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What do you hate most when making candles?

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enjoy everything about it. EXCEPT clean-up... I hate cleaning out my pouring pots and such..

I decided not to fight that battle. I have a pour pot (or three) for each scent I carry! Each pot holds 6lbs and I have over 50 scents. Yes, that's a lot of pour pots, but it saves MUCH time, water, electricity, soap, etc. Ya gotta have the space though!

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at first everything is fun and intriguing (no spell check here). But after awhile when you have something down pat, it's not finding the time to do it on a continual basis, that makes everything a grunge. If I could just dedicate more hours in a normal day, I would find the whole process more enjoyable once again. When you don't have the time to really try new things, it becomes more of a project than anything else.

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I've only been making candles for five months, so up until now I've enjoyed even the most mundane things. But just now I would have to say I hate when you decide to try something new and nothing works out. And finally, test after test, you start to suspect that the new slab of wax you've been using is somehow defective.

So I have to agree with kanakcandles the waiting. Waiting till I have time to make another candle, waiting for that candle to cool, waiting for the results of that test candle, but most of all, waiting just to find out you need to do some more tests.

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I hate getting in a hurry and messing up. Like putting the wrong FO in a pot of wax; or, while wicking, not sure which wick I,m using; or, not remembering if I put the additives in a pot. Oh, wait. maybe those are signs of getting older? I can't remember.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ever go to sniff a new sample and get a touch of FO on your nose, then that's all you can smell all day even after you wash it off? Not crazy about that. And once DH got a drop of chocolate chip cookie FO on his shirt. Drove him nuts all day looking for the cookies until he figured it out.

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..."And once DH got a drop of chocolate chip cookie FO on his shirt. Drove him nuts all day looking for the cookies until he figured it out."

Hahahaha.... I should do this to my husband just for the hell of it

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Ever go to sniff a new sample and get a touch of FO on your nose, then that's all you can smell all day even after you wash it off? Not crazy about that. And once DH got a drop of chocolate chip cookie FO on his shirt. Drove him nuts all day looking for the cookies until he figured it out.

Hahahahaha! I Should do this my husband just for the hell of it :laugh2:

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