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Change Monkey Farts name needed?


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I have a new store I took products to yesterday. She loves everything - except she sent me home with my goat's milk Monkey Farts soap. Told me I needed to change the name to something like Tropical Smoothie so as not to turn off her customers with the 'fart' part. :laugh2: I know a lot of people use this scent, and I've not had a problem with it selling - do you guys change the name??

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I have seen it as Monkeys Breath before... I would be afraid to change the name too much for people that are familar with the name Monkey farts and LIKE the scent

honestly... why would she ask you, the creator, to change the name of your product? I would not take to kindly to that unless she was going with a specific theme she wanted for her store and asked ahead of time for ideas to go with that theme

Maybe explain to her that is a very popular scent and because of the name.. people pick it up out of curiousity more than anything and end up loving it... I witnessed this at a craft show with a candle company years ago when it probably just came out and became popular- crowds of people were laughing and buying it on the name alone!

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If I were going to change the name I'd go with Monkey's Breath. I don't change the name though as so many people out there are familiar with Monkey Farts. Those that are not are always intrigued to smell it just by the name. I usually joke with the customer after they smell it that it's probably the best smelling fart they've ever smelled. They laugh and say you're right!

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The name Monkey Farts is not a name I would put in my line and I am far from uptight. It has nothing to do with turning off customers. I would not sell SEX ON THE BEACH either. It depends on what you want depicted in your product line. However, I would never ask the creator to change the name though. She could have said that the name does not suit her shop and given the product back to you. It is up to you if you want to sell it under another name or not. I always change fragrance oil names anyway, so it is not a big deal to me. If you feel strongly that the soap should be Monkey Farts, then don't bring the soap back to the store. As far as new names go:

Monkey Business

Monkey Paradise

Monkey Jungle

Banana Smoothie

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Thanks for the suggestions and thoughts. I'm going to sleep on it.... can't decide whether to tell her we just won't have that scent ((until you remove the stick...)) or just go with it and change it for her. I don't want to cut my nose off to spite my face, but I don't much fancy being told what to do either. It would be different if we had discussed doing an exclusive line or something, but when we talked she was just all about getting everything (just like it is). okay, I'm rambling... again thanks for the name ideas and your thoughts on the situation!

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I just couldn't bring myself to add the word "fart" to my product line. After much debate we have decided on either "Tutti Frutti" or "Tootie Fruity". This spring will be our introduction of this scent. It was purely a business decision to keep from dealing with the issue your vendor is having; one of the day spas that sells our product is just way too classy for me to send them product with potentially offensive wording.

Now, just so you all know, I am not a prude...Sex on the Beach is how I got my oldest son!:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

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What about Butt Naked?? There's another one that some would be offended by or would want to change the name. I personally like the funny names. Now I did once at a flea market see a vendor that carried all sorts of names.... those I most definatley would not even think of carrying. These were the type names that would offend alot of people. I was curious though on some of them what they smelled like but didn't venture into sniffing them. There was one in particular that I thought ew what if it's a smelly one??? They did make me and the hubby laugh though.

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Well, I've decided to rename it... Tropical Smoothie. I'm going to very closely monitor how it sells compared to the ones that are labeled Monkey Farts! Granted - different stores, but the type of stores are similar so it's not like she's all upclass. Anyway, it'll be a good experiment... we'll see what happens! Thanks again for all the input!

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