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Everything posted by KristinesShower

  1. I like the saying: "Dumber than a box of hair" ...sorry for the hijack, that hammer thing made me laugh and I wanted to share mine too *lol* PS - I do my own catalog too on printmaster with all of my own pictures.
  2. Wowee! I wholesale my massage bars for $3.00 each and my customers are getting anywhere from $8.00-$12.00 each for them and I am only using basic ingredients too.
  3. When I first started my business, I made a cocoa, kokum, coconut whip that I scented with coconut/banana and it was amazing. It was a little stiff when at room temp, but when I took it out in the sun with me it got nice and squishy (kinda like the old bain de solei (sp??)) Warning - make sure you tan easily with this, otherwise you will burn your buns off. It is really potent and really attracts the sun well. I recommend that you have a great base tan first (then you may still burn a little though, so don't sit out there too long) PS - I love tanning too and don't know what I am going to do this year without my sun
  4. I think the samples are only for show. I've seen them set up and I think it is pretty awesome the way they have all the candles set up - it's like a little mini shelf with all the candles on it. I've actually showed DH and he was thinking about doing something like that for me too, but we decided no more shows - we're gonna concentrate on the store for now.
  5. Sometimes I can't even believe I do so many, but practice truly does make everything perfect. I can just fly on them now - they take about 3-5 seconds per bathbomb to make. When a Cubs game is on, I can usually double my production if they are winning *lol*
  6. I do both, so here are my choices: www.naturesgardencandles.com scents, wax - they are the best www.freundcontainer.com all of my containers come from them - without them I would be selling in ziploc baggies *lol*
  7. We bought some of those picnic style mustard/ketchup things and attached a long straw on the end so it could go all the way into the bottom and you can bring the applicator up as you fill. This has worked really well for us (we electric taped the straw on, then duct taped it so it wouldn't move lol)
  8. I am not familiar with Tara's foot soak, but I do have a recipe I made when I first started out: 1lb baking soda 8oz citric acid 4oz epsom salts 4oz dead sea salts (colored, mixed with peppermint EO and dried) Put all of them together and mix. It looks pretty neat with the dead sea salts colored, they really sparkle.
  9. Your vitamin E is making it yellow. What is the % you used for the castor/vit E mix?
  10. I've always had real good luck with these places when looking for sample sized containers: www.sks-bottle.com www.containerandpackaging.com (sometimes they have them on clearance for really cheap) www.wholesalesuppliesplus.com (another place that does alot of clearance)
  11. :angry2: :angry2: :angry2: Kitchen hack ?!??!! :angry2: :angry2: :angry2: Does this make anyone else mad or are my hormones going crazy?
  12. Throw some colored sea salts in there with a little more citric. fizzin' bath salts to the rescue!!
  13. You know, ebayers like that really leave a bad taste in my mouth. They all have "something" to make your bathbombs work don't they? Bottom line for bathbombs is this: YOU HAVE TO HAVE A GOOD RECIPE. This recipe has to be rock hard, non crumbly, non cracking, non fizzing, etc. Just because you buy something, it won't make you a better bathbomb maker. When I first started my bathbombs it took me 8 months of testing my recipe and batch sizes before I got something I was happy with - even then I moved to another location and had to tweak it here and there. Sheesh, the weather changes and I even have to tweak it - so not even I have the perfect bathbomb recipe. Save yourself some trouble and mess around with recipes and little tupperware containers. If you come up with a recipe that doesn't break, crack or crumble, then get serious about getting something to make your life easier. ...I say this to you as I sit and look at this Willow Press I've used once - but threw it aside when I proved that making them by meatballer saved me 5-7 seconds on each one.
  14. There is a shop here by me that used to sell them, but took them off the shelves because they told her to. Good thing for me - I am pouring her new candles for her now LOL Thanks Gold Canyon!!
  15. Every show we were in, they closed up early because we ran 'em out. I am in Illinois and they don't seem to fly very well here. Everyone is wanting soy and candles made by individuals over the GC and Yankme.
  16. Thanks everyone! I ordered from CS and MMS My jars are coming - my jars are coming!! woot!!
  17. Bakery scents are huge here too and I want to get them in my line somehow without putting them into my actual Kristine's Shower line. I'm gonna branch off a bit because the look I will be going for is anti-Kristine's Shower.
  18. Yes they are all repeat customers that order just about once a month (some of them order twice during this time of year) Truth is I have some pretty large taxes due at the end of the month and could use the pick up in business. I just don't want to wait for them to place the order and I would like to get them to order more than last year to see if they can actually increase their sales. I have been trying to do this each year with my regular wholesale accounts and so far, so good. I also like the tiered discount thing - because alot of my customers order cases of bathbombs and that one discount could push them into buying one more case Thanks so much for the ideas - my brain is reeling!!
  19. Just ordered them today - thanks so much, I think these will really work after I hang tag and country decorate them to death lol (please, no offense to the country people - I live in a cornfield, I feel ya')
  20. Ooohhh!! I like that idea about giving something away - that sounds really good!!
  21. Now I would've never thought cinnamon buns!!! That seems to be a real popular one that they ask for in the shop all the time.
  22. I have been with Ulrich Chemical for years and they always treat me right. We go pick up in Bartonville (about 40 minutes away) and I know they have alot of different plants in the midwestern area.
  23. My bathbombs are 2.5oz each and 2" in diameter. Any bigger will not fit - these are very snug, but ship like a dream.
  24. As hard as you try, what scent just DOESN'T sell well for you? If you want to comment, can you also put what part of the country you are from? I am doing some research PS - I made it so you can vote more than one scent.
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