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Christie Amato is asking for freebies again...uggh.


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Got another email from her last night asking for freebies:mad:. I had sent a nasty reply back to her a few months back and told her to quit contacting me. Here's the email from last night:

Hi there. My name is Christie Amato and I am a consumer that is making

a lot of gift baskets for family and work functions in 2009. I'd

like to put products in the baskets that I stand behind and that I have

sampled myself and think they are great! Is there any way that you would be

able to send me a small sample of what your best products are before I

decide to purchase anything? I am very interested in your candle products!

I'd be happy to pay for the shipping, if that

makes things any easier for you.

Thanks so much-

Christie Amato (Richboro, PA)

I replied again and told her she was well known in our biz and quit trying to get something for nothing because we all work very hard for our products.

So she actually replied with:

I apologize for the inconvenience.


Edited by GourmetSoy
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I get that crap all the time. No really for products, but a lot of competing businesses shopping for prices and ideas. It kinda ticks me off to have my time wasted like that. I'd just ignore future requests like that. Afterall, I'm sure it took you longer to reply to her, than it did for her to copy and paste that same message to 100 different people. :P

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true, very true. However, it made me feel better:smiley2: She's contacted me several times over the last couple of years, I've ignored her except for the last time and this time. I told her last time to quit contacting me and she did again anyway so that ticked me off.

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Good for you for calling her out, Shanna! She obviously makes a living out of scamming people out of freebies.

Scroll down to comment number 3 on this link:


Look at the comment at the bottom of this link:


That's pretty pathetic that a person asks for so much free stuff that you can even google them and find their requests. She ought to be banned from the internet.

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Some ideas:

You could always charge her $10.00 for Shipping and send her a 1oz sample cup!! :laugh2:


Bulk PM her address to all of us and we can all email her and ask her for one of her gift baskets!!!


Oh, girl you always come up with the best answers! I'd send her a free sample of styro peanuts! I get her emails all the time and others as well....don't they know, nothings free anymore!

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I can't believe the nerve of some people! :angry2: I hope noone actually falls for her line of crap.

Someone out there probably will.

I wonder how someone like this actually fares out. I mean, if you make it a career to contact people asking for samples... you must be bringing in some sort of return.

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I do really wonder what she's doing with all of these samples she's getting. She must be getting some from people who don't know better or she wouldn't continue to email asking for them. Is she really making gift baskets or keeping them for herself? Maybe she's reselling them. She doesn't even try to change her name, just uses her own each time. At least she could be better at scamming if she's going to do it :rolleyes2

I did have a customer once that resold my tarts without my permission at GARAGE SALES :mad: claiming to be sort of an employee. Funny thing is she actually told me about it like she was doing me a favor.

Also, why do you need to ask for free samples to try out when tarts are so inexpensive! Ticks me off!

I like the idea of sending her a 1oz. tart and charging her $10 for shipping. Thanks for the idea, I'll tell her that if I ever hear from her again!

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As you can see from the links, she's been doing this for years, and every year she's making "50 gift baskets."

It would be funny to send her the $1 sample tart, but make it smell like cat pee. Then do repeated follow ups with her and ask her when she will be placing an order.

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  • 3 months later...

(also posted in another thread about her)

I just got an email from her citing this message board and telling me that her emails are copywritten and defamation is illegal. Then I got another one with links to info on copywrite:) Here's a portion of her email since it's copywritten I won't post the entire thing...LOL!!!!:laugh2:She says she wanted all of us to know right?.....

"I would just like you and the other people who have so much time to write about me on-line that when I get samples that I don't care for, I actually do THE RIGHT thing and donate them to a woman's shelter in Doylestown, PA. You can even have the name of it, if you'd like.

It surely de-values the baskets that I make and the efforts to feel good about donating things that I don't care for to women less fortunate then us."

and here's my response back. Copied and pasted in full because I can :)

You are well known on our message boards and we know that's where you get our email addresses from. You are a scammer plain and simple. I've gotten dozens of emails from you and you have never once said anything about donating to the less fortunate, that's a bunch of bull. You copy and paste your own email to everyone because you can't even take the time to type it out? You put the baskets together and WE make the products, you take the credit for YOUR gift baskets? Why don't you try paying for something and you wouldn't be known as a scammer.

It is within my right to warn others in my business from getting scammed. Threaten me one more time and I will turn you in as such. You've scammed our email addresses from those very message boards.

I can't take the post down now, nor would I do it if I could. I'm not the only one whose posted your emails on the boards and that's not only craft server. You're just mad that you've been found out. Like I said, I have every right to warn others in my business about something that will effect their business.

We work very hard for what we do for very little pay. We do it because we enjoy it, have a passion for it and like to make others happy with our products. When people like you are out there scamming for freebies it cuts into our bottom line. You think you're not paying for samples but we are paying for the supplies to make them and in some case to get them to you. I consider what you're doing as steeling. It costs us money!!!!

Do not ever contact me again, I've said it before and apparently you didn't listen. If you think you're doing good by donating candles and lotion or whatever you get from us, why don't you think about donating food or clothing. I'm sure they could use that much more.

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Someone should sign her up on a free trial for a porn website.

Spam the spammer!

I got one of these e-mails from a woman in florida who had "heard awesome things about my products!!!!" (I live in Canada :rolleyes2) and really wanted to try something, but wanted a sample first.

I told her I'd be happy to send her a sample of soap, she'd just have to send me a SASE.

Never heard from her again.

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Take a concrete block and put it in a box. Put that box inside another box surrounding it with peanuts. Put that one inside another, then another.

Use lots of tape on each box, preferably that strapping tape.

Charge her twice what it cost to pack and ship.

Enclose a note that says, "Since you've already gotten samples of everyone's candles, I though I'd send you a sample of my husband's 'craft' ".

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  • 1 month later...

This was in my inbox today: Also she forgot to remove some of the other companies she sent it to.

I'm putting together a lot of gift baskets for family members and work associates

for events in 2010 and a bunch of them in 2011. Many of the events are centered

around taking better care of oneself and learning to relax and take it easy

and I am planning on including a variety of spa items in each basket.

I'm wondering if you ever mail out small samples of your

products so a consumer can test them out before they purchase anything?

I'd really like to put products in my baskets that I've sampled myself and am interested your Pink Sugar candle products!

I make baskets for events all year round and am always looking for stellar products.

Thanks so much and I hope to hear from you!

Christie Amato

(Richboro, PA)

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