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Everything posted by Dee

  1. Was out shopping an noticed some lovely looking palm wax tapers. Has anyone tried them? Wonder what you would wick them with and how they would burn.
  2. No wick pins? This works well. www.candletech.com/votives/ Must admit I like the pins the best though.
  3. I'm with Bunny. Use the metal tape method. Found the screws a PITA!
  4. I use a loaf pan with rice in it and stand them up that way.
  5. Yes, that's a relief hole problem:smiley2:
  6. I've had that happen when trying to make layered votives. As Top said, you've probably let the first layer set up until absolutley cold. Just let the first layer set up until the top of it is solid and the sides are sticking to the mold, but the layer hasn't hardened right through. Then pour the next layer hotter. I also hit the top of the first layer with my heat gun for a few seconds (not enought to heat the layer) then pour the next layer. You might want to practise this technique on a couple of votives first, so you don't have to keep melting you candle down.
  7. You need to use a pillar wax as it has a higher melting point. When I made them I just used the same size flat braided wick that I would use on a regular pillar. I made a hole in each of the pieces and then threaded them together. They didn't need anything to keep them together other than the wick and burned just like a pillar would. HTH
  8. I just run the heat gun over the molds. Enough to warm them and take the chill off but not really hot or bubbles may form.
  9. You can buy high melt glue sticks for your glue gun at many hardware stores. I got mine at Home Depot. It shouldn't melt while the jars are warming.
  10. So the wicks don't slide, I use a glue gun and put a dab of high melt glue (purchased at Home Depot) on the tab and then press it down with a toothpick. Since I only make plain tealights that I want to last a fairly long time, I use pillar wax. I have used votive and container wax for scented ones though.
  11. Love the middle colors on the middle ones. Yep, you got some mottling there.
  12. Kind of "retro". Really like them and the picture. Nice work. However, I don't even have to make something like this to get the "retro" look. all I have to do is look in the mirror:shocked2:
  13. My son gets upset when I use WD40. Says its one of the most toxic chemicals going. But as I said, I do it outside. I also hold my breath lol.
  14. I'm glad you posted your pictures. Going to show them to my family. They are very supportive of what I do, but just can't understand why I have to test, test, test. I think your pictures will drive home the point. Thanks.
  15. Are you talking about the polycarb molds that are clear and fairly rigid or the plastic softer molds? With the rigid ones I use my heat gun on fairly hot temp for a few seconds and them wipe as much wax out as I can with a paper towel then I use lots of WD 40 (ususally outside in the backyard- you know brain cells, lol) and keep wiping until I get it clean and dry. It sometimes makes the clear molds a little cloudy, but they still are good. Do the same with the plastic ones only just zaps of the heat gun at a low temp. You have to keep repeating the process until you get them clean. HTH
  16. Bought some from two different local candle wax suppliers. Its called Polyester Candle Glitter for candles and costmetics. They both said it has to be made out of polyester. The suppliers were out of gold so one of them told me to try Michael's. I found some there that said "Candle Glitter" in the candle supplies. It looks exactly the same as the stuff I bought from the suppliers. Its very find and soft. HTH. Am I repeating myself or what?????? How do you delete your post?
  17. The glitter that I got from two different candle wax suppliers is made from Polyester and is supposed to be for candles and costmetics. Bought some from Michael's too (called candle glitter). It looks exactly the same just doesn't say what its made from. HTH
  18. Don't like ocean either and Love spell that everyone raves about makes me queasy. Really dislike lavender too. Think that's about it so far.
  19. Congratulations on the crackled look. I'd like to be successful at that too:) Great going for you first mottle. One question though, are your pillars upside down in the picture?
  20. Haven't found any difference betwee the two. More likely I find a difference when I use different FOs but same waxes.
  21. I like the look you got. Bet it smells great.
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