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Everything posted by TxSioux

  1. I always wondered if the jars were wicked before or after heating. The lowest setting I have on my oven is 150 -- does that bother the wick stickums? I always use the oven to get out old wax, so I know the containers are fine at that temp. Do you let the containers sit for a certain period of time before you heat, so the wick can set? Just curious to the process. Susan.
  2. Finally -- my DT has new stock & they now have the 12oz Libbey Cube Squares! This is a really good deal. I've checked & can't find them for less than $1.40 + shipping. People 'round here really like the squares, so I'll be stocking up. Hope some of yall can find them in your area. Susan.
  3. You'll certainly find plenty of people who swear one way or the other on heating containers & just as many reasons on why they prefer the way they do it. So ... you'll really just need to test both ways. Personally, I don't heat my containers. Soy is a fickle wax. I think it has more to do w/ your location & the weather conditions when you pour. I've seen dramatic differences depending on whether it's hot, cold or humid. Like everything else, it's a matter of what works for you & what you like doing. Good luck. Susan.
  4. I think that's FOCD!! I've thought about this a lot & just can't figure it out either. I glaze over thinking about fo's & find myself on supplier sites just clicking through the descriptions like a junkie. I mean, this isn't even something most of us keep. We sell it & wait for more. Odd, huh!?! Susan.
  5. Just want to update & let everyone know I received a private email from Flicker's - very nice & I appreciate the contact. Also, I appreciate GL's response. I was going to follow-up w/ a couple questions privately, but I thought the answers may be helpful to others. So, if it's not a bother ... my questions for GL, or anyone who can help ... 1) Not really important, but the 2 emails I sent were asking about products I was interested in buying. 1st email asked when Maduro would be available, as it had been out of stock & I wanted to wait for an fo that had such rave reviews. 2nd asked a couple questions about the potash votive holders. I really don't have the time to stop & call, plus I feel like a pain stopping yalls day for piddly questions. Email seems easiest for all, is there a way to make correspondence more reliable? Do suppliers REALLY prefer to get direct calls from customers? 2) Re: Paypal -- I'm not being argumentative here, just trying to understand the process. Your payment posted to my account on 2/1 -- does that not mean the payment is complete & yours? I certainly don't know the process of PayPal, but I feel safer using PP online & it's always been a quick process. Guess I just found it odd that a supplier closest to me took the longest. Perhaps it just means you're the busiest, but please send a quick email & tell me to hold tight! I certainly try to be a good customer & really find this board helpful for shining light on topics I had no knowledge of. So, if there's anything I can do better I want to know! I do expect acknowledgement of my order & a general idea of when my order will arrive. I guess we're all like kids at Christmas waiting for our orders!! Again -- thanks to both suppliers for addressing my frustrations. Susan.
  6. I agree -- the display doesn't grab me -- my initial thought is a crafty hobbyist that isn't too serious. Wouldn't make me want to stop & find out how well the candles are made. I can't tell there are different sizes displayed, but that may be the photo. I'm truly not trying to be ugly -- just initial thoughts. I also took a look at your website & think it looks great. You have far more talent than your table shows. Displays are hard to perfect, so just work on it & ask friends to help. Also, your daughter is a total cutie-patootie -- I love the hand on the hip pose. Susan.
  7. I know several suppliers read these posts, so just wanted to make a comment about suppliers that follow the simplest concept of customer service & answer their emails. Today I had a question for YES Supply re: containers I'm interested in using. I wrote at 4:30p & had an answer within 1 hr. That impressed me immensely ... considering how often I NEVER get a response. Today I was deleting old 'sent' messages & noticed I have 2 emails to Greenleaf & 1 to Flicker's that have never been answered. I realize I'm not a major player, but I'm not wasting my time spending money w/ anyone that can't answer a simple question when I'm asking to spend money. Also, I ordered a sample pack from Greenleaf that took 9 days to arrive. This is a supplier within 90 minutes drive time from me & I never got any kind of email w/ confirmation of order or tracking instructions -- I finally had to call to find out the status of my order. I really like the samples I received, but think I'll be looking for other suppliers that care more about customer service. Am I being too picky about this? Does anyone else agree that customer service is equally important to a quality product? BTW -- who are the 'good guys' in this area? Susan.
  8. I order wax from them & NEVER get an email confirmation -- which I hate. Must be a thing w/ the Tx suppliers, since every one I use seems to be bad about not sending any kind of confirmation or tracking info - grrrrr. One the other hand, I usually have my order by the next day, since I'm in Central Tx. I, too, would suggest calling. Susan.
  9. What kind of jar is this? Looks very nice. Susan.
  10. Not sure about 'skeeters, but I do recall cedar being a main ingredient for soap & sprays to keep fleas off pets. I don't soap, so maybe someone else can jump in. We have tons of cedar in this area & I can tell you they don't cut down on bugs in any way. I add lavender & lemongrass to my citronella & it makes a nice candle that really works -- maybe that would cut the citronella scent & make it a bit more workable for you. Susan.
  11. Lot's of people consider zinc wicks to be 'old school'. You won't find too many recommendations for zinc's in soy, but that's what I prefer. Just really like the rigid nature of the zinc core vs anything else ... & I've tried almost everything. Suggestions & recommendations are nice, but you need to find what you like working w/ best. Susan.
  12. Gemlite is either hit or miss. You can't beat the price or shipping for a good one, but the 'off' fo's are really off. I've had great results w/ Citronella, Lemongrass & Lavender Powder -- plus, if you mix them you get an amazing 'bug candle' for the Summer months outside. I do remember Gingerbread being a total miss. Susan.
  13. One recipe for room/linen spray calls for grain alcohol. Everclear is the 1st choice because of the high % of alcohol. I never got far enough to start messing w/ the 'wick', but now I see that sucker is attached quite securely. I was wondering why the refills were the whole glass bulb -- guess it's because of the super-human wick & the secret carrier for the fo. Someone HAS to know the secret, but it sounds like we've all tried the usual suspects. Susan.
  14. Well, thanks all ... good to know I'm not the only one sitting around trying to beat the system, ha! Erin, your post had me laughing SO hard. I would love to see how you got that thing open & then filled. The glass bulb does unscrew, but it's backwards -- to the right to unscrew & to the left to screw back in. I can't imagine having no throw. Really makes ya wonder what the secret is, huh! Susan.
  15. I have one of the 'WallFlower' plug-ins from BBW - can't say it impressed me all that much. It was a gift from my Mom & I just ran across it in 'the junk drawer' that we all have! I know they sell refills for these, but got to thinking about refilling it myself. Do yall think it can be done? If so, can I use straight fo? Even though this is 'heated' by electricity, I can't see a real issue w/flashpoint -- am I on the right track or missing some logical issue? This is kinda like that new show about being smarter than a 5th grader, so thought I'd get a group vote!! Susan.
  16. I use PrintMaster for everything. In case you're not aware, graphics & fonts are copyright protected, so they can't be used for commercial purposes. Doubt you'll ever get caught, but it's something everyone should at least be aware of. Susan.
  17. I'd try to call to see what happens & make sure you get the name of the person you speak w/, but I'd absolutely write a letter to the district manager giving full details of what happened w/ the delivery person & the call center. My husband is a driver for DHL & heads start rolling when a letter comes in. Susan.
  18. I've never bought from NG, so can't help there ... but not a fan of TC. Don't get me wrong, MANY people love TC fo's & I do think they're a great company w/ great customer service, just don't care for their fo's myself. I've been to their storefront & have smelled almost everything they have. I don't find a lot of their fo's to be 'true' scents - they all seem to have a strong chemical smell. Although, one of my all time fav's is TC's Peppermint Cream. Maybe it's because I work w/ soy, but they just don't come alive in wax or throw well for me. Susan.
  19. I love the font for your company name -- do you happen to know the name of it?? I'm an absolute font junkie & my computer guys always try to get me to dump some of them! lol Susan.
  20. I too am a little confused by the question -- what are you wanting to use the fo's for? I can't speak for soaping, but if you're doing candles -- don't go by the oob scent. There are so many fo's that don't hit their glory till you get them in wax. Susan.
  21. I'm the same as Steph -- must be a Texas thang! You can do votives easily if you're doing Dixie Cup votives. Container wax is meant to adhere to the container, so getting those puppies out of a metal mold may have you using new & creative combinations of every 'bad' word you know. Toss 'em in the freezer ... while you're pouring a stiff drink!! LOL -- good luck. Susan.
  22. Why don't yall get together & do a group buy? BTW, those are the same that we still have on the shelf -- does that mean you could request they be pulled from stores that still have them & sent to your location? Susan.
  23. I think that's the idea here -- it can be either/or! I'm 43 in Tx & remember saying 'wick-ed' quite a bit, but then I had a total Valley Girl thang going fer-shur in the 80's! LOL I think most people would see it to read wicked (like a candle wick) & miss the double entendre. If it rocks your boat & the name is available, go for it. Susan.
  24. I'll let you know after you post a pic, but I think my DT still has some of these on the shelf. Susan.
  25. I use the measuring cup I'm going to be pouring with. Susan
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