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What's in YOUR pot this weekend folks? 04-20-12

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Tomorrow I am going to try making the hand rolled Cinnamon Bun candles (I haven't made but once several years ago...grew a wild hair and decided to try again) , Monkey Farts, and Caribbean Teakwood in the square mason jars and maybe some tealights. :smiley2:

Edited by puma52
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Sex On The Beach, Birthday Cake, and Egyptian Sheets (love this one). A little excited...just received my order from Peak today. I am going to attempt m&p...ordered a mold, goatsmilk soap base, and a few other items to play with when it gets to @#*! hot to go outside :grin2:

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Sounds like everyone has a lot of things going on this weekend!! RJDAINES....if I lived close enough to you, I'd make sure you had some containers so you could play!! IMC....whoo hooo have fun playing with your new products from Peak!! KSRANCH... congrats on the large order...doesn't it make you feel awesome when people want YOUR products instead of the other big candle makers...best kick in the seat of the pants ain't it ...isn't this what we all strive for in our business ??!! BARBARA...make sure you give your rescued dog a huge hug and big ole wet kiss on the nose from me...would love to see a pic of your new baby!! KITN ....congrats on selling your house and just think...when you make all your money from the garage sale....you can buy MORE soap supplies!! To everyone on the board.... have a wonderful, productive, fun, relaxing weekend!!:thumbsup:

Edited by puma52
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Nothing :(

Kitn, I feel your "pain" . We're in the process of transferring all the small items and boxes to our new place... Movers come in Monday for the furniture. I hope you enjoy your new place and everyone stays safe during the move ( its so blasted easy to hurt your back or something so yall be careful ! )

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I made a few testers of fall scents but other than that nothing. I wanted to get them made so they could cure this week while I am in key west!! See you all in a week! :-)

Lucky you! I once drove from Atlanta to Key West. It's a looooong drive, but worth it in the end.

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Nothing :(

Kitn, I feel your "pain" . We're in the process of transferring all the small items and boxes to our new place... Movers come in Monday for the furniture. I hope you enjoy your new place and everyone stays safe during the move ( its so blasted easy to hurt your back or something so yall be careful ! )

Thank you, we don't take possession until June 9th but want to get rid of so much junk, were does it come from? I think it multiplies all by itself..lol

All the best with your move too..

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Just did a one day craft show today. Sales down from last year. Sigh! Hope I have better luck next weekend at my farmers market.

The rest of the weekend I may get around to making more soap-- but may just take the day off Sunday and make soap Monday instead!

Everyone have a good weekend!!

That trip to Key West sounds like it would be fun. Hope you had a good time!!

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I can't wait till Chimpanzee comes out on DVD. Then I can order it and We Bought A Zoo and spend the evening watching animal movies.

I don't go to movie theaters anymore...long story that I won't go into. Nothing against theaters or the high price to see a movie...lol. It's me.

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I do not see movies often and with three kids, well, once in a while I treat them because they are so good. We buy 1 popcorn and I smuggle everything else in. I will not pay $5.00 for a water and I will not pay to watch a movie in 3D. Anyway, the movie Chimpanzee was beautiful and very few children went to see it. I love rated G movies and I have found that a lot of adults feel the same way.

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