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Presto Pot


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I got one at Wally World the other day, and my sweet hubby drilled it out and made a spout for me. I'm using it right now to make some votives for the swap. All I can say is Holy WOW!! That thing melts the wax FAST!!! I used the double boiler method on the stove, and I swear, I was standing there watching it melt for an hour! That Presto had it melted in just a few minutes. I didn't even have it on high, just below 200. I had no clue it would go so FAST! If any of the other newbies are using the double boiler, get a Presto! I'm still in shock! Oh, and be sure the spout is closed before the wax starts to melt....:grin2:

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LOL Moon, I think you may be right!!

Also, LOL at dcroome, first time I heard it referred to as Wally World, I didn't get it either... I've just got blond streaks that I'm trying to grow out...dye won't cover them up... :tongue2:

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Heather, you can buy them at ebay with the spout already attached, that's what I did. I think they are $39.99, and worth every penny.

Also, one or two of our suppliers sells them with the spigots attached....I've seen it mentioned here so hopefully whoever it was that mentioned it will chime in here and repost it.


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I have a presto pot I use for melting, then a giant stainless steel laddle for dipping it out.........I KNOW I had these instructions once upon a time, but can't find them......does anyone have the link to "how to add the spigot/spout"......or where can I buy one already done (from a supplier). I think I'd love to have a few of these!


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I want to get a presto but hubby does not even own a drill, so there is no way I would get a spout. I am sure without a spout, it would be a messy disaster :shocked2:

Disaster...NO WAY. It melts so damn fast you don't mind dipping out what you need into the pour pots....and when you've got aprox 10 lbs of melted wax at your fingertips the world is a beautiful place. I use a 1c stainless steel measuring cup for dipping, when done I zap it w/heat gun & any wax stuck to the cup goes back in the presto.

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I bought the only one I have with a spout, but I tell you... I really don't care for the spout. It's all personal preference I know but I just can't seem to get used to it and it's kinda messy. I suppose when I start making something other than a few tester jars at a time I may find it handy. Until then, I just tilt and pour.

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I also use a presto pot...but i use mine as a double boiler....I put water in the presto pot and then I use a pouring pitcher to melt my wax in....I could not imagine the mess I would make if I scooped it out after it was melted

Does everyone melt their wax right in the presto pot??

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So do I...

I installed a "Ball Valve" in my Presto. Ball valves do not have rubber\plastic washers in them so when the valve gets clogged, I just heat gun it till it runs free with NO worrying about burning a washer. Valve and other hardware at Lowes.

Will send picture if requested.


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