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What would you do?????


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I am so mad that I do not know what to do if any. I have been making candles and soap for the last 7 years and I am in alot of boutiques were my products are at. Well a new boutique open and I was asked if I would like to have my candles there which I said sure and signed a contract with them. Well one of my friends was going to have her soap there which was ok until she told the lady that she always make soap scrubbies, she never has made them, so when I went to show my candles there she copy it right down to the package on how I made mine and copy all the wording also. The owner said to me she was only having one soap person , one candle person and so on. Well today my old neighbor who has been coping me on my candles posted on face book she just dropped off her new candles to this boutique. So I called the owner because I was suppose to drop mine off this Monday, she answered and said oh yeah I have to call you back I found another candle person. Like double whammy. Am I'm wrong to be mad? How can people do this to you!

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I would first talk to her and tell her that you signed the contract with her and how did she intend to uphold that with you? If you get no satisfaction then you can show it to an attorney, but that gets expensive pretty fast. See if you can work it out with her using your contract.

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If it were me, I'd just get out while the getting out is good. If this is how she's going to run her boutique, why would you want to be in it? Cross her off your list and go somewhere else. I'd also unfriend the friend. She's not a friend. Life is too short for that much drama.

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If it were me, I'd just get out while the getting out is good. If this is how she's going to run her boutique, why would you want to be in it? Cross her off your list and go somewhere else. I'd also unfriend the friend. She's not a friend. Life is too short for that much drama.

Boy, if that ain't the truth.

Sure, you could sue for breach of contract, but what are your damages? Unless you've had your candles in the store and have a record of sales, you really have no damages other than what you think you might have sold. If the store previously sold someone else's candles, you would have to know what sales ran for that other person to anticipate what your sales might be.

Definitely not worth pursuing legally.

Yes, it hurts, and yes, it sucks. Just move on. If you mention it to another possible sales contact, they'll drop you like a hot potato, so move on and somehow convince yourself that life's too short for the scum of the earth, which both the store owner and the soaper are. Just be ready to have a good, private laugh when the soaper fails, which she will if she's pushing something she's never even made before.

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If it were me, I'd just get out while the getting out is good. If this is how she's going to run her boutique, why would you want to be in it? Cross her off your list and go somewhere else. I'd also unfriend the friend. She's not a friend. Life is too short for that much drama.

Yup....ditto what Deb said.... I would definitely heave-ho and boot the "friends" and keep both of them totally out of your business "loop". It's obvious that your products are wonderful...people are copying you!! Time to take your business to the "dark side" as I like to call it, if you haven't already. Time to close anyone and everyone out of your business dealings....tell no one where you get your products, tear all labels off your boxes so no one can tell where you purchase from, ban anyone and everyone other than immediate family from your "work shop"...because those eyes will roam and "take in" everything you use to make your product, do not share what businesses you are going to approach to offer to sell your product in. Learn to do your own posting on Face Book (it can be done if you have the drive...no MATTER how old you are). Search for different jars, learn different and better soap recipes, expand your product line and offer better products and selections than your "friends". Find more upscale and prettier packaging and outdo them!! You can do it....... It is always good to challenge yourself anyhow to always keep doing something different...NEVER feel "comfortable" in your business.... always be striving to do your best to "stay ahead" of your competition...make a better product, package it more beautifully....just keep the end result in mind....that you want to and are offering the very BEST product out there and you will continue to beat them at their own game!! :grin2:

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The best defense is a good offense. People copy all.the.time. It's added incentive to continually "up your game" and keep ahead of the copy cats.

To the boutique owner this is just business. Shop owners look for great prices, but not always the best products. Retailers change vendors all the time for whatever reason.

I don't care who sees my WIP or raw goods. Anyone can find suppliers. Anyone can see my products, packaging and labels on-line or at various shows and wholesale shops. What matters is business savvy - which they cannot simply copy because they're not 'me'; Your friend is not 'you'. What has sustained you in business for 7 years should be strong enough to sustain you for another 7 regardless of the next wannabe entrepreneur. you can't worry about them.

Have a cry. Lick your wounds, and channel this adrenaline toward improving your line or introducing a new line that blows away any competition and move on. It's just business.

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What Sliver and everyone else has said is dead on. Don't say a word to anyone about what happened, cause it will just make you look like a poor sport and the feedback against you wouldn't be a good thing. She is obviously NOT your friend and pretty much used you for her own gain. Start changing things up with your packaging, definately do all you can to distance yourself and not speak to this "friend" and hold your head up high. When her producuts fail, I sure as hell wouldn't put my stuff in the store if they call. Karma does bite and always works!! Good luck! :cool2:

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I am not so sure that this friend meant to hurt you. I have come to the conclusion that there truly are stupid and inconsiderate people in this world. I am often rendered speechless by behaviors that I see every day. I have also learned that many people think nothing of being rude and thoughtless even to people they seem to care about. It is who they are- part of their personality, not deliberate. Your friend may have thought it was no big deal to do what she did. However, you don't need people like that in your life who have no conscious or consideration. Move on. You received some good advice here.

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I wish there was a like button on here....everything happens for a reason and some friends are seasonal...sounds like this one was...let her go...and take the wonderful advice that was given on here..NOW ITS TIME TO SHOW THEM WHAT YOUR WORKING WITH!!!

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Maybe if you copyright your labels and wordmark your text you can send a nastygram to the competitor. Also, educate the new store that they bought into an inexperienced clone and that they should make sure the clone has good product liability insurance. You are established in the community and you need to protect your good name.

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I agree with everyone else. It sucks that it happened but I would just move on and not worry about it. It happens and I'm sure it won't be the first or last time. I definitely wouldn't continue communicating with this so-called friend and let her figure out why. I firmly believe when you undermine a person they will reap what they sow.

You will be fine and it sounds like you're already doing well.

All the best!

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I agree with everyone as well. With friends like that who needs enemies, cut her loose and don't look back. Maybe one day she'll realize what she did and that she lost a friend because of it. Then again so many people live in their own little worlds that are all about them no matter how unfair or rediculous they may be. Good luck to you!

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