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Everything posted by mindy5140

  1. I was going to take a break but I decided to test some new spring/summer scents that I wanted to add to my line. Happy Holidays everybody, Mindy
  2. If the FO can be used for both it doesn't have anything to do with why it doesn't throw in your wax. I would do a search of all the suppliers to see which ones carry your wax and then try their different FO's to test in your candles. Because suppliers test their FO's in their wax. Also do a search on here to see what others are using in that same type of wax. But also don't think that just because someone else is using that scent in that wax that it will work for you. You will still have to test every FO that you want to use in your wax. Mindy
  3. When I first started I offered 8 scents. Mostly bakery because that's what people asked for. Now I offer way to many, and most of them don't sell well. Try not to get the FO buying bug. This yr. I'm cutting my list down to 30 just to make my life a little easier. So my advice is ask around see what people are buying in your area. Are they into bakery, clean scents, woodsy, relaxing, dupes, or fruity scents. Then start from there. I will tell you this, my friend makes candles to. We only live 15 min. away from each other. And she sells alot of Passionate kisses, love spell, and Pink sugar. And I on the other hand can't even give those scents away for Free. But my customers in my area perfer bakery and spicy scents. Good Luck and Have fun, Mindy When figuring cost of your candle you also have to see what others are charging in your area. Some areas are cheaper than others. If you see that you can't make a profit with one type of container move on and find a cheaper one that you would be able to sell. I'm lucky for now that my wax is cheap and so are my containers. I also buy in bulk so that helps out alot. I sell my 8 oz containers for $7 and my 12 oz $10. With both of those I'm making a little over 3x my cost.
  4. Do you sell your candles? Yes, I do. And where? Craft shows, Festivals, Flea Markets, and My House How much do you charge per oz? I figure out how much it cost me to make the candle x 3. I figure out cost of jar shipping included, wax, wick, FO, dye, label, lid, and my time. Do you make several of one scent or different scents? I make several scents but then again I have been making and testing candles for over 2 yrs. I know starting out can be fun and business ideas are running threw your head. But you have come back to reality. Because not only do you have to test each and every single scent that you want to try. Then you have to retest when the season changes to see if you get the same results. Yes, testing can be time consuming and aggervating. But in the end when you know you have a safe product for your customers it's all worth it. If you feel the need to sell, get some insurance, and start making Melts (Tarts) they take some testing to but are much safer to make then container candles. Mindy
  5. 1) Country Christmas NG 2) Frosty, My own version of Jack Frost 3) Ginger Snap NG's Gingerbread 4) Red Hot 5) Apple Jack N Peel I sold out of those 5 everywhere I went, I also had alot of customers requests these scents in container candles. I'm totally out of everyone of those scents. Worst was Winterwonderland, Pine, and Pink Sugar. Couldn't even give those away. Mindy
  6. My friend called me up yesterday crying her eyes out because she forgot to get her kids teachers a present (I'm not excited about that, lol). So she wanted me to make them Sugar Cookie Candles. She asked me to drop them off at the store where she works. So I just delivered them to her, and she started showing them off to the owner of the store. I went about my business buying what I needed there and the owner asked if I wanted to put my candles in their store. I told him heck ya. He told me after the 1st of the yr. He wants me to stock his shelf that's by the lottery machine full of my candles and melts. Then asked if I knew anybody that needs a part time job. I told him I do. So after the 1st of the yr. I'll have a new wholesale customer and a new part time job. I hope it works out well, I've never worked at a little grocery store before. Mindy
  7. Those are really nice and I bet they smell so good. I love Buddah's. Mindy
  8. Where in the heck did this week go?? Hopefully I'll be taking orders Saturday at the little craft show I'm going to do. I'm slacking so bad, I still haven't done any packaging for my tarts for tomorrow. And I still have to pour containers. I have 6 more batches of tarts to pour. Pepperberry Sw. Orange Chilli Pepper Pine Pumpkin Spice Cinnamon Apple Crisp I hope I do well, cause I'm broke.
  9. I don't know why people would act like that, I personally love CP and HP soap. I don't make it but I love to use it. I could see the fear of making it but not using it, lol. Mindy
  10. Thanks guys, I like quite a few of those names. I found a alot of scents that would go with almost all of those names. naughtybutnice where were you a little over a yr. ago when I needed names like that, lol. Thanks again. I have a little show at the local firehall Saturday and alot of people requested Christmas scents. And I don't have alot of them so I have to do with what I have. Mindy
  11. The description is A blend of pumpkin, spices, dried fruits, and citrus. I already have a Pumpkin Spice, Sweet Pumpkin, and a Pumpkin Pie. I know like I really needed to add another one. Anyways I'm looking for a winter name, something that would go along with the Christmas Season. I have a small craft show comming up this Saturday and I'm trying to switch some names around with a few of my scents. Thanks, Mindy
  12. Just want to post my reviews. I use 415 wax and a blend for my tarts. Fall Festival, throws awesome in both. I had to cut both down to .5 oz per lb. Butterscotch, It's almost gone and I've only had it for less than a week. Everybody loves it except that I did get a few comments that when you first smell it, it smells like puke, till you stand there awhile. lol. Wedding Cake awesome awesome awesome. Mindy
  13. I did strain it, but it still had tiny specks of whatever in it. I think I'll try the old way, the double boiler method tonight. To make sure it's the presto pots. I just thought it was odd that all 4 did the same thing. Ohwell, it's worth a try to at least save some of my sanity. Mindy
  14. I have melted 4 batches of wax to make Melts, and each batch in different presto pots have had something in it. At first not to be gross I thought bf spit his chew in my presto pot by accident because that's what it looked like at first. But now I know that he didn't do it because it's happening every time. I'm using V1 votive wax. Has this happened to anybody else?? I remember reading about this about a yr. or so ago but can't find the thread. Any help is appreciated because I have orders and I can't make anything. Mindy
  15. Melts, Melts, Melts, and more Melts. In Spicy Christmas Scents.
  16. Candles and Supplies had one a few years ago, not sure if they still do but it smelled exactly like it. Mindy
  17. I have alot of Red candles/melts so I made mine Green. But Red was the first thing that popped into my mind.
  18. Ssshhhh, I already have a list made up. She has quite a selection. I had one of my testers on the phone while I was trying to make up my mind on which ones I wanted. She was no help at all. BF is letting me use his card, he told me not to go overboard. He doesn't know it but he is talking to a person that spent over $1,000 in 1 day on candle supplies. Just a few months ago, lol. Mindy
  19. I was looking on their site, they even have butterscotch. I've had several requests for that scent to. Thanks guys, Mindy
  20. I really like Cranberry Balsm NG, and Cranberry Peppermint from Lonestar. Mindy
  21. I have to print out my Fragrance list at least 25 each, to put in 3 stores where I live. I have to make alot of tarts to stock up for my Open House in a month and for orders. Tonight I will be pouring these. Spice Plum Berries Ginger Snap Sugar Cookie Apple Jack Home Sweet Home and Sweet Orange Chili Pepper Hope everybody has a great weekend. Mindy
  22. I have had a few requests for Buttercream so I definitly need that one but I also read the description of Santa Snacks and thought that would be a nice scent to add to my list. Anybody like them or do you know another supplier that has an awesome Buttercream?? Mindy
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