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What's In YOUR pot this weekend?

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Anything special? Craft Shows? Taking a break??

I have Pink Sugary Goddess to pour in a cupcake

8 oz's I will be making Hansel & Gretel, Apple Martini, Hot Buttered Rum, Pumpkin Eggnog, Gingerbread Latte, Sugar Cookie, Satsuma, Chocolate Cream Cheese Cupcake and Cranberry Apple Marmalade

Then votives in Sugar Cookie, Chestnut & Brown Sugar and Hot Baked Apple Pie

Gonna smell good over in Va Beach :)

Edited by dcroome2005
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Just finished packing up the car for this weekends craft show. Its my last show for the year. Then I have a soap order to fill and doing a couple of cash and carry sales before taking my Christmas break.

Christina-- where did you get Pink Sugary Goddess or is it your own concoction? Sounds yummy!

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I have about 20 more gift baskets to make to finish orders and then I'm going to put up my tree. Since the beginning of November, I've made 75 gift baskets, every one different. I'm almost out of gift basket juju :)

High Five .. That is awesome!!! Better get you some more juju :)

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Testing, testing and more testing. I have a bunch of FO's sitting around that I need to get into wax. I haven't decided what to pour yet this weekend. Also going to make more of the ones I have tested, just have to figure out what I don't already have or don't have many of, lol. :-) I think I've already poured a few of everything I've tested already, but we'll have another look through. :-)

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I agree! I love CS Pumpkin Soufflé! I poured it the other day and it's one of those scents that you can smell for days after pouring. That and Snickerdoodle from Candlewic. When I pour either of those scents, when I go somewhere later in the day, I keep getting wiffs of it. Makes me hungry, lol!

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I love CS Pumpkin Souffle too! But when I make candles I always wear a respirator. That way I can't smell them while I am making them cause the vapors and fumes can't penetrate the mask and get into my lungs. After only 4-5 years of making candles I used to have a cough that lasted several days. I've been using the respirator for a couple of years and no more cough. Its a good investment if you want to protect your lungs from FO vapors.

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