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My grandson's lst balloon candle


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Here is what Van has been working on. He is almost 6. I put the wax pot on the floor and he held the balloon in the wax until his arm hurt.....hehehe...he always thinks that what I do is so easy.....then the hardest part for him was to wait and wait and wait until it was completed so he could sprinkle on the glitter. He planned for 3 days on which color glitter he wanted to use...Cute! He chose to scent it mango. Donita

PS .....:smiley2: there is glitter all over the place....more than usual

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Donita, it's bad enough when you show us amazing things to try but now you've got your Grandson into the act too - please give me a break, my list of things to try is getting really huge. Tee hee. Please pass on my compliments to Van - his candle looks awesome - instructions please! :yay:

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Donita, it's bad enough when you show us amazing things to try but now you've got your Grandson into the act too - please give me a break, my list of things to try is getting really huge. Tee hee. Please pass on my compliments to Van - his candle looks awesome - instructions please! :yay:

I'm in agreement, Mozzie!!

Great candle, Van!!!

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Yeah he has fun with me......and in the meantime while waiting for wax to cool he thinks it is cute to get sand all over the floor and make a huge mess....he likes to make necklaces and string my beads, then I slip on them....he did tell me yesterday that he would work for me and scrape wax off of things for $4.00 a day.....I told him that he is in kindergarten and that is his job. He is starting to learn about money.....ie: work = $$$$$$ = toys! I pay him in nickles.....to break apart wax chunks and Christmas embeds and sweep leaves....he is very picky about the wax chunks......if he see two stuck together he gets on me for doing a poor job. LOL He is now sooooo cute.....got through the young bratty years. :highfive: Donita (Van wanted these smiley faces)

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That's such a cute candle. I'd like to make one myself. So you can hold a balloon in Hot wax without it breaking? Who Knew...lol. What temp. can it withstand? It looks like he filled it with different color wax too. Gotta try one, thanks for sharing Van.:D

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DONITA.....STOP IT.....Everytime I look at this 2!$#^&*computer there's a pic of some NEW creation of yours (grandsons) and you're makiin me crazy. Hell, I've just now got votives down pat and here you come with something else that blows me away. Directions PLEASE. Would you consider takin in a border for a month or so, I'll sweep floors or whatever else you want, just show me>

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