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Is this candle supposed to look like this?

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I ran across the following picture on the internet and was wondering if anyone can tell me what the brown spots are in the candle and if you think it's supposed to look that way? I make soy candles and I've never had any of them turn out like that. It's an 8 oz candle that is being sold for $20. For that kind of money I would not want my candle to look like that unless someone explained to me why it did.

Please don't take this as bashing someone else's work. I'm just curious and thought I would ask.



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Yuck!! Why on EARTH would someone EVEN put that up for sale??!! Looks extremely questionable and disgusting to me... I wouldn't take it for free either! Ackk!!! What people don't try to sell!!!

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Email them and ask what it is- I am curious what they say- it looks like mold or corrosion around the wick to me- I can't blow it up big but I don't see it on the sides of the jar- just the tops but I wouldn't know if it is herbs that just floated up because I never tried it.....and probably never will! LOL. YUCK

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I emailed them this morning and am awaiting their reply. After closer scrutiny of their website I'm inclined to agree with some of the other posters that it's perhaps lavender buds. They sell other candles, in different containers, that look that way also. Why would anyone want to put lavender buds in wax, if indeed that's what it is? Doesn't that pose a potential fire hazard?

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Received a reply from the person selling the candles and she said it's dried lavender. She adds it to the top of candles that contain lavender essential oils. Hmmm....not sure I'd be adding it if it made the candle look like that but then again, it isn't my business.

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Received a reply from the person selling the candles and she said it's dried lavender. She adds it to the top of candles that contain lavender essential oils. Hmmm....not sure I'd be adding it if it made the candle look like that but then again, it isn't my business.

I wouldn't be inclined to put something flammable as a decoration on the top of the candle. Things that make you go hmmmmmm.

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I ran across the following picture on the internet and was wondering if anyone can tell me what the brown spots are in the candle and if you think it's supposed to look that way? I make soy candles and I've never had any of them turn out like that. It's an 8 oz candle that is being sold for $20. For that kind of money I would not want my candle to look like that unless someone explained to me why it did.

Please don't take this as bashing someone else's work. I'm just curious and thought I would ask.



I think I know what's going on with that candle because I saw the exact same situation on a used candle that the owner of an herb shop had bought from a local candle maker and set on their counter for their own use. The wicks looked like a clump of mop hair that was all scorched and mostly buried in the wax. That pic looks like a double-wicked candle and the wicks have drifted until one of them is very close to the side of the jar and one is now in the middle of the jar. That's exactly what I saw on the other used candle in the herb shop. The owner told me it was not a problem to light the wicks in that condition and he'd been burning that candle off-and-on for months. Looks gross to me. Dislike!

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