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Everything posted by Luvcandletarts2

  1. I have always had good luck with my orders with her. She ships them out right away.
  2. Congrats to everyone on their successful shows. I can't wait until I can do some of these. :highfive:
  3. I think the color goes well with the scent. I love your labels. Nice and clean, looks great.
  4. I have had some that were made 2 years ago and smell stronger than ever. No plastic smell whatsoever.
  5. They are all very nice. I especially like the sled for this time of year.
  6. Grumpy ... your site looks awesome. I love your theme.
  7. Val .... put your top back on, silly girl.
  8. Wow! That's a lot of candles per day. Congratulations! $2.50 per candle seems low to me also.
  9. GREAT looking labels. I think they draw attention to your product ... I would buy.
  10. OMG, I am LMAO, that is hilarious. My mind is thinking now, about this for certain people for gifts. Did you make a warning label so certain people would not try to use this for toilet paper?
  11. There is a Peak's co-op going on now. You can save some money, check it out.
  12. WOW! $12.99 for a little 3"x3" candle. I have bought Avon candles before and was not impressed, and that was BEFORE I made my own candles. JMO
  13. Georgia and Robin, your stuff looks AWESOME. I only had time this weekend to make some healing balm with tea tree oil.
  14. Hmmmm. I have yet to have a problem with Impact. I know that Ashley is fairly new and is still learning the process. Scott W. is always willing to help with anything. HTH, Pam
  15. Those look good. Those soaps will be easier to hold on to. You could call them giant guest soaps.
  16. Those are beautiful carved candles. I agree, you aren't charging enough with the time involved.
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