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Those of you with long hair

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If I'm making stuff to sell I wear a lab coat to contain anything on my clothing and those pouffy caps to contain hair. I have boxes of both, disposable. I think you absolutely have to take some measures, as well as have a manufacturing area separate from anyplace that pets live. Especially with cats, stuff will just float through the air and will be in your products for sure.

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I ALWAYS have my hair up unless I am going someplace semi nice.

Ever since I got attacked by my vacuum...

I was vacuuming under a dresser with the attatchements and somehow my long arse hair got sucked into the fan and it smashed into my head leaving a nice gash and a major amount of hair ripped out. No joke!

It makes life much easier and SAFER!! lol

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I pull my hair back AND carefully inspect everything before I pack it just to double check and make sure. I also wipe down my work area before I start everyday and clean it thouroughly (floors and all), after I'm done.

I'm anal about making sure everything's clean & perfect. lol :)

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I don't see how anyone can work with their hair down doing anything. Mine is up constantly I don't care what I'm doing. You haven't lived till you find hair in food or personal care products that you buy. Just YUCK.

Then again I literally spent 1/2 my life as a corporate restaurant trainer/manager for one company that had a hairnet requirement of as soon as you set foot in the kitchen, even just passing through for 3 seconds... you wore one. Period.

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I remember when I first started making tarts in candy molds and after I was done pouring I noticed one of my hairs spread across the whole thing partially embedded in like 4 of them. I thought to myself... oh, that's not cool... since then I always pull it back with a ponytail tie. It also helps to keep my hair out of my face when I'm aiming for such small areas.

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OMG, yes I have to have my hair pull up when I do anything. I have really long curly hair and boy do I shed. This is starting to be my look for anything I do now, it just gets in the way when it is down. If I am home it is either in a clip pulled tight or up in a pony tail but then looped again but only half way so it is not just flopping everywhere. I really hate that pony tail swing thing I see the young girls do. I am wanting to cut it to just right below my shoulder, right now it to the middle of my back and if it is wet it sits on my lower back, but just havent had the time.

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Well, I had long hair till 2 days ago when I cut 9 inches off. I have a beanie hat I wear and a specific pair of jeans and a top that are already covered in splatters of wax. Oh and gloves and shoes (that I had already spilled wax on) Makes it much easier to not have to worry. The trick is when you have 2 cats and work out of your home, keeping their hair outta things. I swear, it doubles my time spent on jar candles.

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