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I got an email today from someone who sent comments in off my website. The email is simple and says "What oil can I use to make aroma ornies?"....um....do a search on google!!! I haven't responded to her and do not plan to. What would you all do in a situation like this. I know we all learn somewhere but I find it a little offensive for her to even ask me when I make them.

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Hmmmm...what about motor oil, cod liver oil, castor oil, baby oil...I wonder if she would "get the hint". lol

Depending on my mood...I would either not respond OR tell her what you just said here. I don't give out my formulas/recipes etc. I had to search for the information so...sorry but...I recommend you do the same thing.

Or something similar to that.......

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Remember we were all new at one time or another... I would assume she was a newbie and direct her to some websites to do her own research.

I would never give my "exact" formulas but I have no problems leading someone on how to find the information themselves.

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It never hurts to ask, so maybe she doesn't realize that many people find this kind of contact offensive. I doubt she would write to Red Lobster & expect them to send the recipe for those yummy biscuits, but you're a regular person & she probably doesn't 'get' that it's really the same thing. I wouldn't be too hard on her - I'd tell her how much time & money goes into the proper formulation of these products & thank her for thinking so highly of your hard work ... or hit delete! <grin>


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I think sometimes it in the way people phrase it. Maybe if she would have asked sincerely, it may have made a difference.

My mother always told me "if you don't ask, you won't get". I would take it more as a form of flattery. I guess I would direct her to a website, or here to "help her in her research" pointing out that's the way you figured out along with hours of trial and error.

I find most people won't put the hours in which is why we are so protective of our trade-secrets. Yet, were happy to share here on this forum. Chances are she won't do anything with the information anyways.


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I wrote the following back after reading you guys thoughts on the subject. The only reason I wrote back was for customer service and relations reasons. You never know who they may refer my direction or maybe even become a customer themself once they realize the time and money it will take. Anyway, here is what I wrote back (copied and pasted directly from the email)

"We do not like to give out our trade secrets due to the time and energy involved in finding the right formula and products that work for us. Our suggestion to you is to do a google search on this topic or more specific topics that interest you. We all start somewhere and we wish you the best of luck with your adventures."

sound short sweet and nice enough to you all?

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I got an email today from someone who sent comments in off my website. The email is simple and says "What oil can I use to make aroma ornies?"....um....do a search on google!!! I haven't responded to her and do not plan to. What would you all do in a situation like this. I know we all learn somewhere but I find it a little offensive for her to even ask me when I make them.

I think your inital reaction is the best. Don't respond. Rudeness doesn't require a response and one will most likely result in further similar emails from this person.

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I get emails like that too. I used to respond politely as you did. However, I had this one whack job chew me out up one side and down the other because I would not tell her the exact wicks I used in my jars. She said how dare I treat it like it was a big secret. Well obviously it was if she didn’t know what I use!

My favorite inquiries are the ones that end the request with "and I don't live near you so we would not be competing". WTH, I have a website....EVERYWHERE is in my competing area.

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My favorite inquiries are the ones that end the request with "and I don't live near you so we would not be competing". WTH, I have a website....EVERYWHERE is in my competing area.

I've been getting these for years, and this is one of the top reasons they give that I should tell them. I only sell on the internet, BTW!:laugh2:

Years ago, I politely responded to them. In turn, I was called a bitch, a primedonna and a ridiculously small person. Of course, the fact that they sent an email with no name, no please or thank you, no etiquette at all... made them so much better than trailor trash.:laugh2:

I don't answer most of them anymore. If there is some measure of decorum in their email, I may respond with ways to search for what they are looking for, and why they won't be getting the answer from me. But I've had enough of trying to be nice, and being told I'm not!:tiptoe:

Edited by Bernadette
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I usually respond something like "Every artist needs to discover what works best for them" and suggest a book or two, along with some of the more pricier suppliers that I don't order from. LOL!

I actually had someone call me at home asking me where I get my packaging and my oils, and would I be interested in teaming up to buy them further in bulk. *face palm*

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I get these e-mails all the time...where do I buy my fo's, how much do I use, how do I make my candles...I recently had one of my long time customer ask where I bought my Banana Nut Bread fragrance because she wanted to make her own tart melts...

The problem I see with these people is that they don't want to do their homework they just want to cash in on someone else's hard work... so most of the time I just ignore them and once in a while I get nasty...but that's just me.

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My problem with questions like these, is the fact that the person is sitting at the computer and never gets a clue to "SEARCH"! Really? you're going to wait for me to answer you, when you could have been reading oodles of info on the internet!

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