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Everything posted by KristinesShower

  1. When I first started soaping, I came across a website that had an ocean bar (lathers in salt water): Ocean Voyagers Body Bar (lathers in Salt Water) 14 ounces of coconut oil 2 ounces macadamia nut oil 2.7 ounces lye 7 ounces water 1 teaspoon lavender essential oil
  2. LOL Just do what all the big guys do - label in HUGE letters SOY CANDLE & no one will even ask if it is a blend. You can always tell a 100% soy wax candle and I make it a point to educate my customers on how to tell too. I make a huge deal of mine being 100% soy, because it is
  3. Yes they work for those, but you have to seal them about 5 times to get a good nice looking seal. Takes alot of practice!
  4. How do you do a chargeback? Is it fairly easy? We have to do two tomorrow because of a billing error and since I've never even used the machine, I don't know what to tell MIL to do. She will be calling both the bank and the CC company that carries our machine, but if someone knows how to do it pretty quick - I would rather just do it myself tonite. Thanks so much!!!!!
  5. www.eggcartons.com You wouldn't believe their assortment! If you want to go this way with them, I really recommend it. I sold alot of bathbombs before in my shop, but when I implemented the egg cartons, they sold like hot cakes - every customer walked out with either a 4 pack or a 6 pack. It really eliminated those one and two bathbomb buyers. Forty thumbs up on this!!!!
  6. I've always been under the impression that you use your fingers to apply the scrub. I have never seen spoon nor spatula, but I did buy some sugar scrub one time that had a seashell inside.
  7. I use it in my lotions too and I just love the feel. I agree with Michi, as long as you don't use a TON, I don't think it will really make too much of a difference.
  8. Before I started making candles myself, I used to buy the vanilla 4 wick candle. It used to leak all over the place and ½ way down the candle, there would be a pool of brown liquid (which I am assuming was FO). Throw was nice on the vanilla one, I do remember that - ugh, but sooo messy!!
  9. Make sure you get replacement elements and the teflon that goes with the elements. They don't have it on the site, but if you call, they have the item number. Do yourself a big favor and buy like 5 of them!
  10. I am still pretty upset about what happened to me today from one of my suppliers that I have been with for years. I thought it would be nice to list some things you DON'T want to hear when you are pissed off at a supplier! #1 Ma'am, I have other customers - you are not the only one yanno. #2 I don't work for the shipping department, only orders. How was I supposed to know they wouldn't ship out until today? -----some other ones----- #3 How was I supposed to know we were out of them? #4 Well we can always update your shipping to overnight for $x.xx so you can get it tomorrow. #5 I don't charge your credit card, the credit card company does all that so I don't know. What little phrases do you hate to hear when you are dealing with a supplier/company/person?
  11. Long story short, my regular supplier screwed up royally. I ordered early Monday - they said will go out that day (Monday) - called today...still not shipped. Was on hold for 13 minutes and during that time my CC was charged... Very fishy fishy fishy... I won't do business with liars, so I am in the market for a new seal supplier!! I am in need of 70mm & 89mm white, clear, whatever - here is a pic: Anyone know where I can get these? I really like to order in bulk (1,000 or more if possible) Any help is greatly appreciated
  12. I sell mine naked and have 4 & 6 pack clear egg crates sitting next to them in the store. I've found that it has increased sales on my bathbombs because people want to fill these containers up lol Also, we have little stickers at the register if people want to label their scents so they don't forget them (or are giving them as gifts)
  13. Hey Lindsay! Yeah, we're open 11am - 5pm on Saturday! See you then!!
  14. Okay....promise you won't kill me for posting this site... You promised, remember that lol PlasticOrnaments This place has so many things, you may just be on there all day (and remember you promised not to kill me)
  15. The diff between the emulsified and the non emulsified is the greasiness factor. The non is the greasier of the two - but usually the richer cream/balm.
  16. I wholesale candles also KristinesShower@aol.com I would be happy to send you a wholesale packet to look over.
  17. Our Congo Bongo sells like mad. It is a mango, coconut, banana combo I make myself.
  18. I am not sure if there is a branch in your area, but I use: www.FreundContainer.com For all of my boxes. I get them in 500's and they are very cheap. My biggest box is 12x12x12 and they cost me 51¢ each. Check them out! Another thing you can do is get alot of local quotes and see if the closest one will match that price. That is what I did with Freund. I used to be an Associated Bag customer, but they are over 1½ away while Freund is only 20 minutes. I showed them the rate quote from Asst Bag and they matched it!
  19. Hey! If you want some bathbombs to go in those goody bags, send me an email! I would be more than happy to send some your way KristinesShower@aol.com
  20. I just wanted to update you guys on this situation. It has been 3 months and I have to say that I am impressed with the way MIL has been acting. I got a new computer for over at the shop and taught her how to do some of the things I normally do. I think she really got a feel for what I do on the computer and has much more respect for me now. I haven't had any power struggles with her and she has really stepped up production. We recently landed a pretty big account that I made her a part of. She was at all the meetings, made some decisions and came with me to the account's store front. Also, she has made some suggestions lately about some of the things going on in the shop that I have taken to heart and acted on. I think she really feels alot better about her job and I feel so much better about our relationship!!
  21. I always empty my account when I can whether it be me ordering something or putting it in my bank. It just scares me to keep money in there all the time. I never respond to the ebay or the paypal emails - it's just better to delete them right away.
  22. I tried making a pillar one time (lol - I suck, but I was playing), and I used 5oz of 100% soy to 3oz of beeswax and it firmed up nicely. I'm not sure what the % of that is or anything like that, because that is another thing I suck at
  23. Have you guys found that this stuff goes rancid pretty quick? The few I have tried seemed to not have much more than a one month shelf life, then it started to stink
  24. Beeswax does a pretty good job hardening up too if you have some onhand.
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