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Everything posted by Jane42

  1. No matter how many times I tell people, and I have the warnings right on the package, I have had two people put it on something. One put it in the cupholder of their car and was surprised when it started to eat through the plastic and the other person put it on a beautiful piece of furniture!
  2. Ahhh, maybe I should be thinking of stearic acid to harden the wax so it does not do a full melt (hopefully). I guess it couldn't hurt to try it. For once, I actually HAVE IT and don't have to do an order...LOL If anyone thinks the stearic acid would help me out with my problems, could you advise me as to how much to use. Peaks says 1 - 3 TBS pp - not sure what I should start with. Thanks. Jane
  3. Just doing a teeny, tiny bump here to see if anyone has an opinion on using the vybar with this wax.
  4. I never even thought of that! I have the bagless canister- FO and plastic don't mix!!! Thanks for jumping in there with that important information! The "stuff" that is in the paper bags that are sold for the purpose of putting in your vacuum look like vermiculite....that would work also, wouldn't it?
  5. Try this.... http://stores.ebay.com/Aroma-Haven
  6. Thanks, everyone, for your suggestions! I had requested the 600 series samples a few times and have received nothing. I know they were swamped, so I have not given up. We have tried to stay away from the zinc wicks only because we really like the self-trimming wicks and we ourselves don't like the metal core. We may need to rethink that. I know virtually nothing about additives.....if I added vybar to this wax, would it harden it so that it would not liquify totally during those last few burns? This is a very soft wax. Thanks again for your input!! Jane
  7. WOW - what a timesaver! No more flipping through different sites trying to find the best deal! THANK YOU! Jane
  8. I need some help figuring out what my next step is with this wax. We love the way it adheres to the jars, but we are having a heck of a time wicking it. We use the 10 oz apothecary jars. We have tried HTP's, Premier's and LX's - none of them have worked thus far. With the LX's, we started with the LX18, which is recommended for this size jar. We are down the the LX10, which is the lowest you can use (the LX8's are for tealights), and our wax totally liquifies when the jar is about 1/2 burned (at least with some scents -others may take a little longer to totally liquify)- when it gets down to about an inch of wax, the jar is hot to the touch and soot starts forming. These have been our favorite wick so far...nice, steady flames, great hot throw....as long as our customers don't burn them all the way down, all will be fine... JUST KIDDING!!!! Our experience with the HTP's: We started with HTP83's, which is the recommended size....went down to HTP73's - still had soot on the jar. I cannot find the test results for the HTP62's - probably didn't do one because they were recommended for 2.25-2.50" containers, but we may try it. Premiers: We may have been wicking too high with the Premiers, but I am not sure if we want to continue testing with those because we experienced high flames and soot on some testing we did - the only way we could figure out how to lower the flame was to cut the wick to about 1/8" - then we ran into drowning problems. We have reduced the FO to 1 oz pp (we like to use 1.5 oz pp, but thought that might have been causing the sooting problem). Does anyone have any advice as to what our next step should be. We really like this wax and have invested alot of time and money and frustration - but hate to give up on it. Thanks for any thoughts you may have. As always, I appreciate it! Jane
  9. GrayMaire...very pretty....I love the color and I can smell the Fresh Linen from here! It's one of my favorites! Eugenia...I didn't even think of doing repours on my "messed up" votives. Lately, and I am not sure why, I have been having trouble with my second pours. It seems to "set up" before it has reached the sides of the molds, so I end up with the votives that look like I ran out of wax in the middle of the pour. Maybe tomorrow (I am DISGUSTED with myself tonight and don't even want to LOOK at those BAD BOYS) I will try to do a THIRD POUR! :undecided
  10. I am so glad you were able to get it resolved! Candles and Supplies is closer to us than other suppliers, so we do order from them quite a bit - so far, no issues, so we are happy. Jane
  11. This is what we put on ours... CAUTION: Keep out of reach of children. Air freshener should hang freely to avoid staining of any surrounding area. Do not allow contact with upholstery, plastic, painted or varnished surfaces. Use in the car or closet. Do not hang freshener as to obstruct operator's view.
  12. Thank you all! Much appreciated!
  13. Thank you both so much for your help! I really appreciate. This is the first time I have sold anything in the classifieds. It may take a little more time for me to figure it out and get it to her, but if she has the patience I will give it a try! Do I need to show any paperwork to verify the flashpoint on these? How do I know how low "low" is before they would want me to economy surface ship it? Thanks again...Jane
  14. I want to ship some FO's to Canada. Can someone tell me the proper way to package them? I know they are flammable, so I am concerned about that...USPS says they will not ship flammable. If not them, do I turn to UPS? I can fit them into a Global Priority Envelope. Thanks so much for any help you can give me. Jane
  15. I really like what I call the "mini-metro's" that wally world sells. I think they are .44 or .57 each. They look like the metro or status jars with no lid.
  16. Oh, do I know how you feel!! We have been testing this one container wax for MONTHS - changing the jar, changing the wick, etc. We looked at our last jar and it had a "touch" of soot on the very edge after many many burns with no soot at all. It happened on the very last burn. We both thought "Well, that's not going to work, no way no how". I mean, just how darn "perfect" does it have to be before we are happy??? LOL We finally decided that a "light touch of soot" after the last burn would be OK - but you know what, we are not going to be happy with that...I just know it! LOL Our testers love them, saying they look great, smell great, burn great, etc., but still, WE WANT MORE FROM THEM!!! Oh, yes...I think I know the feeling.
  17. I haven't been able to bring myself to buy it....what a disgusting name...LOL I know it is very, very popular and that I could rename it, but the name is just a big "turn off" to me. Of course, I have a chocolate lab that can't seem to "control" that, so that may be where I am coming from... So I am no help....sorry.
  18. I am fairly new to candle making and check these boards daily for information AND to admire everyone's work and creative thinking! I have only ordered my FO's from three different suppliers. We all know FO's are not cheap, so if I received a bottle with "something" floating in it, I would probably be on Candletech anyway and just post a quick question asking if this was normal and ok to use it. I would not think that it would be construed as a "slam" against the supplier. That would not have been my intent, and I am sure it was not the original poster's intent. At this point, I would be mortified that my quick question has turned into a bashing. Just the viewpoint from a newbie....
  19. I very rarely hear Candles and Supplies mentioned (well, as far as their FO's are concerned ) Just curious as to peoples opinions on their FO's.
  20. Some of our testers are perfectly satisfied with the way our candles burn and are asking to buy....we tell them WE are not satisfied yet...but when we are ready to sell, they will be the first to know!
  21. Thanks for sharing...we are considering different waxes and this will be a great help!
  22. We used a sheet that someone here posted. It is revised a bit...hope it helps! Candle Tester Worksheet Name of tester: _________________________________________________________________ Date candle given for testing: __________________________Date test started: _______ Size of candle: _______________________________ What type of container? _______________________ Approx size of room? Small Medium Large Thank you so much for agreeing to test our candles. It is so important to us that you give us your honest opinion – that way, we can keep improving our products! Using the following instructions will greatly help us assess the quality of this particular candle: First Burn – please burn the candle for three hours. Second Burn – before you start the second burn, trim the wick(s) back to ¼ “. Consecutive Burns – continue trimming the wicks before each burn. During these burns, please do not move the jar while lit or wipe out the inside of the jar if soot forms. Test Times: _____ to _____, _____ to _____, _____ to _____, _____ to _____, _____ to _____, _____ to _____ This scent may or may not be a favorite of yours, but we need to know what you think of the strength of the scent throw: Is it: Light Medium Strong Is the candle appealing to look at? Yes / No Comments ______________________________________ Comments after three hour burn time: How long after lighting did you notice the hot throw (scent)? __________ Does the scent fill the room of testing? Yes No Does the scent travel into other rooms? Yes No Full melt pool (melted wax reaching completely across jar) was achieved in______ hours. Was not achieved_________ Explain. ________________________________________________________ Did the wick mushroom on the first burn?_____ Second burn? _____ Other burns _____ Did you notice: No scent throw _____ Hang up of wax on side of container (wax did not melt completely down the sides) _____ Tunneling (wax just melted around wick and down to bottom of jar) _____ Off center wick _____ Soot (black around the sides of the jar) Yes No If yes, was it: Light Medium Dark Very Dark Container is very hot (too hot to touch comfortably) _____. Flame drowned _____ Flame too large _____ Flame too small _____ Others ________________________________________________________________ Did other people comment on the candle? Yes No Date test was completed? ____________________ Grade candle on scent throw: Cold_______ Hot______ Grade candle scent: Popular, Okay, Didn't like it, Hated it! Final comments for this candle? For us to be able to keep the testing process going, we will need this candle returned to us in no more than two weeks. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR HELP! WE REALLY APPRECIATE IT!!
  23. We started out with the votive kit from Cajun candles - that worked out great for us! I don't think the smaller set comes with the wick pins - a MUST for us - but you may be able to pick some up from the classifieds..... Of course, most of our money has been spent at Peak's, so you might as well go ahead and order from them...and throw in some more fragrances...and wicks....and dyes.....yup, there goes your $ But it is FUN! Enjoy!!!
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