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Scent Cellar

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Everything posted by Scent Cellar

  1. People that want to buy soy candles won't mind the frosting, I think they expect it. If frosting bothers you why not just do without the colors and leave them white or use pastel colors??
  2. I don't believe anyone has come up with a SAP value for it.
  3. I believe Candle Science carries them.
  4. The shape of either label doesn't go with the shape of the jar. Maybe the label should be rectangular in shape.
  5. Unique review on youtube, Jackbenimble ... I enjoyed it.
  6. Is the French Vanilla & Amber from WSP anything like the one from Peaks. Peaks French Vanilla & Amber is my favorite scent in candles.
  7. Looking for any reviews on it. I love the smell of amber & would like to use this fragrance oil in CP soap. It has vanilla in it so I am sure it would brown down but I might try it anyway.
  8. Anyone have suggestions? Looking for either a straight up nice smelling ginger or a ginger blend.
  9. I have TWO tanks and I love them both equally. Best investment ever.
  10. Same here, I love the no-stir palm.
  11. I freeze my goat's milk & add the lye to the frozen milk & stir, stir, stir it until the frozen milk is disolved. The fat in the goat milk doesn't carmelize if you keep the lye/milk cool enough. I make my soap in a log mold & gell by covering my mold because too often I had a "bullseye" in the middle of my soap because of a partial gell. The gelled soap gets a bit darker by gelling but at least it's all the same color.
  12. I am a great fan of Chai Tea. By far, the best is from www.oregontrailsoaps.com. Great hot & cold throw in both soy & paraffin wax. The scent is "spot on".
  13. I think palm kernal flakes are pretty stable and shouldn't need freezing. I get them in 50 lb boxes and have them stored in my basement.
  14. It's hard to beat the luxury of goats milk soap. Add a bit of cocoa butter for extra oh's & ah's.
  15. I get long curls using my soap beveler. Have you tried that?
  16. I cut my soap with a "tank" in 12 hours. Nice uniform cuts each & every time.
  17. If you can sell one item to each person protesting in Madison you will have a great sales day!! Hopefully our states crisis will be over before then.
  18. I have 2 tanks and love both of them. One cuts @ 1 inch and the other @ 1 1/4 inch. My molds are 18 inches long so I have a block that the excess part of the log to be cuts sits on so it won't fall to the counter when I do my first cut. Best investment I have made throughout my soaping craze.
  19. I would go back to the 415 and deal with the not so pretty looks. You can't beat the hot & cold throw and it's so much better than the C3 wax.
  20. Another vote here for Oregon Trails. Smooth & creamy like the real stuff.
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