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Everything posted by jwahlton

  1. Thanks. I've not had much luck with swirling but I think these came out pretty good. I can't wait to cut the log though. I just may have to set my alarm for 30 minutes early tomorrow
  2. I did that around noon today, took the pic around 2:00 and now at 6:00 they are even darker. Even my husband said they were cool and he NEVER says much about my soaps
  3. I haven't made soap since October and I was going crazy! This is SW Vaniglia (you can see it already started going dark) and swirled with TD This is a gold mica base with red/purple/green/black. I hope this turns out. There is a bit of oils on the top and hopefully that will sink back in
  4. My scale will say 18.48 ounces, but yes it would be 1 pound 2.48 ounces. If your scale doesn't weigh to the .155 I would either round up or down. That .05 isn't really going to make that much of a difference
  5. I often make my lye the night before so don't worry. Room temperature is fine. I CPOP, meaning I put my soap into an oven at 170 or so for an hour to force the gel. Leave it in there overnight or take it out and cover with a blanket/towel. If it gels great. If it doesn't great! You'll have soap, don't worry. And it looks great.:highfive:
  6. I love to rebatch, I'm crazy I know! I've been known to make soap just to rebatch it The colored ones are the neon colors from RJ's. I usually rebatch in the microwave and now it will always be this way :highfive: By the time I got to the orange it was pourable and smooth. I don't think you can get a smooth like CP on a rebatch, at least I never have. Thanks everyone. I figured a lot of you here would have a presto pot :highfive:
  7. I'd love to try that. Do you use pillar/votive wax or more like what you use for chunk candles?
  8. Last night while watching TV I shredded up a bunch of soap that a friend sent me (thanks Diane!) to rebatch. This morning I was cleaning up after making candles and thought the Presto Pot would be a great way to melt the soap. I put the shreds in on low, added a bit of water, and stirred often. That worked out great! The longer it was in there the smoother it became. A great quick way to rebatch. I wanted to do some colors for confetti soap so I’m very happy with the results These are the neon colors from RJ’s and black oxide.
  9. It does look like cheesecake with chocolate on top. I like it:highfive:
  10. Beautiful. I too read that the LLC was to go brown. Tish stated that due to the vanilla in there is will turn. Hope yours stays. Where oh where did you get that cute bath tub?
  11. Orlando. I was "hoping" you were here too!
  12. Mary Lou, where in Florida are you?
  13. It IS easy! I melt the beeswax then add all of the other "stuff" like like making lip balms.
  14. This is what I use for a solid perfume 4 ounce recipe .80 oz beeswax (I used white) .40 oz mango butter 2.0 oz Sweet Almond Oil 1.0 oz FO Melt Beeswax and almond oil. Add butter and stir until melted. Add FO and pour into containers! It's creamy and the scent really stays.
  15. Here's something I was thinking the other day regarding lids. Although I really like jars with the lids, what in the heck do I do with them after I open and burn them? I've got a container FULL of lids now from various containers I'm burning. I too put the lids on as soon as they are cool.
  16. Anyone here use this? What do you think? I like the way it colors, holds scent, ease of use, however the HTP105's I'm not happy with. Lyschel is sending me some wicks to try with my order :yay: but I'm just wondering if anyone else uses this and likes it. There is a supplier in town that sells it so I can just pick it up which is why I'd like to stick with this wax. I'm wicking the 8 ounce metro/status jars and the square mason jars. TIA :highfive: EL Soy Container Millennium Blend The Enchanted Lites Millennium Container Soy blend is designed for better color retention (less frosting), smoother tops, higher pouring temperatures in addition to the excellent burn and fragrance throw characteristics of our 100% container wax. The Millennium blend is a combination of soy and other natural ingredients, no paraffin or petroleum.
  17. She is accepting offers at this time. She WILL sell it though, so don't worry folks!
  18. I would love to help you but Bath Teas are something I just don't understand. Maybe start with 1 TBSP and go from there?
  19. Ahhhhhhhhhhh I love scrubs and I love making them. Now I only make the emulisified ones, a couple different types. But I make a big batch of the "base", then when I need a jar I take out the correct amount, whip that puppy up with the sugar and FO and package. I've tested and tested and tested and I've finally got my base the way I want it.
  20. I've gotten good results with an HTP105, metro jars and the milenium wax. Just wondering what is comparable to an HTP105?
  21. I've been successful with HTP105 with those jars. You're are very pretty!
  22. That will do it. My favorite bubbly/creamy recipe has babassu, castor, cocoa butter, coconut oil, olive oil, sunflower oil, lard, but it's the sugar, babassu and coconut that makes it fantastic
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