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What would Saturday Morning smell like?


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I just saw on a website that someone had a soap named Saturday Morning. There was no scent description but what an amazing scent name. Very unique!!

What scent blend do you think this would smell like?

Hmm? I think it would smell like fresh linens, lemongrass, dew, and sandlewood

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Saturday morning to me sounds like it would smell like cleaning, laundry and fresh air. I have no explanation as to why I think that :undecided

You took my exact description. My reason is, when I was growing up, we got to watch Saturday morning cartoons, but we were also cleaning the house for the week, doing laundry, cooking, going outside and getting the laundry in from the line, mowing grass, gathering strawberries or whatever was ready in the garden....

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Saturday morning to me sounds like it would smell like cleaning, laundry and fresh air. I have no explanation as to why I think that :undecided

Exactly! esp the fresh air & something watery? if that makes sense..

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Eggs, bacon, pancakes, orange/apple juice and probably spilt milk ... at least in my imagination lol.

I associate these things with "Sunday Morning". Saturday in my house is "rot day". We just hang out and eat whatever happens to be in the fridge. Mom needs a day like this for sanity reasons. :grin2:

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I have a different take on this. I love going outdoors in the early morning hours and taking deep breathes of the clean air. Smells like grass, morning dew, hint of florals like lilacs, honeysuckle, and orange blossoms, a bit of ozone, and a note of lemony citrus.

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I have a different take on this. I love going outdoors in the early morning hours and taking deep breathes of the clean air. Smells like grass, morning dew, hint of florals like lilacs, honeysuckle, and orange blossoms, a bit of ozone, and a note of lemony citrus.

This was exactly my take on it as well.

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I LOVE Saturday mornings!! Saturday morning smells like fresh cut grass, dew, the smell of honeysuckle and other flowers, the smell of the wet dirt around the plants that have been watered....and the smell of candle scents wafting from my candle cave! :cool2:

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