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Change Monkey Farts name needed?


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We debated this as well. We take our soaps to a local Farmers Market. I absolutely hate the word "farts", but the first time we took Monkey Farts, we kept the name. When the customers came in and started talking about the soap, they would laugh and say how funny it is. We told them it was a new fragrance and we don't want to offend people and are debating if we should keep the name or change it...everybody said "keep it". We sold out. We have asked people every week since adding it to our line and everyone says the same thing..."keep it". Only one older woman said "I wouldn't buy that for my grandchildren". (But she was like....210 years old) We just got into a new gift shop and the owner kept the name as well. Everyone is different...if one of the other shops want it but the name is offensive to them, I'd change it just for them...but will keep it for us as it sells like crazy.

Edited by lovemylabs
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I'm with Bliss and Noodle... none of those name in my product line. Nothing prudish about me... my product line is targeted upscale and those types of names don't fit in.

I've changed scent names many times for shop owners, usually to something that would fit in their decor' or locale' and usually it will end up being a best seller for them....exp: the FO Country Clothesline,, I've renamed many times to the city of the store , like St. Cloud Breeze... gets them every time... :)

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I'm with Bliss and Noodle... none of those name in my product line. Nothing prudish about me... my product line is targeted upscale and those types of names don't fit in.

I've changed scent names many times for shop owners, usually to something that would fit in their decor' or locale' and usually it will end up being a best seller for them....exp: the FO Country Clothesline,, I've renamed many times to the city of the store , like St. Cloud Breeze... gets them every time... :)

Every family member and friend that I've checked with about names like "Monkey Farts" and "Butt Naked" find them very offensive and say they'd never buy them, even though only some of them are conservative Christians, the others are liberals, New Agers, Pagans, etc. I do believe those funny names sell well for many people, it just depends on the market.

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I do believe those funny names sell well for many people, it just depends on the market.

I agree with that to an extent. My products are not particularly upscale. For me, it is not about the market. I just don't want certain words associated with my business. It is not about offensive either. Honestly, I am not offended at all if other sellers sell MONKEY FARTS or BUTT NAKED. I probably would buy it if it smelled good. :smiley2:

I would never buy a scent called SEX ON THE BEACH or something like that. Aside from having kids in the house, I just think a name like that is, well... too graphic for my taste.

Edited by Noodle
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  • 2 weeks later...

Last fall I did a craft show and had the mayor of the community come in to my booth. He also happened to be my barber that I have gone to for close to 25 - 30 years. Is wife was just down the aisle and was shopping at another booth. Anyway he was checking out our candles and saw both Monkey Farts & Butt Naked fragrances . His first words were "are you kidding me" I looked at him and with-out missing a beat said "Nope these are top of the line smells" He sniffed and agreed those were best he had ever smelled. Long story short he bought a bunch of candles and gave as presents to his nephews and nieces. Now ever time I go in to get a hair cut he will tell all the customers in the barbershop how we have good smelling candles.

It's all in perspective and how you handle the customer. Some days it like a breath of fresh air and some days it....well nothing like a good ol "who cut the cheese moment"


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