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Everything posted by Dee

  1. really like the colors and the picture presentation at the top of the page. I agree with Robin, I'd make the pictures much larger and separate the candles in the four candle picture.
  2. Very pretty!!!! Tried the formula too, but it didn't work like that. Think it was the FO. Not strong enough.
  3. What an attractive presentation. Good photo!
  4. Like the little stand you have the jars on. Think I may keep it in mind for my smaller pillars.
  5. Is this what you mean? www.candletech.com/ideas/rainbowpillar.htm
  6. Really cutw. Would love to see it lit. SNOW? Did you say SNOW?
  7. Wowzers. I think I like this one the mostest.
  8. Thanks, Donita. How hard was the wax when you cut into it?
  9. As said before, wait until they are really cool and then do the repour. Found this out when I made some late at night and was too tired to do a repour. Did it the next day and there was much less of a dip.
  10. Wonderful looking candle, Donita. I thonk I even like this one more than the one on your site (even though its super too). Did try wilth the same reindeer cutter. Tried two ways and both worked. One was - poured the wax on and immediately put the cutter on. The second was - put the cutter on the sheet and then poured the wax (that's how my local siupplier said they do it. However, as you said, Donita, the trick was getting the wax the right depth, or the reindeer were hard to get out or stuck in the cutter and broke. Now if I could only get the rest of the candle to look as good. Am limited to IGI 1240, 1242, 1245, 1255 wax, but get some ideas from what you did, thanks.
  11. Really like them all especially the green ones. What's the twigs and berrries FO like?
  12. Don't mind at all, but its in Canada. I'm sure they do ship to the US. www.voyageursoapandcandle.com They are really nice people. A large family run supplier. Type in candle in the uupper right search box.
  13. Thanks all. Going to keep trying next week. Right now I'm off to the mountains for two days:bliss: . Absolutely no wax allowed, but you can be sure I will be checking out the candles in the shops lol.
  14. Lovely. They look so smooth and creamy. Makes me want to try soy.
  15. For Alohagirl and others that e-mailed me about the Aqua Rustics I posted. Tried this also without FO. Not quite the results I want yet. Took notes this time. Think I got too thick a layer at the top because I put the mold in the fridge first and it was very cold. For the other 2 layers, I just let them cool outside (it was cool in the morning). Got better results when the mold wasn't as cold as from the fridge. Got a little washboarding. Used 1245 and 5tbsp steric and UV protector. Not sure I really like this wax, but can't get 1343 here. Poured at 145 150 and 155.
  16. I use both blocks and liquid. My local supplier makes the best blocks I've tried. I seem to have the most success with them. Others only use liquid dyes. The amount used varies and you have to mess around and find out how much. For example, my red blocks are terrific and I use between 1 to 2 tsp pp. If I want a darker color I add a drop of black to it. I've not had a problem with dye clogging wicks, but some have. So I hope someone else will chime in with their advise.
  17. Everything looks great and I like your bows:grin2:
  18. Are you talking motling or cold pour "rustic" with a rough finish because you mention a rough finish?
  19. Thanks for the info. I do remember that tip now that you mention it. Haven't done chunks in eons.
  20. Ha, just melted some wax to try again and take notes this time, but sometimes I really suffer from "old timers" so I hope it goes well:D
  21. Very pretty. A nice Christmas color. How do you get the sides so smooth? I've given up (for awhile) on chunks, because no matter what I do (waterbath etc.) I seem to get a rustic of washboard look. Want to share any secrets????
  22. Thanks everyone. Am sure I posted these or ones like them about two years ago. Still have them in my candle closet. Think I may try some again in Christmas colors (not overly pleased with some of the newer things I've tried lately). Too bad I didn't take very good notes back then. I know I used a little bit of an aqua color block to get the colors. One of the local suppliers here makes its own color blocks and the colors are great. The best and truest colors I've tried. First reds I haven't had to really play around with. Good to have a local supplier eh, Tucker.
  23. Those are really cute. Look like good sellers.
  24. OMG those are beautiful! Love the presentation. Makes me want to get out my square molds again.
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