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Can anyone tell me about MMS?


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Hello All,

I have been pouring :laugh2: (no pun intended) over threads on here about bath and body products. Specifically ones that can be easily accomplished with one arm since my shoulder surgery. I have run across the name of a company called MMS aka Majestic Mountain Sage and was wondering if anyone who has used them could tell me a little about them.

Some of the things I was hoping you could help with it their quality, customer service, pricing....you know the usual stuff.

I am going absolutley :P not being able to make candles and I cannot do nothing for the next six months so I was hoping to try some other areas that might be easier with one arm and the help of my teen-age daughter.

Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in Advance.


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I've had pleasant experiences with them. I was hesitant to order from them initially because they are so far away from me I figured they would take longer to deliver and charge more for it. To my suprise, they took no longer to deliver than other suppliers closer to me and they didn't gouge me on the shipping either.

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I was looking at expanding my tarts a little more and trying butters. I figure my daughter can help me do the measuring and I can whip one handed.

They are located about an hour from me, but I figure the gas up and back would still be cheaper than the shipping from elsewhere. I also found a supplier about an hour in the opposite direction that I may try as well. But their prices are a little higher so I still need to do some calculations to see if paying the shipping might still be cheaper.

ALSO, if anyone has any ideas of what I can do with mainly one hand and some basic help from a teen-ager (measuring, lifting, etc) I would appreciate them. The doctor says 4-6 months before I can start to use my arm, but they think the anchors they used to attach the muscles might have come out on the one side so it may be longer. I am going nuts not doing anything and I have got to start something to alleviate the insanity. I was also thinking of trying the bath melt recipe of Bunnies too.

Thanks again and any other ideas would be so much greatly appreciated.


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Sorry about your arm, but I was trying to think of things that you might could do.

Bath salts (scented/colored)

Lotion, shampoo,conditioner,shower gel that comes in a base, if shes willing to pour for you and you label

Crystal Potpourri (I think its Gla day lol that is doing this now so chances are if the big boys are getting into it might be worth looking into at least

Reed Diffusers

Fragrances for oil warmers

Dipped Bears ( she can squeeze it out , you can fluff)

Wax dipped toilet paper decorated

(I've also done a paper towel roll, dipped,scented colored and decorated very nicely for the kitchen )

Sink Fresheners

Smelly Jellys

Carpet Fresheners

Aroma Ornies ( she can do the shaking while the FO absorbs) and string them for you

MP soap

Fishy Soaps for kids ( clear mp with a plastic fish in it looks like a fish brought home from the pet store, my customers adore them, or you can use other type of surprises in the soap)

Hand dipped taper candles

Water Balloon Luminaries I think I saw these on Peaks site but dont quote me on that, looks like the old cafe candle holders we used to see in the 70s.

I have no clue what products you do already but those were a few I could think of off the top of my head. Maybe you can use a few of those or they can start your head spinning in a new direction and come up with " the next latest and greatest must have " and you can share it with us!

As long as shes willing to help, you should be able to find some things you can handle. Good luck on with your arm and I hope they are wrong about it taking longer to heal.


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  • 4 weeks later...

I LOVE The Sage, Its one of my primary suppliers.

I've had super great results with their butters and oils and love their super fast shipping.

I wish I could afford one of everything in all honesty, but since that ain't gonna happen anytime soon, I'll just keep going back for it a lil at a time.

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I just had my first order with them as I'm just starting to play with lip balm/scrub. The product was great and pricing was fine but honestly it took a little longer than I expected. But I am more than half the country away! It should be much better after I move at the end of this year. :)

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