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Everything posted by mindy5140

  1. That's an awesome explanation :highfive:
  2. When I was playing around with C3, my Very Vanilla from SOS worked really well in it.
  3. I would take it as a loss, it's been 2 yrs. if you were really worried about it you wouldn't of agreed to wait 9 months for your money. Who's to say they will pay you after all this time, then you might have to go to small claims court etc..... Is it really worth it?? It's a lesson learnt, you can't trust anybody especially friends, they want a quick buck to. Just like a friend told me before about making candles, if you can do it then I can do it. Maybe you should sell your tarts $1 now, since someone did buy 96 of them for that price. If not then I would tell them you do wholesale your candles but if you want to buy from me then the price is this. Mindy
  4. I've been making candle for a little over 2 yrs. I'm almost an FO HO but not quite. Mindy
  5. If you use a presto pot, please see what the temp is before you add your dye and FO. If not your whole house will be filled with good smelling smoke. And if your like me your nosy neighbors will call the fire department and you will look like an ass in front of all of your friends. That happened 2 yrs. ago and I still hear comments from them, lol. Wear old clothes when making candles, even though you think your being careful not getting any dye on them you still some how get dye on your clothes. I ruined many shirts. That's all I can think of, oh and wash your hands especially after pouring Red Hot that FO burns like a you know what.
  6. I would tell her that you need the candle because you don't want what happened to her happen to another person. Tell her I'll trade you, the new one for the old one and you can sniff that one all you want. But do charge her for her special order. Mindy
  7. The show my friend did for me, she did very well a little over $300. Can't beat that since it only cost $20 to get in. She had a person ask about fundraising, she handed them out a packet and answered questions. She said Melts were the #1 seller which I figured that. She rewarded herself with a crap load of Melts, lol. Mindy
  8. Your going to find out not alot of FO's work well in 415. I couldn't find a Candy Corn that works in it. I bought from at least 6 different suppliers with no luck. But then again I only tested it with the 2 main wicks I use for my wax. I figured if it didn't work for them, it's not worth it. Top, lately I have been having some tunneling issues to wicking is not the problem. I called my supplier and they haven't changed anything. What I have been doing lately is filling the container half way letting it set, then pour the rest of the wax into the containers. That seems to be helping, but the only thing wrong with that is if your just making 1 candle at a time then it's very time consuming. I think it's air pockets. I to at one time thought that wicking might be the problem and a longer wick means a better mp with my wax. But all it did was make the wick mushroom. Mindy
  9. Thanks guys, I had a Huge Brain Fart. I couldn't think of anything, lol. Mindy
  10. I'm having a hard time comming up with another name for Air Freshener. I thought about Air Aroma but I think that's somebody's business name, lol. I just want 1 catergory for my Smelly Jellys, Dipped Plush, Orneries, Reed Diffusers and my Aroma Beads. I need something short and to the point. Mindy
  11. I had double shows today, I was going to do one and my friend was going to do the other. Since mine canceled, my friends giving me a break so I can make more stock. Also have to come up with an agreement since a friend of mine wants to sell some of my candles on the side. Pink Sugar Cinnamon Roll Pumpkin Spice Spiced Plum Red Hot Orange Clove Sugar Cookie etc............. Mindy
  12. I feel the same way everytime I order from them, lol.
  13. That was my thought to, who the heck is going to make any money surely not me. I didn't think about the clamshells, that's a great idea. Thanks, Mindy
  14. She wants it to be with Tarts. Has anybody done a fundraiser with just Tarts?? How did you do it?? Should I make the mini muffin size ones and put 4 to 6 tarts in 1 package, Put 2 regular size tarts together, or just sell them 1 each?? Also how did you price yours?? I want to offer here a choice but then again I want something that's easy and not costly at the same time. I use the 2 oz tarts and sell them for $1.00 e., 6/ $5.00, or 12/ $9.00 TIA, Mindy
  15. I love your buddah soaps, the lollies are nice to. I would pick something that you make large quantities up and are easy to make. And if the lollies are that then make those. Mindy
  16. Angel Wings Humming Bird Butterfly Hugs Lavender Vanilla Mardi Gras Mindy
  17. Peaks Sugar Plum Berries is awesome in my wax (415). Also Spiced Plum from Millcreek is good to. Mindy
  18. You did good, I'm likeing Fruit Basket. Mindy
  19. When customers see the name they don't bother to even smell it. They just give me this weird look. And plus I love this scent so much I want to sell it all through out the yr. So can you help me rename it?? Description of it is: crisp apples, pears, plum, grapes, nuts, and hints of caramel TIA, Mindy
  20. I need a Wedding Cake FO that smells similar to Yankme's, a Honey Dew FO that smells like Party Lites, and a Cocoa FO that smells like Party Lites that's been discontinued. I've tryed Fillmores, NG, and JS for Cocoa and I guess they aren't what she is looking for. I usually carry Honey Dew Melon but she doesn't like that scent. And I haven't a clue what Yankmes wedding cake smells like so I'm at a loss. TIA, Mindy
  21. Dead Heads meaning River Rat Guides, or pot smokers. Not just anybody that likes Patchouli (Patch) in general, lol.
  22. Tonight well lets see, I'll be trying to pour some more Melts for Sundays show. And then I'll start pouring more Melts for the 2 day show next weekend. Then I'm going to take a little break, lol. But these are the scents that I will be pouring: Brown Sugar & Fig Country Berry Hotcakes Sugar Plum Berries Red Hot Pumpkin Spice Hillbilly Homebrew Orange Clove Sugar Cookie Banana Nut Bread Spice Mulled Cider Cornucopia can't keep this scent in stock Downy Clean Breeze Fresh Linen Christmas Cabin and Apple Cinnamon To bad I can't start now, I promised bf he would come home to an uncluttered house, lmfao. Mindy
  23. I'm not a fan of Patchouli either so I was on a hunt to find one that didn't make me gag and I really like Patchouli Gold from Solas. Which reminds me I have to order more. Anyways if you can't find a Patchouli you like JS has a Raspberry Patchouli. It seems to be a winner for the women dead heads. Here are some more scents to ponder, lol. Lilac Wedding Cake, I'm having alot of requests for this scent lately Sugar Cookie instead of Vanilla Jap. Cherry Blossom, I think it stinks but customers dig it Downy Clean Breeze Red Hot Cinnamon Bun from BW Amber Romance BW Passionate Kisses NG Pink Flamingo from Cierra is really good I make alot of Ducky soaps out of this scent Nag Champa I love this one from Peak's reminds me of when I was younger Raspberry Vanilla Peak's I love that scent Voodoo Love NG Mindy
  24. I have it did ok, in my wax (415). The cold throw was amazing but the hot throw was weak. Even switched wicks and it still was weak. I use NG's but I renamed mine Ginger Snaps. Mindy
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