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Soy free candles????

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I'm wondering how you people can defend a petroleum product:mad::mad::mad: yuck!

That uninformed comment really bugs me, and my irritation has nothing to do with candlemaking.

I don't defend petroleum products. I celebrate them them.

Without petroleum products, life as you know it would fall apart. Most of your possessions would vanish. Most of your roads would be unpaved. Many of your relatives, friends and acquaintances would have died of perfectly curable conditions, or maybe you wouldn't have lived this long yourself. 150 years of technological progress would vanish.

You think of petroleum as just something that's burned for fuel. It's not. It's the underpinning of our modern life. Almost everything around you at this moment is made from materials derived from petroleum and most of those materials cannot be replaced. Petroleum derivatives are necessary not only in the composition of those products, but in their manufacture. Without petroleum products, it's not that you'd need something else to fuel your car - it's that your car couldn't be made. You'd have a horse hitched outside your house.

Back to candles. Many different things have been used as candle fuels and were replaced as better materials were discovered. Paraffin was and still is the best candlemaking material ever found. There is nothing better or even as good to replace it. More vegetable oil is used in candlemaking these days than before, not because it's better but because it's gotten a lot cheaper.

The reason soybean oil is cheap enough to use for candles is that it's grown in vast quantities in our country. Tending these fields are vehicles and aircraft partially constructed from and fueled by petroleum products. Applied to these fields are pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers derived from petroleum products. With the help of materials, fuels, lubricants and solvents made from petroleum products, these crops are transported, refined and manufactured into useful things.

Without petroleum products, you wouldn't have your soy wax.

Thank God for petroleum, one of the natural fruits of our good Earth.

Edited by topofmurrayhill
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I offer both...I advertise soy candles but I always let my customers know that I do make paraffin too.

As far as this wax is better than that one..I honestly believe it is whatever the consumer wants! Who cares what the chandlers personal opinion is, your in business to sell, right? Whatever the consumer wants the consumer will get whether it be from you or not.They will find the product they want.

There isn't anything in this world,anymore, that is 100% healthy for you! Not even the air that you breath.


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What's this about vegetable broth stella? It is also listed on tuna cans packed in water, not just tuna packed in oil.

It appears on the ingredients in oil-packed and water-packed tuna, even solid white albacore. Gotta read the ingredients listed in 4 point type to find which ones DON'T contain the crap. :rolleyes2 For folks trying to eliminate soy from their diet, food producers sure don't make it easy to read the ingredients!

Google "vegetable broth in canned tuna" and see what all comes up about this useless ingredient!

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