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Everything posted by HeavenScentU

  1. Yup. both the merchant and sales rep. know what of my relationship with them, but speaking with the merchant they were just on the sales reps. online website and just ordered what they needed. So I will pay the 15% fee and just deal with it. It is my fault that I didn't have the merchant sign a contract with me that states she would buy directly through me only for my candle products. That is why the sales rep. asked me if I had a contract with this store. Oh well, live and learn. I am working on revising my contract so this won't happen again.
  2. I just received an order from my rep. and it is from a local store that I have been dealing with for almost a year on my own. The problem is I had the account from this store first before I ever signed a contract with my rep. No contract with the local store. Do I have an obligation to pay the 15% to the rep. or what??? I am kinda upset the store owner which I had been dealing with directly went with my rep. I am confused!!!! Is this a learning experience that next time I deal with someone I need to have them sign a contract that they will go directly through me and not my rep....
  3. I had a customer that said Country Store smelled just like Grandma's Kitchen and ordered 2 dozen of them. I have never personally compared the two, but the customers always right.
  4. I like the twine too, but if I when I buy soap I like to see the beauty of the soap and don't like alot of wrapping. I would eliminate the twine and wraphia and just have the kraft paper. Simple is always best. I also like to read the ingredients.
  5. I was just thinking about what to give my wholesale merchants. I have 30 stores and would like to offer them something, but what??? I wanted to give them candles like a sampler set, I think....but am not sure. I am open for suggestions.
  6. If you need quick pics.and have a digital camera. Take your card to walmart and go to the instant photo machine. It costs anywhere from 15 cents to 23 cents per pic. and you get your pics. right away. Hope your hubby gets better.
  7. Yeah, That doesn't make sense as to why she would want to try anymore of your products if she didn't have a good experience. Sounds like she wants something free.
  8. I started out contemporary (classic), than moved into country 3 years ago and now am adding a bit prim to my country/farmhouse look....It's hard to determine what customers want.
  9. It's a pain. That's all I can tell you! I tried it so many times to keep the wick straight and just couldn't do it, so I decided it was cheaper and easier to buy the tapers. Good Luck!
  10. I have a show tomorrow and hopefully it won't rain. I have a gift basket person coming to take a look at my stuff and pick up a wholesale packet. I am just wrapping everything up for the show and making my signs to take. Blah....
  11. Thanks everyone. I had told my sales rep. I lost my supplier, but evidently she forgot, so I received 3 orders for the electric candles and started freaking out. I need them so I can ship them out Monday so I called my local lighting stores and found them. I paid $3.20 for a two pack. It's more than I wanted to pay but needed them and I will check the online places you all have posted and see what would be the cheapest place to get them. It looks like candles and supplies might be the cheapest because I don't want to pay $3.20 anymore. Thanks everyone!
  12. I am in desperate need of the silicone bulbs for the electric candles. Can anyone please help. My local home center used to sell them and now they discontinued them and I am out. Any help would be appreciated.
  13. I haven't tried their FO's only because under their FO list hardly any scents have been tested with soy and they have a big icon that says they test in soy. Hmmmm, not sure what's up with that.. :undecided
  14. I say if you really want to do this, than I would do it. I loved owning my own gift shop and I don't regret it at all. You might be terrified but if you haven't tried it you will never know if you will succeed. GO FOR IT!!!!!
  15. I know what you mean... It can get frustrating from time to time especially when sales are slow... Hopefully venting will help you reevaluate what you really want to do and hopefully you will get the answer you were searching for. Good Luck!!!
  16. I like them too. It seems as though the lotion or soap would get all over the fabric, so cutting down the fabric a little bit would eliminate this.
  17. That doesn't seem fair. The first thought in my head was the candle person or persons that are going to be there might be friends of the promoter putting on the show. I have run into that before. I don't know if you want to pursue it and ask why, you might be wasting your time and effort. If I were you I would look and see if there might be another craftshow going on at the same time and try to get into that one. I wish you luck!!!
  18. I would give her the discount. When I go to websites I hate having to click here and there and it can get frustrating.
  19. I just finished making wooden containers for my votives and make some shelving for my craftshow next Saturday. I haven't done woodworking for over a year and today I realized how much I miss it. I also will be stirring my pot to make votives and put the finishing touch on all my birdhouses I will be selling next weekend. i think it will be a great start for my craftshows... I love autumn!!!!
  20. I like the 1 A because with 2 A's it looks messy... Just my opinion..
  21. I know there are so many candle suppliers, but when I started I jumped into it. I never do anything halfway. I started making soap first and had a hard time perfecting them so I decided to try candlemaking and read every book I could find. From my first pour I was hooked. My candles were perfect and after 7 years I am still making them and absolutely love it! Good Luck!
  22. I am with you sliverofwax. I still see people selling soy for $5-6 candles. I don't get it.
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