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Let's make a scent ...


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Is this No. 4? Using Spruce Christmas Tree or any pine scent (and lets avoid using amber or patch unless it absolutely needs it at the end ... prefer we put vanilla in that category too)

How this works is I start with a combination (or anyone else can too) and we add components to it one at a time, probably no more than eight if we have to go that high. Feel free to follow along or make a suggestion to try in the mix. I run the suggestions (or close to what I have of it) in a test tube and go from there. However it won't be until this evening that I can report back. I'll be pulling an 8 hour shift in an hour or two.

So I will pick Spruce Christmas Tree and MacIntosh Apple at 1:1

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OH dear. I have no carrot anything except maybe a carrot cake. Hmmm will have to find something. OK wait, I may have the essential oil ... will look, but I bet that would be a good blend. (Note to self to invest in some carrot)

Edited by Scented
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