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Everything posted by Dee

  1. Very cute. He will love them.
  2. Those are beautiful. Makes me want to go back to trying mottling again.
  3. Really like the color you came up with. What type of wax is it you are using? Pure parraffin? Can't get it here. Was going to try clear crystals again, but didn't want mottling. Trying to make some candles without FO, but that have deep colors. Also trying to make some without steric.
  4. Absolutely stunning little bear. Love your jars too. Just my warped mind, but I might move those melts to another place if using the picture for advertising lol:rolleyes2 . Guess its too early in the morning.
  5. Pretty, Donita. What's the FO like?
  6. Just trying out some Christmas ideas. Saw this idea some time ago on a site. My Niece said these were great sellers for her at Christmas a few years ago. Not sure though. Packaging could be a problem. Scented "Under the Mistletoe."
  7. Welcome. Did the same as you. Took a long break. Most suppliers sites explain the use of waxes quite well. The only waxes I can buy locally are IGI (2 suppliers nearby). IGI site is www.igiwax.com/candle_waxes.shtml
  8. Looked at the pictures and "got it" right away. Then read the other comments. I'd try the way they are. One thing that you may want to test though is that paper sometimes starts soaking up the FO and in a few days may look blotchy. Ask me how I know:rolleyes2
  9. Your labels and jars are beautiful.
  10. When the candle flows over, is the wick fairly small? Sometimes you need a larger wick to consume the melted wax. I would try a #1 square or #30 flat ply. Sorry this was posted twice. Don't know what happened and can't seem to delete it.
  11. When the candle flows over, is the wick fairly small. sometimes you need a larger wick to consume the melted wax. I would try a #1 square or #30 flat ply.
  12. Wow!. You've been busy. Would love to have that pyramid mold. Nice Autumn colors.
  13. Tha's a beautiful burn. Bet it smells great.
  14. Like the way you really caught the ocean colors.
  15. Putting the cookie cutters on the hot wax worked. The only thing is that I made them too thick, otherwise I'm happy with how they turned out. Will try to post some tomorrow.
  16. It looks really nice. Hope it wasn't covered with dust like some of my old candles. Good thing you did such a good job on your firt one. My MIL has one of mine in her living room and it's really awful. She proudly shows it off. Everytime I go there, I want to steal it:eek:
  17. I will "honestly" say I really like them:grin2:
  18. Lol, think I may have the same addiction. Thanks for the help. Was at my local wax supplier's today and he said the same thing you did, Donita. I was asking if I was using the right wax and he started talking about the bubbles. Said the candle to be dipped had to be warm enough.
  19. Think you should post pictures. Sounds interesting:cheesy2:
  20. Not Donita, but many times the embeds that are up against the side of the container are held there with chunks (they are chunk candles). Actually if you look at Donita's web site, I think she has some like that. As for making the shapes, I bought some little cutters at a wax supplier's today. He told me when they make them, they just our the wax on a cookie sheet and then put the cutters into the wax. When the wax dries they lift the sheet and the shapes pop out. Going to try it today sometime. Of course I had to buy several shapes lol.
  21. I really love your "Red Hat" bear. Such a cute idea. Be careful with age assumptions. I'm over 55 I all hate lilac. So does my 88 year old aunt. She gets really annoyed when people give her lilac and lavender gifts. I went to a retirement luncheon recently where we had a arts and crafts show. My best sellers were Blackberry Sage, Sugar Cookie, and White Tea With Ginger. I Do like Blackberry Sage, Vanilla, Hazelnut Pecan, Wild Raspberry, Lemmongrass sage, Sugar cookie, Chocolate, but none of the florals. I have been testing out fragrances with friends of my son (all in their twenties) and they seem to like the ones I do.
  22. Thanks Top. Think I had my wax too low. Also noticed that about an hour after the second dip, there were a few big bubbles under the coat. Had this happen beore when I tried to overdip. Would that be because the wax is too cool too?
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