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Everything posted by MaryinCary

  1. Very nice...you'll have lots of happy Aunts!
  2. She's a beauty Tucker (your lady and lit hurricane)
  3. That is some great looking soap Brenda!
  4. Such pretty soap! Nice swirling
  5. I use Peak's CCB in soap and lotion. No problems here If it says soap safe, it's lotion safe.
  6. I can't help you with their bubble bath or gel, but I use their M&P soap base which is SFIC. Very good soap base IMO If you decide to try them, check out their Cedarwood Amber FO....to die for!!! HTH
  7. What's under your bed? Excellent storage for the people in small houses
  8. Damn....if they have a store front, I'm there. That's only about 25 mi. from me. Hmmm. Thanks for the post Gypsyjen
  9. I've used the Goat's Milk Multi-base from here. You can make it as thick or thin as you want by adding distilled water. http://thescentshack.com/catalog/index.php?cPath=31&osCsid=e0326e96ee9ca15ec62762e1373828aa and I think KB sells it too, but not sure. HTH
  10. Ohhhh is that ever pretty. Can I come for the week long lock down?
  11. That is some awsome looking soap Brenda!
  12. No need to be sorry Breanna....I just thought I'd post it for those people who are unaware of this particular site.
  13. Here is a more detailed listing http://www.candleandsoapstuff.com/Suppliers_by_State.html
  14. Sounds like you need to spend some time reading the board. There is enough reading material here to fill 6 months time. Start with the very first thread of this catagory "Helpfull links for Newbies". Everything you need to know to get started is right there at your fingertips Welcome to CT & candlemaking.
  15. Damn Tucker...look at you going all original. Nothing better than seeing something out of the ordinary! Nice job Mr.
  16. http://www.kangarooblue.com/index.php?main_page=advanced_search_result&search_in_description=1&keyword=lip+balm Just another option!
  17. CLR? Just make sure you wash & rinse it out real good afterward, and then I'd use some sort of mold release the first time around. Good luck
  18. Cruise through the craft stores Tucker (I hope you have them). They are a dime a dozen. If you can't find them....pm me after the holidays and I'll buy a bunch and send them up to ya!
  19. If I splash wax on a portion that I don't want it on I zap it with the heat gun. If your real careful you can "move" it slightly or all the way down to where the other wax is. HTH
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