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Everything posted by jwahlton

  1. Congrats! You successfully wicked a Balmoral, that's a double congrats :yay:
  2. And where do you get this? Can I buy a candle from someone with this? Votives or tarts are fine It sounds AWESOME
  3. Like these? scroll down and you'll see them http://www.sunshinecontainer.com/candles.htm
  4. What size do you need? Kangaroo Blue has the 4 ounce I believe.
  5. I agree with this. Man I've got a recipe with all 3 of those. I absolutely LOVE that bar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Sugar will also help with the bubbles
  6. Maybe if you posted what you want your batch to be (say 3 pounds) and what you've got we can figure it ouf for you! Like Robin said, if you play around with it enough it will "click", or at least it did for me
  7. Florida Soap Supplies has a GREAT one that is a suspension gel too. It suspends jojoba beads perfectly and holds scent well too
  8. I just went and ordered a pound. YIKES. I love Lemon anything though so this will be good. I don't mind it's on backorder though
  9. Pick up some Soybean oil while you're there!
  10. I forgot about SW. Awesome too
  11. Oh and heads up - fancy candle jars is going to have the metro jars as a February special. Ron will probably be putting it up over the weekend
  12. My notes are at home but I think it was about 7 ounces
  13. Cybilla's that Brambleberry now sells.
  14. Thank you. And yes, all ages love these parties. The "little" ones can make glitter gel, the older ones likes the perfumes, lotions and soaps
  15. I'm testing those too and I'm going to do an up/down rectangle label on it to "fit" with the shape of the jar.
  16. I print mine on sheets of 8 1/2 x 11 card stock and cut them. I don't like the pref ones
  17. We do this. Check out my website info. I've never had a question on it at all http://munkeystuff.com/index.php?p=parties-planning.php ETA I'm in the process of major revamping of our website. Many of the party projects will be changed
  18. I agree. They will probably be available elsewhere
  19. One tip I read is to use freezer paper, not the shiny side, as the backdrop. I started doing that and like the way my pictures come out
  20. Isn't that exciting :yay: Don't get the SLSA up your nose:p
  21. You actually used Mayo? How much? In place of what? Never heard of that. It's very pretty:highfive:
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