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Sarah S

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Posts posted by Sarah S

  1. 3 hours ago, jbradshaw said:

    He actually suggested it - he works for himself so his schedule is relatively flexible (especially compared to mine). He's my biggest supporter. 


    It just took me so long to feel confident and feel like I 'knew' my wax - how long to stir, what it looked like at different stages, etc. But he does have a manufacturing background so I think you're right that he could learn. 


    And certainly you could begin to teach him now, before it's an issue, maybe even make a tutorial video for him to refer to. I didn't mean to trivialize the process, of course it's not as simple as "heat to xyz temp, add FO and pour at zyx temp" like the suppliers would have us believe! 😂

    But you've already done all the heavy lifting, so to speak, with all the testing and learning the wax. It sounds like he might just need super clear instructions, a little practice and some visual aids.

    I would be curious to hear some other opinions from the expercienced chandlers too!


    ETA: my thoughts as well @Jcandleattic!

    • Like 1
  2. Revisiting this topic... With the co-op possibly delayed, I need a good Pink Sugar to hold me over.

    I'm really not happy with Aztec's, and I'm sure Keystone's (Peaks) is great but I really don't want to slide down the slippery slope of adding another supplier, so I'd rather not order from them.

    I need a couple things from RE/AH anyway, so I was looking at theirs, but they have three different versions! @Ravens, do you remember which one was the one you didn't like? Has anyone tried any of these? From the descriptions, it sounds like the third one on their list might be good...

    I also need to order some wicks from Flaming soon, so I was looking at theirs too. Anyone try that one?


  3. The Iced Lemon Bicotti is to die for! And I'm not even a real fan of food/bakery fragrances, but that one fabulous.

    If you like Patchouli, theirs is pretty close to the EO.

    Their Creme Brûlée is nice, not thrilling, but it's good and strong in my paraffin. I'll use it to blend sometimes instead of vanilla for something a little different. 

    Im dying to try their Mayan Gold!

    • Thanks 1
  4. @NaughtyNancy, I would be ashamed to post my first soaps, or my first candles for that matter!! We all start somewhere, right? I don't think they looks bad, earthy and rustic is a legit look!

    We have similar tastes in fragrance, I am definitely going to try the Sandalwood Patchouli next time I order from WSP.

    I was so disappointed in their Dragon's Blood! I agree that there is a citrus note that is overwhelming, and the dry down is so sweet, much too reminiscent of baby powder for me. To add injury to insult, it morphed in every product I put it in into a strange chemical soapy bottom note that persists after the initial fragrance dissipates. Maybe you will have better luck with your perfume, solid perfume was just about the only thing I didn't try it in. 😁

    @GailC, I took a chance with the sale at Aztec, and I ordered a full pound of the pine that was on sale, as well as the eucalyptus and mint. The pine is very nice, very sap heavy like the description and wonderfully fresh and outdoorsy. The euc and mint I think is overly sweet and lacking the sharp camphor I look for in that combo, but I suppose it will be nice in blends. Did you end up ordering that one too?

    • Like 1
  5. On December 4, 2017 at 11:57 PM, katmeltswax said:

    I am actually wanting to name one of my scents "The Christmas Story" ,love that movie .It  needs to definitely have Christmas notes with a bit of fun sweet notes .Maybe I need to ask here if anyone has a suggested fragrance oil,for this name .


    Kat, I think a chocolate fragrance would be perfect for that! 

    "Oh fuuudge!"


    • Like 1
  6. @Moonstar, when I've made tarts with Candlewic's CBL129 they were somewhat transparent. You couldn't see through them, but they were almost like a super thick stained glass, only not as shiny. Definitely not a flat opaque like other waxes. Isn't the IGI 4627 kind of transparent too? I bet if you mixed the two you'd get pretty transparent tart.


    I am always astounded at how rabid people can get over ridiculous stuff. Their lives must be pretty empty if they can waste that much time and energy on such minutia...

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  7. 1 hour ago, TallTayl said:

    All we have to reference for safety of aromarchemicals (essential oils are also aromachemicals) is the current set of IFRA guidelines. 


    Category 11 of each certificate lists usage limits for candles, wax melts, etc. I have yet to find one that is not "unrestricted" in this category.


    essential oils, by the way, are not necessarily GRAS (Generally Regarded as Safe). Only patchouli comes to mind as one that might be still considered GRAS.


    Essential oils are lending to sensitization issues at a climbing rate from misuse and overuse. Thanks to the mlm companies, I predict essential oils are going to become the peanuts of the future. I have already come across people who experience anaphylactic response to any contact with lavender. Since I use lavender in some soap and candles, residual traces in other soap from being in the same room as those with lavender are enough to trigger an attack. Not sure exactly which of the dozens of aromachemicals in lavender trigger it, so lavendin is also a potential culprit. Anything with linalool could also trigger an event, ruling out even more essential oils. The list goes on. 


    To claim eo is "safe" and FO is "not safe" in candles you will need to find peer reviewed studies not funded by the eo or FO manufacturers. Claims with that fact based study are opinion and nothing more. I would be hard pressed to find such a study since pure essential oils just are not intended for combustion. 






    I will always turn to ingredients that are studied and safe for use. Everything is a chemical. Everything can be dangerous to someone somewhere in some way. I say this not to make light of other's difficulties, but to point out that all we can do is use ingredients that we know are safe to use, that align with our principals (spiritual, moral, environmental, etc), and use them within recommended limits. And of course test our products for safety and other desireable features (fragrance, color, texture, etc). If FOs meet that criteria for you, great. If EOs do, great. That's a personal decision.

    I hate it when fear mongers and unscrupulous entities try to take that choice away from us by spreading half truths that prey on good people's desire to do what's right for their loved ones and the world around us. 


    @lisabeth13, it sounds like you've done some testing because this is important to you. We can give you opinions, point you in a direction to do more research and testing, but ultimately you will have to be ok with what you decide. Maybe there's a middle ground that will make you happy, I don't know, but I would venture to guess most of us have gone through a similar struggle.

    • Like 1
  8. 10 hours ago, Jcandleattic said:

    Almost all (if not all) the candle suppliers have uncut oils, so I guess I'm not sure what you are asking? 3.5-5 stars is not bad, considering most ratings for fragrances is a 1-5 rating. With 5 being the best. 


    With every supplier, no matter which one you go with (most here have several they buy from, not just one) are going to have hits and misses. It's just the nature of the business. You are going to have scents that you absolutely love, that others are going to give bad reviews on and vice verse. 

    It's why everyone on this board stresses to test test test. 


    Now, with that being said, there are several suppliers people use and recommend. Here are a few (by no means is this an exhaustive list): 


    Natures Garden

    Keystone Candle Supply (for Peak oils) 



    WSP (wholesale supplies plus) 

    Rustic Esscentuals

    Just Scent

    Fragrance Buddy

    Candle Science

    Candles and Supplies

    Bitter Creek North

    Arizona Candle Supply (for Mad Oils oils) 


    I'm sure there are several others that I can't think of at the moment. 



    Couldn't agree more with what JC said.

    I have found that with suppliers that focus more on soap, such as Nurture Soap, Mad Oils, WSP,  they tend to have more oils that do better in B&B than wax. Some, like NG and RE, have oils that do well in either or both, and you just have to test the heck out of those. And suppliers that focus on candles, like Candlewic and Flaming, have more oils that are amazing in wax but fall flat in soap. This is just my experience, YMMV.

    Honestly, with all the suppliers above, the vast majority of their "duds" for me are because I don't like the fragrance, not because of poor performance. I have yet to get an oil from a candle-dedicated supplier that hasn't thrown like a MLB pitcher. 😁

    • Like 1
  9. I'm going to be boring and say that my favorite is Christmas Splendor. I've gotten it from TCS, C&S, and NG, and all three were wonderful.

    Its such a warm joyful fragrance. And I like how it can be blended to bump up the spice, or the fruit, or even a little pine for different tastes.

    I'm burning it right now, matter of fact! 😄


    There are so many great fragrances that recall special memories and traditions this time of year, it's hard to narrow it down to just a few!

    • Like 1
  10. 17 hours ago, GailC said:


    I don't think I could do shows every week...in fact I know I couldn't.  I was exhausted.  And I even had help carrying the candles in and out.  I don't do enough shows in invest in something to transfer the candles easily...just had a small cart.  


    My great nephew and grandson had a good time helping me.  My great nephew needs to go into sales....he was really talking up my products to customers and giving out free sample melts.


    My grandson checked out the competition and came back and told me he smelled someone else's melts and he could barely smell them.  He is nothing if not loyal to his Grandma.  :)  (Scentsy was there; I don't know if those were the ones he smelled.)  Another chandler was supposed to be there but didn't show up.  Darn.  :D



    I think the hardest part about the craft shows (after hauling around boxes) is being "on" all the time. It's so mentally exhausting to be in sales mode all day. I enjoy selling and talking to people, but gosh I'm tired by the end of it!

    Sounds like you have some good helpers though! Good job keeping it in the family! 😉😄

  11. On December 4, 2017 at 12:42 AM, Trappeur said:

    I think it would be helpful if you listed what combo waxes you blended together and at what ratios and fragrance oil percentages so that others could offer help/suggestions.

    I don't know but it seems to me that you have way too many different waxes(5 of them) and good ones at that too that you are testing Venetti and I'm thinking that you haven't really given  these waxes a good long chance of time?   I would think if you focused in on just one or 2 different waxes that you want to blend and take the time to study them and get to know them, you would gain so much more instead of jumping around ordering all sorts of waxes and now wanting to get some more?   You need to play around with all different ratios and that takes time.  You can't rush things and I'm sure they need cure time.  It takes a lot of time and patience.   If you could also state how long they cured and even the type melter(s) you are using others would come here and make suggestions.  

    All this plays into one another.


    Belinda's suggestions of waxes she uses are excellent.  She makes awesome strong melts.





    I'd like to second what Trapp said. You have a lot of posts asking about wax blends, wicks, oils, and vendors, and kind of all over the place. I can sympathize about not being satisfied and wanting to experiment, but you seem to be jumping around a lot. Please don't take it as me being mean, I'm just picking up frustration from your posts, and I can't help but think you will not find the results you're looking for this way. 

    Please consider taking some time to experiment with just a couple of waxes, and maybe 5-6 fragrances that you like. Try different ratios of wax, and % of FO, write it all down, and exhaust all possibilities with that wax or waxes before moving on. Honestly, most vendors have great fragrances that throw well, if you can't find 6 that you like from one or two of the major vendors, I would be extremely surprised.


    • Like 1
  12. Bonfire Bliss was sweet and smokey, and very nice, but it didn't throw well at all for me, candle or tart. I use paraffin. 

    Luscious Vanilla was a vanilla. Lol! Can't remember what I used it in, but it was a nice vanilla, pretty strong. 


    I have to second @NaughtyNancy's suggestion of Cuban Tobacco, it is wonderful!! Fantastic in everything I've put it in, and adds a warm, rich bottom to blends.


    Gotta diverge on the Red Saffron, though, I thought it smelled like some kind of industrial soap, and it was universally hated by my testers. Usually I nod my head at all of NN's posts, but not that time, lol. 😉

    Always worth a try though, because obviously noses are different!


    @NaughtyNancy, have you tried Havanna Nights? OMG, to die for! I have never actually smelled a hot Cuban guy, but in my very vivid imagination, that is what Pitbull would smell like. Or any hot Cuban guy. But really Pitbull. 😆

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  13. 22 hours ago, Belinda said:

    I lOVE Vintage Christmas! I think I'll put that one on my list for sure!

    @Sarah S, I LOVE Finnywig's Festive Brew too. What about Fezzywig's Brew? That will go with A Christmas Carol. I might come up with another one for that name. Maybe the one from Aztec that I wouldn't call Hillbilly Mistletoe or maybe Hillbilly Cider. I might change to one of those names that y'all mentioned. 


    I'm terrible at names!


    A Christmas Carol was totally what I was thinking of, but I seem to be terrible at getting names right!! 😆


    I added some some of Flaming's Kentucky Bourbon to the Hillbilly Mistletoe and called it Hillbilly Holiday, because it goes so well with my area and my branding. Add a little apple and it would be a great Hillbilly Homebrew! You have the Christmas Wassail FO, I recall? You have a whole holiday beverage line! 😄

    • Like 1
  14. On November 26, 2017 at 1:48 PM, TallTayl said:

    Planning on dec 1. None are making it close to the mins yet. 


    Is this still the planned cutoff date? I think I want to add a couple more pounds to my order, I'm waiting to see if my sister wants any... Maybe I'll just go for it. If I do a second order, you'll lump it all together? Should I PM you so you know it's me? 😅 I feel like I've got a lot of anxiety over this, lol.

    • Like 1
  15. Great topic! Worth the click just for @Sponiebr's response, lol.

    I agree that the men tend to have lazer focus, and are very specific about what they want. Or don't want. 😂

    If I want truly honest feedback about a fragrance, I will test it on guy every time. 

    However, I do find the women are more likely to be adventurous and try a fragrance they're not familiar with or buy based on a recommendation, whereas the guys are more likely to play it safe and stick with what they know.

    • Like 2
  16. @moonshine those are beautiful! Country and classy all at once!


    @Darbla, I do not add fragrance to mine, I use my "used up" tart wax and and leftover tester wax, and they smell pretty good. I keep similar fragrances together. I'm with Trapp, why waste the FO?

    However, I will say that mine are fugly compared to everyone else's, and I either give them away or sell them dirt cheap because of that! 😂

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