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My First Burn Test

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Did my first burn test this am.

Container is 3" diameter. Used a eco14 with GB464, got bad mushrooming and flame too large.

So switched to 2nd container which is 3" same container with eco10 and GB464 (pic attached - taken 1 hr. into test). Still mushrooming

Any feedback on the wick?


Edited by Bottlecrafters
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I use 464 and have never had luck with ECO wicks although many people on this board have- for some reason in this wax eco's grow on me- they not only mushroom but get very thick black and leave a burnt smell behind

What percent FO are you using?

CD- CDN and HTP are what works for me as far as minimal mushrooming goes- however I am still working on the dancing flame

You could try a 12 and see- but I am guessing a 14 for that jar is to big

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Thanks for the reply Moonshine.

I am using 1 oz for 1lb of wax, so I guess 6.25%

I have tried both eco 10, and eco 14, so could one assume that eco12 would yield the same effect, since the smaller and larger wicks yield mushrooming?

What CDN or HTP size would you recommend for 3" or 3.5" containers?

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OK, so I did some more testing this eve. I trimmed the wick down to 1/4" after first burn. burned again for ~4 hours. Took this video right before end of test.

I got a little better burn, but still some mushrooming.

Video is 4 candles

first two shown are as follows:

(1)Candle on right: GB464, 6.25% FO (CS Love Spell), 3" container, Eco10 wick

(2) Candle on left: GB464, 6.25% FO, (CS Love Spell), 3" container, Eco14 wick

Still get a bit of flicker, and some mushrooming. Is this acceptable?

second set of candles

(1) Candle on right: GB464, 6.25% FO (CS Love Spell), 3.25" container, Eco10 wick

(2) Candle on left: GB464, 6.25% FO, (CS Love Spell), 3.25" container, Eco14 wick

Candle on right the wick is not centered, so that is affecting the burn, and pool.

Also, still get some flicker, and some mushrooming. Is this accpetable?

Thoughts? Ideas?

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I briefly tested 464 and tried ECOs, HTPs, LXs, and Premier...in a 3" dia you may dind the Eco 10 to small, try the 12 (I used 14 in 16oz canning jar). For me, the HTPs did not work well...I now use C3 with CDNs and love those wicks...hth

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I briefly tested 464 and tried ECOs, HTPs, LXs, and Premier...in a 3" dia you may dind the Eco 10 to small, try the 12 (I used 14 in 16oz canning jar). For me, the HTPs did not work well...I now use C3 with CDNs and love those wicks...hth

Newbie here :) what are C3 with CDNs,.

Edit: ok found CDN wicks at Southwest, but don't see anything called a "C3"

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Hi, C3 is a veggie soy wax and CDNs are CD wicks that are specially treated to work with soy wax (although CDs work well too). They burn, imo, cleaner with little to no mushrooming and produce a nice, steady flame...

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Hi, C3 is a veggie soy wax and CDNs are CD wicks that are specially treated to work with soy wax (although CDs work well too). They burn, imo, cleaner with little to no mushrooming and produce a nice, steady flame...

How are you getting a steady flame out of a CD or CDN in C3 or any wax actually? Several of us have done gobs of testing with them where it looks like a windstorm has come through all in different states, different areas of our homes, etc.

Any thoughts or pointers you can send our way?

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Burning a fresh new candle now, a Libbey Elemental jar with and 80/20 blend of 4630 and 464. The flame is rock solid and straight up. I guarantee that as the flame burns down into the candle the flame will start dancing. Must be the air flow into the container and the non-uniform heating of the container. That's my theory. So do non-curling wicks solve this problem?

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Burning a fresh new candle now, a Libbey Elemental jar with and 80/20 blend of 4630 and 464. The flame is rock solid and straight up. I guarantee that as the flame burns down into the candle the flame will start dancing. Must be the air flow into the container and the non-uniform heating of the container. That's my theory. So do non-curling wicks solve this problem?

Yeppers. Start out so pretty and then it all goes to heck. I'm not especially fond of a high flame anyway so that is part of my problem with CD/CDN wicks. They tend to have a bit of a larger flame than other's I've tried. For me, in my wax/container combos. However, if I could get them to be nice as they began burning down a bit, I'd take that higher flame at this point.

I am working with 3 jars:

16 oz apothecary - 3 5/8" wide about 4" high. Fill to 3" high point before jar goes in a bit toward the mouth

10 oz apothecary - 3 5/8" wide by about 2 1/2ish" wide - Fill to about 2" high " " " " (don't have one handy to measure exact)

8 oz Madison - 3" wide x 3 1/2" tall. Fill to 3" high mark.

rjdaines....do you think with all containers we are going to have this problem unless they are as wide as they are high? One member mentioned her best flame is in a tin where it is as wide as tall.

I can say when I was working with CBL130 (parasoy) with a MP of 131, I did not have any wavering of wicks using Eco. When I put CD's in that same jar in that same wax I had wavering, flickering and bent over flames. Unfortunately, CBL130 isn't having HT the last 3 purchases (for me) so I had to move on. I had pics but think I may have deleted them. Will check if they are still in puter somewhere.

Just thinking out loud that possibly a higher MP wax eliminates that problem with some wicks?

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rjdaines....do you think with all containers we are going to have this problem unless they are as wide as they are high? One member mentioned her best flame is in a tin where it is as wide as tall.

I don't have any containers like that but it sounds like a good theory. I certainly would not be happy about being restricted to just that type of jar design.

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I have the dancing going on in all waxes, wicks & different sized jars. My favorite is the cylindar. It's wider then it is tall. I'm beginning to feel as long as no mushrooms, ugly rolling flames circling the wick & great HT all the way to the last burn, I'm good. At this point anyway!

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I have the dancing going on in all waxes, wicks & different sized jars. My favorite is the cylindar. It's wider then it is tall. I'm beginning to feel as long as no mushrooms, ugly rolling flames circling the wick & great HT all the way to the last burn, I'm good. At this point anyway!

Chandler....did you find on your cylinder the flames behaved any better than your other containers that weren't wider than tall?

Am about where you are with being good with tolerating some wavering as long as they aren't rolling, circling or trying to lay on their side along with HT. No concerns about tops, wet spots, frosting since they can usually be fixed or at least diminished. At this point, even if those couldn't be fixed, frosted glassware is an option I'd be up for.

So hoping to get this figured out to sell by spring.

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