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Everything posted by MaryinCary

  1. Very impressive, and I too love the WT&G!
  2. I loves me my Olive Oil. 20% in every recipie regardless of price....what can I say, I'm OLD :tiptoe:
  3. Looks nice and spring-y to me! I bet they smell great too.
  4. Holy crap is that ever some pretty soap! We need that scratch N sniff option
  5. As long as she's not drinking the tub water that would be okay--ROFL Love ya Julie!
  6. Yes...thank you! Another project for my ever growing list
  7. Beautious soaps there! I love the white of your olive oil
  8. WoooHooo Julie---you did good girlie! :highfive:
  9. I love the look E! I picked up the same mitre box at Menard's last week. With no computer....I've got plenty of time for soaping....have done 9 batches in the last 2 wks!! That mitre box is a God send!!!
  10. This is it. I don't know which site I found this on (maybe the dish)? 4 oz. Mango Butter 3 oz. Fractionated Coconut Oil 4 oz. Cocoa Butter FO/EO of choice
  11. Thanks daniedb Such a quick response and an oil that is locally available. I'll give it a whirl, but any other suggestions are welcome too!
  12. Carmen~Carmen~Carmen I am soooo loving the Dolce Amaro. I'm just glad you like the name. My soap naming ability is available to you ANYTIME!
  13. I have a recipie for a body butter using Cocoa, Mango & Fractionated Coconut Oils. I don't have any FCO...does anyone know of another oil that I can sub and come close to the FCO? TIA
  14. Are you and Donita related? Nice work Tucker
  15. You did real good. You better whip up some more...they will love them!
  16. Thats some nice soap Grumpy. I'll bet your not feeling very grumpy when you look at that
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