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Flea Market Rant & Rant


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Most of those that know us know that we have a market we do each weekend (flea market) (no names please), we have been very successful in this market for a little under 2 years and have promoted ourselves & this market to no end.

Over this time we have dealt with a certain vendor that does products like ours, but different. We have had this vendor in the past bash us for being who we are (if you didn't know we are a gay couple), bash our products (saying they are junk and his "products" are so much better), bash our warmers (because he sells similar but says they are "better" then ours), and a few other things we won't go into here....

So each time any of these things came up we always confronted management about the issue and dealt with it very professionally. Each time management said "we will talk to him about this/that" and they do (giving credit to them), but another month or 2 goes by and were having this same talk with them over new & old issues that keep coming up from him.

So this past weekend after we had left for the day (20 minutes early), this vendor comes over to our booth and is price checking every warmer we have, making comments about how WE are copying him and how ours are over priced, blah blah blah.... The lady that was watching our booth at the time told him to just go back to his booth and leave our things alone. He proceeded to tell a CUSTOMER that walked into our booth about how we are such a rip off and HIS are so much better, "Here let me show you" and takes the customer with him....

So we find out about this last Sunday (the lady watching out booth called us) and we called management right away. Told them we needed a meeting and need to resolve this ONGOING issue. So a meeting was set.

Today we had our meeting with all parties involved. First off this other vendor said it was ALL a lie and he NEVER did anything what so ever like we and the lady watching our booth said he did. Even tho management had talked to him about EVERYTHING as it came up over the past 2 years.... So basically he was "talked to" again and that's it.... no resolution... no justice... no nothing... So my rant, banter, long winded talking here is to just ask... How much is enough for those of you in markets/shops/stores??? When do you finally just say "Screw you guys, I'm going home????"

Sorry for the long post and I'm sure some are going to say "Suck it up and move on or deal with it" and that's understood. But as a business owner in a market with 50+ vendors, wouldn't you think that THEY as the owners of the market would come to a point and just tell this guy to GTFO?

**A little info on where we are** Akron, Ohio... Not a small town with 1 light, we got about 200 of them but it's not a Cleveland or Columbus either. There is really this ONLY market available within a decent driving distance (unless we go to Cleveland, 35 miles away or Hartville (15 miles) which is over priced TBH but looking better everyday), so other then getting our OWN store, this is the spot! Not many consignment shops around either or we would go that route.

***Got my drink in hand and should be better in about 15 minutes*** Thanks for listening!

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Wow! This has been going on for almost 2 years, your patience is far greater than mine. I sure a well placed camera and small claims court would probably take care of that problem. It has been my experience that people that resort to lies and trickery will take short cuts when making their products which means that yours is probably superior to his in the first place. I must say, I can put up with a lot of crap like him saying that his products are the best in the world but if he came to my booth or store and talked trash and guided a customer away, he would find himself lying on the asphalt in the parking lot leaking body fluids. That type of competition is uncalled for and totally unacceptable and WILL NOT BE TOLERATED!

Stick to your guns and don't let this guy win. Like I said, a well placed camera will make all of your problems go away. Good Luck!

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I have to say I have dealt with similar things in the past (and to some extent in the present)

I have to say packing up is just letting them win, I have a firm belief that the right thing will eventually win out, be it an ideology, policy, or code of ethics. I think the best way to persevere is to just live and act in a way you believe to be acceptable. I would document everything and make sure every time something comes up you can pull out the notebook and say it has also happened here, here and here. Other than that I wouldn't do anything but ignore it. I have seen your prices, and your product and I don't think they are overpriced. IMO they are a little under priced.

I would let him know that because in his opinion your products are overpriced and they are just copies of his work then he has permission to not shop at your booth. I would also let him know it is unethical to approach someone's customers in any way. It shows their desperation and frankly reflects the classlessness of their operation. Customers will see this and they often don't respond well to it.

Hang in there!

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Thank you both for your thoughts on this matter. We both agree that the stand firm approach is well tested but I really think at this point were looking to drive the extra 15 miles to be in a "better place". Sadly about the cameras Caft, they have them in the market, the owners have seen this vendor in our booth "searching" our prices before... and they do what??? Nothing! UGH!

001, Thanks for taking a look at our things too and agreed our pricing is low in some points and that's going to be updated this coming year. I also agree that his behavior does show his ethics, class and overall demeanor(sp) as well... We never have stooped to his level EVER and the customers and vendors know this, that's why were where we are and he is where he is....

The sad thing is we really do like it there, it's close for us and we have done well, but when looking at a clientele basis, the other market (Hartville) does offer much more traffic and (thinking of a polite way to say it) but income levels, oh and they actually advertise too (big ++).... So those are also pulling points to just pack up and jump ship... Either way, were here till the new year and we will see what happens at that point...

Thanks again for your thoughts guys and any others are always welcomed too =)

**It's amazing what a few drinks will do to lighten your mood** ;););)

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Why don't you keep your current market location and open a second one in Hartville? From the sound of it you don't have to be present at the flea market so you could stock your product there and man the Hartville location. It may be financially tough at first but if your sales at the flea market aren't where you want them to be or you simply can't or don't want to deal with the hassle of the other vendor you could close it down. If it's a decision between the flea market or Hartville, from the positives you've outlined, I would have to go with Hartville. Just my opinion though.

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Well, I agree with your competition, your products are crap and definately over-priced. That's why I shop with him! BTW, where is Akron? Oh, I have sent a couple Etsy customer towards your shop who were looking for oil warmers, since I can't sell mine on Etsy. I hope you got some business out of it.

Seriously, I would let the financial situation decide what you want to do. Is it better staying where you are, or will you make more money moving to the other market? I would not take him into account, do what is best for the business. But, of course, your sanity will probably have a little impact on the decision. It is a shame to let him "win", but not really worth the bother in the end. And if you do decide to move, tell the management it is their fault you had to move, just poke at them a bit, LOL! Or I could show you some nice tricks the Iraqi's taught me....

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Steve, you never fail to crack me up!

Eccolights - I hope whatever you decide works out for you - I really really really hate to see people get bashed for being who they are and am content in the belief they will get what they deserve eventually. The only thing that worries me is what if you move and then that other vendor follows you?? Yikes!!!!

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No one should have to put up with other vendors acting so childish. I know you've been told this, and I know you've said it to yourselves but here we go again :

1. You KNOW your stuff is better or he wouldn't spend so time "downing" it. If you have a superior product you dont have to malign and try to undermine the competition. He undoubtedly doesn't get this.

2. You definitely have more patience than me because I'd have already gone hormonal pre-menopausal Scorpio Irish Cherokee natural redhead on his azz. About a year and 11 months ago !

3. Everyone deserves to work in an atmosphere where they aren't on edge and feel cornered, and me myself? I'd stay even if I had to hire someone to take my place, JUST to PIZZHIMOFF !( but then thats just me ) But, if you've had enough , lawd knows you've put up with enough already and definitely paid your dues.

4. But having said #3, one thing I would have to seriously consider : Just how far will this guy go, and just how much tunnel vision will the coordinators of the market have concerning him. If this have been going on for two years, although no one wants to lose a client, I just can't shake feeling a little leary of a market that would continually allow that type of BS from a vendor , with repeated reports against him, for 2 years .

Good luck honey. I hope you get it resolved. Vent all you need to.

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Steve, you never fail to crack me up!

Eccolights - I hope whatever you decide works out for you - I really really really hate to see people get bashed for being who they are and am content in the belief they will get what they deserve eventually. The only thing that worries me is what if you move and then that other vendor follows you?? Yikes!!!!

Couldn't of said it better, Steve your a riot!!! Thanks for the referrals also =) Did sell quite a few over the holidays on Etsy, from you? =) As for him moving too, doubtful... he's one of those "set in his ways" kind of guys so don't see him moving ship out that way...

No one should have to put up with other vendors acting so childish. I know you've been told this, and I know you've said it to yourselves but here we go again :

1. You KNOW your stuff is better or he wouldn't spend so time "downing" it. If you have a superior product you dont have to malign and try to undermine the competition. He undoubtedly doesn't get this.

2. You definitely have more patience than me because I'd have already gone hormonal pre-menopausal Scorpio Irish Cherokee natural redhead on his azz. About a year and 11 months ago !

3. Everyone deserves to work in an atmosphere where they aren't on edge and feel cornered, and me myself? I'd stay even if I had to hire someone to take my place, JUST to PIZZHIMOFF !( but then thats just me ) But, if you've had enough , lawd knows you've put up with enough already and definitely paid your dues.

4. But having said #3, one thing I would have to seriously consider : Just how far will this guy go, and just how much tunnel vision will the coordinators of the market have concerning him. If this have been going on for two years, although no one wants to lose a client, I just can't shake feeling a little leary of a market that would continually allow that type of BS from a vendor , with repeated reports against him, for 2 years .

Good luck honey. I hope you get it resolved. Vent all you need to.

After the histarical laughing I did reading this thinking the whole time "YOU GO GIRL" =) The best one was the bolded above LMAO!!!

As for #3 goes, it's in the works and I do hate the thoughts of him "winning" but in the end, he will get what's coming to him.

For #4 tho, I could tell you stories of some of the things we have heard/seen going on with nothing happening on the management side other then a turn of the cheek...but we won't go there.....

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As for #3 goes, it's in the works and I do hate the thoughts of him "winning" but in the end, he will get what's coming to him.

Don't think of it as him winning. It's you moving on to bigger and better things, because you're more successful than he is.

Edited by periwinkle
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From a customer point-of-view, I get disgusted with stall holders who talk bad about their competition and would not buy anything from them. Who knows, he may be driving customers TO YOU.

Sorry you are in this situation, and that the market managers don't seem to be doing enough to discourage his behavior. I wouldn't pack up and completely switch markets at this point, but would DEFINITELY branch out and test the waters at other markets. You may find that the difference in income from another market may make the decision for you.

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Your products look very pleasing to me so no wonder that idiot thinks you are a threat! :laugh2:

The bottom line is that there are some people who are born a**holes and none of 'em ever seem to die. There are people who will ALWAYS talk behind your back, be mean-spirited and just plain butt-ugly because they are all that and ignorant, jealous, small little people. Too bad for them because, in the end, what goes around, comes around. Many flea markets are hotbeds of gossip and cliques... some of our local places are like that, too. I wouldn't worry too much about this person - quality customers don't like listening to one seller trash another. But I also think the management is weak, so if you have another potentially better opportunity, test the new market and keep your old place open, too. If sales do well at the new spot, you can choose to man both or say sayonara to the old crew and leave them behind in your dust.

Either way: you know who you are, have done your homework and due diligence, are aware of the work you have put into your business, so the opinion of an annoying pinhead gadfly should not be allowed to cause you to deepen the lines on your face. Have another pleasing beverage and practice mooning him in the mirror. :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

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What a piece of work!! I have found over the years that when someone feels the need to talk down another vendor, it's because they cannot earn the business with the quality of their own product.

It's hard dealing with people like that. I would personally want to go kick it, but I'm going going through menopause and the dr. gave me a steroid shot the other day!!!

I'm ready to take on the world.

Seriously, if you've been doing this market for quite some time, you've established a strong customer base. Don't forget about them. They may not want or be able to make the drive to the other venue. If you are going to try the other market, for sure, keep your current location until you see how the return is at the new spot.

focus on your customers, not the a##hole.

Good luck.

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Excuse me but this is harassment pure and simple and it would seem to me walking into your stall without your permission would be a criminal act. Have you talked to a lawyer to see if there is anything you could do? If it were me, since you are in a large city, there will be agencies, low cost attorney help etc. and I would find a lawyer to talk to about suing his butt, issuing a cease and desist or something.

I would not let him run me out .... I might put up a sign saying " If you hear bad things about our products, please consider the source. " I might even try to kill him

with kindness :))

Seems like his butt is probably very jealous of his mouth.

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1. He is engaging in Slander against your business, against your product quality, against you!!

2. He is interfering with your business by actually pulling one of your customers away from your booth.

3. If your Flea Market has a written Code of Ethics (ours does) by which all Vendors must adhere to...then your Flea Market needs to take steps to enforce this code. If they do not...well, it's entirely up to you to obtain a lawyer who can send the other vendor a Cease and Desist letter. And put the Flea Market on notice that you are taking this seriously even if they are not. (I realize most folks would not want to go this far...but this is ongoing interference with your business.)

4. He won't stop. Trying to act like a bigger person is all well and good...but he won't stop. And in fact, it might get worse now that the Flea Market seems to have pretty much let him know that his behavior is acceptable by the very act of NOT doing anything about it. The Flea Market clearly is not taking ownership of what is occurring on their property (and I am assuming that you are having to pay them for the opportunity to rent a booth space where your business is slandered and your customers interfered with?? You are 100% right to be frustrated with this organization.)

5. Bullying doesn't just occur in schools. And when bullies continue to "bully" because they know they won't be stopped because the rest of the "Sane" world doesn't seek conflict or wish to engage in a fight, well, it's just a really upsetting situation for you to be stuck in. I feel your frustration and discomfort.

You have options. You'll choose the right one for you. I hope it all works out for the best - and hey, who knows, if you do decide to leave the Flea Market perhaps another opportunity for your business will become available! You know that old saying: "When one door closes, another one opens?" You just never know!! Best of luck to you :-)

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The organizers of the show are never going to run him off. They are making money off him, and you too since you continue there. They are going to keep both of you as long as you will stay.

I am so discouraged at the how dishonorably so many people act these days. I don't sell at shows, but I have to deal with the same kind of crap from people at my place of employment. But what can you do. :(

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I am so discouraged at the how dishonorably so many people act these days. I don't sell at shows, but I have to deal with the same kind of crap from people at my place of employment. But what can you do. :(

Now, I can answer that on how a hotheaded southerner would handle it but I dont think that'd be a good idea LOL.

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get a loud blow horn and when he comes into your booth set it off and say you are daily winner for a free gift ( small t-light, something small) and when he comes back again I would do it again until he gets tire of it, he will get tire of the horn blasting at him. If management says he is complaining of the horn, tell management to keep him out of your area!

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Well Hi again =) As we said before, thank you all for your input and thoughts about this. It is frustrating to say the least that management is doing simply nothing about the situation. As for getting a lawyer (cease & desist), we might look into this option but who knows. I've really tried to look at this from all angles (his, ours, managements, and customers) and went into today with the attitude of "I'm just going to keep being me/us(you know what I mean)" And really... I think that pissed him off just as much LOL The evil looks today could had killed!

So today's drama packed episode was having 3-4 vendors and 2 CUSTOMERS (not even ours) come over to ask/tell us about what he was saying about us, the situation and whatever else he wanted to rant about today.... The vendors telling us, Ok, we know that's just the market (I swear it's like high school), but to have CUSTOMERS come over and tell you about what someone is saying that they over heard.... Now that's just sad.... And proves a point of what a few have said so far... He's only "downgrading" us due to his lack of ????? I like the word TACT!

So here's our game plan at this moment (we reserve the right to alter, change or totally blow this off if needed) is to just stick it out till the new year. We know our customers will follow with us (and a few vendors have said they will too), but we got a call into Hartville and we will see what they have available. If that falls through, I think were going to take that leap into our own store front. Here in Akron, rental prices are a bit high IMO, but just south of us in Canton they have a really nice, growing arts district that I found a place (roughly 500 sq ft) for $350 a month + electric! Heck, that's just over what we pay for our 2 booths currently! So I think this might be our route to go.... Only time will tell and only KARMA will pay this vendor back for what he has done..... Although, I am thinking of the camera and I saw a nice blow horn at the store the other day too =)

Thank you all again for listening to our vent, gripe, bitc* =) Will be sure to fill you guys in when whatever happens, happens =)

**The best redemption today tho (had to gloat it out here) was when we sold 10+ warmers today, tons of candles/tarts and some of our glassware too, all the while THAT vendor was sitting 2 aisles away just staring at our booth. Just thinking how pissed off he had to be that we were rocking today and he couldn't keep a customer in his booth for more then 2 minutes = LOVE IT!

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Arts and Crafts district, in a larger town, even if its 500 sq ft... for 350+????????????? I'd be so ALL OVER that it'd make that jerks head spin.... and until I got it all fixed up and opened up, I'd stay at the flea market and have this HUGE sign that said something to the effect of :

"Due to our loyal customers, we are expanding and opening a new store in Canton!! Thank you so much for all the love and support you've shown us over the years, and it's due to you that we are able to grow so much! We look forward to continuing to serve you for many more years to come ! "

Or something along those lines :) Man wouldn't you love to be a fly on the wall in that jerkoffs head when he reads that the first time and has to sit there and look at it for a few weeks while you wrap things up LOL... ( Im so mean :) )

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get a loud blow horn and when he comes into your booth set it off and say you are daily winner for a free gift ( small t-light, something small) and when he comes back again I would do it again until he gets tire of it, he will get tire of the horn blasting at him. If management says he is complaining of the horn, tell management to keep him out of your area!

Um... I am wiping the coffee I just shot all over my monitor when I busted up laughing at this!! That is sooooo funny and BRILLIANT!!!!

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