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Everything posted by MaryinCary

  1. I love making rustic pillars, but as this thread progresses, my list for start up B&B supplies is growing. M&P was fun to begin with (still is) but now I've got the bug to start from scratch.
  2. Thats called "brainey" finish. I use j50 and get that if the wax cools too fast or if I pour too hot. I just zap the top with my heat gun and it goes away. HTH
  3. That's just what this gallery is all about Soja...inspiration, and you've done a wonderful job of creating some very nice candles! Enjoy
  4. Very pretty Beth. Your mottle is perfect girlie
  5. I keep my temp about the same (180ish), but hit my molds with the heat gun for a few seconds before pouring.
  6. That's a perfect mottle to me. Love the color too
  7. I'm guessing that to wick properly for the bottom portion of the jar you will have ALOT of smoking and soot at the top of the jar. If you wick for the top portion you will have loads of left over wax in the bottom. I really like my straight sided jars.
  8. I think your best bet is to call whatever supplier you bought it from and ask them about it. I've been using J50 for 2 yrs and it's always been the same.
  9. I've added lots of stuff to my M&P altho there is a gal on this forum that adds lots more than me, but I've added ground oatmeal & honey, ground coffee beans, white corn meal (for a exfoliator). Do a search on M&P, there is alot on here to read up on. Here's one I found for you to start with. HTH http://www.candletech.com/cgi-local/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=bbrecipes;action=display;num=1111202929;start=27#27 This is a 2 page thread and when you click on that link it will take you to pg 2, so make sure you see page 1. Sorry about that
  10. I'd say you could find one just as nice if not better here in the gallery too. With all the supplier websites out there that would be like finding a needle in a haystack. Look in the gallery at Topofmurrayhill's mottle for a start. Now thats a mottle. Many other excellent examples in there too, but I think Top's is still on page one.
  11. I think just about any wax is able to be whipped. Let it form a film on top (letting it cool) and start whipping it....like you would beat eggs. I use a wooden spoon and just keep stirring and scraping the sides of the pour pot or whatever you have to stir with. It takes a while, but you'll get it.
  12. Impressive set Dee. Nice job :highfive:
  13. Very nice SD. Your daughter will be thrilled
  14. I use 4794 for my tarts and get a good 15 hrs out of them. Sometimes I add a very small amt of J50 to them and don't notice much of a difference. HTH
  15. When I put the pin in the mold (I do mine from the bottom with mold sealer) I look in the mold to be sure it's straight. If it's not you can manipulate the pin pretty well while its inside the mold. Just push it toward the center. It's kind of like centering a christmas tree in the base. Push to one side, eyeball it, push to the other....you'll get it!
  16. I would, but then I'm a safety kind of gal.
  17. Wick pins can be bent also. I always make sure they are dead center in that mold before I pour. Woops...theres the picture. Posted at the same time kiddo....looks like it was off center to me. Straighten your wick pins girlie!
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