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Do you hate the smell of cilantro?


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We all have differences of opinion about what smells good to us, what smells BAD to us, and how strong a scent is... so I thought I'd share this interesting article that says cilantro hating may be genetic and that's not all...


More on loss of the sense of smell...


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I am in the cilantro is horrid, evil stuff. Even the slightest bit in my mouth makes me want to scrub with soap and a brillo pad. Blech. Coriander seeds too. Genetic or not corianderwill never end up in my shopping basket.

I'm also one of those who thinks leftovers always taste off. No reheated meat or potatoes for me. Sadness.

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I am in the cilantro is horrid, evil stuff. Even the slightest bit in my mouth makes me want to scrub with soap and a brillo pad. Blech. Coriander seeds too. Genetic or not corianderwill never end up in my shopping basket.

I'm also one of those who thinks leftovers always taste off. No reheated meat or potatoes for me. Sadness.

I hate the taste of cilantro so have never considered trying a cilantro FO

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We all have differences of opinion about what smells good to us, what smells BAD to us, and how strong a scent is... so I thought I'd share this interesting article that says cilantro hating may be genetic and that's not all...


Whether broccoli tastes good or bitter to you is genetic as well. To quote Spock, "fascinating"! :D

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