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Everything posted by ChristyC

  1. I have a wooden cutter that is designed after the tank. So far it's holding up fine, but I'm sure that eventually I'll go ahead and get the tank. I LOVE the way it works though! Cutting with wire ROCKS!
  2. I hope your arm heals quickly. I use them for several base oils, butters, and lip balm tubes & pots and have been very happy with everything I've purchased.
  3. Did you notice anything funky going on around the edges? When I soaped this, I wasn't happy with how it effected the look of my finished bars. But the smell is nice! I wonder if I just had a funky batch.
  4. I like the fabrics you used.
  5. Customer service is such a hard thing to find these days. It's great to find suppliers who care!
  6. I have, but I usually don't...
  7. Thanks everyone! I inventoried what I have last night and my goodness! So much wicking (I'm not even sure what kind it is) and a bunch of FO's by the gallon that I am not even sure I want - and I can't find the supplier online to see if they are soap safe. Has anyone heard of Andrea Aromatics?
  8. I wanted to take a minute to post an introductory post before I launch into research! I'm a soapmaker. I make CP and have been selling for about 3 years now. I love soapmaking and also do salves, lipbalm, bath teas, bath salts, etc. I also have a commercial embroidery machine, so I am able to monogram robes and make-up bags. I had planned in the future (way out there LOL) to add candles to my line. I've made a few in the past, but just playing around - not seriously testing or researching. However, a friend decided to get out of the candle business and offered me all of her equipment and supplies at a price that I could not refuse... I've spent the past six weeks or so doing research and updated my business plan over the weekend. I need to inventory all that I have and make a plan for what I'm doing with the supplies before I begin testing anything. Because I already do soaps, I intend to primarily offer container candles in one size (although I currently have two sizes of jars on hand) in the fragrances that I already carry in soaps. I just ordered 10 pounds of wax from WSP (Crafter's Choice), some wick centering tools, stickums, and some different wicks to have on hand. My friend has turned over all of her notes, however because I am changing wax, I know I have to start from scratch! LOL Fortunately, I love to do research and testing... I think the inventory will commence tonight! Thanks for having me! I look forward to getting to know you all and hopefully I won't be here completely pulling my hair out in a few weeks
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