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What I did yesterday.......


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They all look great - love the mottling on them! My favorite is the blue, but I'm drawn to those deep beautiful shades of blue.

The ball is totally cool. I've almost purchased one at least 15 times but then worry about how it'll burn. When you burn it will you let us know what happened, and what wick you used?


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Those are really pretty, you were quite busy yesterday huh? ;)

Hmm, if I HAD to choose, I guess I'd choose the mulberry as it matches my living room. :D

I'm really lovin' the ball though, I have that mold, but as I don't even do pillars, I'm ascared to try it. LOL

GREAT JOB!! :thumbsup:

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For all those interested in the wicking, and burn on the 3" ball candle:

I used LX18 wick, and this pic is about an hour into the 3rd burn. The first 3 hour burn last night, I twice had to extinguish the candle, and trim the wick. The second, and now the third burn, I just trimmed before lighting. I think that if I'd wicked down, I would not be getting the meltpool I'm now getting in the middle of the candle.


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all pretty, but my pick is mulberry, then lemon pound cake. great color.

Gotta agree about the Lemon Poundcake, the color is perfect. It's so hard to get that perfect shade of yellow without either getting it too pastel or getting this shocking bright yellow! (I had to give away a bunch of Banana Cream Pies because I used a sliver too much yellow and the color was wild, but I didn't know that until they'd completely cooled).


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Where did you get the nice glass pillar plates? I like those.


I'm not sure how to wick it as there is no hole - any tips?

I got my sweet hubby to drill a hole in the one end so that I could use my wick pins. Anytime I ask him to take out his drill he's a happy camper. (:shocked2: Sounds bad!!!!) It worked like a charm - I just stuck the wick pin in and secured it with sealer.......

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Nice going.....I like them all....I like the ball...I like them big and like them small....oh no.....I am sounding like Dr Seuss. Too many grandchildren around....hehehe... and what in the world is wrong with cybersix...she thinks her candles aren't good.....

Now you make me want to make some ball candles.....I don't have time....eeeeeeeek.....It is so pretty burning. Donita

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I got my sweet hubby to drill a hole in the one end so that I could use my wick pins. Anytime I ask him to take out his drill he's a happy camper. (:shocked2: Sounds bad!!!!) It worked like a charm - I just stuck the wick pin in and secured it with sealer.......
Oh, did you use that aluminum mold? I drilled mine too. I have some crappy votive pins with thin flat bases and they're perfect for this because they fit right up against the mold and sit flat. They're not quite long enough but I pierce the last inch with a wicking needle, no prob.
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Oh, did you use that aluminum mold?

Yup, I bought two of those aluminum molds that Candlescience sells. I think you recommended them to me once before, but had mentioned about the lack of wick hole. DH was quite happy to help out in that department!!!! I just used the wick pins I use for my pillar molds, and was able to get it to sit straight using a lot of sealer!

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