wax you do pour the next layer 5-10 degrees hotter than the melting point of the wax for each layer and if you just want to pour all at once. You can also add a little of the Vybar for pillars, its supposed to stop any kind of mottling.
  14. I get what they are going for, but yah, maybe if they did away with all the fancy packaging, they could lower their prices a bit. And it would be nice if they actually stocked their items in their warehouses since I live right next to them to lower shipping cost. All my orders so far have been shipped to their Irvine shop, re- packaged and all labels changed to say Irvine.
  15. All is good, they got everything taken care of, even sent me free jars. I love these wicks for coconut wax thats for sure. So far they seems to solve all my wick problems, and I love how fast they bring the fragrance out of the candle. Their wick guide seems pretty right on so far, but, its not as they claim as in put the wood wick in and pour. Some of the wicks do not sit straight up, some have slight bend to them so I still find myself having to lean some weight against some to keep them straight in the jar. Other than that I will continue to use these for Coconut and Soy. The wicks I am waiting on is their X wicks or whatever you want to call them. They told me they are still working on them.
  16. Does anyone know where they get their fragrance oils? Would be nice to go direct instead of paying their huge markup.
  17. Clear as day now looking at it, but when my order was placed it did not say that. Even the live chat apologized for it.
  18. Saw this today on Etsy They say its a crushed beer can candle. $11.50 each
  19. Does anyone know what technique is used to make this candle?
  20. I posted some vids on it but have never used it. I wish I had that much production to buy it. Let us know the price when you find out.
  21. I did get a response from them, the next day apologizing for the disconnect that happened early afternoon, and then she gave me a phone number to call if I had further questions. As far as my messed up order, they are sending me 4 of their vessels free, I told them they didn't have too and I was good, but no reply on that so we shall see, but still they need to fix some things over there. They have a huge shop in Irvine, it looks like a storage warehouse, but Im guessing they don't store things there for local shipping because all my order still take a week and I am only a few miles away, but all of their shipping labels come from Irvine. Re- packaging maybe?
  22. Does anyone know how to get consistent mottling in containers? I have not been able to duplicate the blue one I just did in the pic above with any other color. I must have gotten lucky on that one. I have tried everything from pouring, hot, cold, slow cooling, no additives to adding mineral oil, heated jars, and room temp jars. Do the type of jars affect mottling? Was wondering because I even tried my regular pillar mottling wax that mottles perfect every single time in a mold, but not in this glass jar. This wax is the 2281 which states on one website that it is used to make mottling container candles and is a scale base wax, but then I saw Igi has another wax 1286 for mottling containers. Did I buy the wrong wax?
  23. I placed an order for some wicks and jars about a week ago. The wicks they sent were wrong size, I ordered 1/2" boosters and they sent me 5/8". No biggie I am able to cut them down easily if need be. I also ordered 8 jars, 4 white 4 black. My order came with only 4 white jars, so I messaged them which is the only friggin way to contact them. What business doesn't have a phone? Seriously! They tell me the black jars won't be here till Dec 18 with no message anywhere telling me this, not even in the box. You would think when ordering on their website that it would tell me they are out, but no, that didn't happen. I asked if they can just double the white jar order and forget the black, and they said no prob. Today my jars came and are nothing I have ordered. So I message them again on the live chat. First they try to blame me saying I ordered the new jars, then want me to take a picture of the order to send to them, then they admit it was their fault, put me on hold to fix the order, then disconnect and completely turn off their live messenger. So now I have to wait for them to reply to an email. All this happened at 12 this afternoon, they close at 5. Worst customer service. Has anyone else had any of these problems with this company?
  24. Post a pic of some of your failed candles. They might be surprisingly good to the rest of us.
  25. I do want to get some petrolatum and try to see if I can make a 4627 type, but my main goal was to try and get the look of Yankee candles. I always liked the mottle look they had. I don't think I have a lot of options for additives if I want to keep the Mottling look. The blue one didn't get much mottling by itself even though it is supposed to, I added 3 tbs Mineral Oil per pound ratio to get the Mottling. So far comparing it to Yankee Id say they don't really use additives other than mineral oil which accounts for the liquid Paraffin that TallTayl saw on Hows it Made along with solid slabs of 2281, who really knows right? The scent throw really is out of this world right now, just gotta work on my pour temps. The ones in the pictures I didn't prep the jars at all, just grabbed them off the shelf and poured, got excited to try it which is probably why I got such bad wet spots and my house temp was about 70 degrees. Only more testing will tell. I am hoping that the Vybar 343 fixes any seepage problems, we shall see, I have never used it before. I have already poured one with Crisco, and it definitely removes the Mottling effect and gives it the typical smooth paraffin candle look. I haven't tried scent yet or wicking with that one. Now my Coconut blend is gonna be the tuff one. I am open to suggestions. I like the Lab & co Virgin Coco/Soy but I still feel it can be greatly improved. Price is way too high for me unless they keep the free shipping option forever
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