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Grubbied Banana Cream Pie pillars...


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Do you need a certain mold for this or could you explain how you did this?



Christina, they were made with regular 3x6 round molds. I make a bunch of extra wax when I'm going to grubby something. After you unmold the candles, put a wick through it. Reheat the wax until it's just melted and start whipping it with a wire whisk. At first it just looks like a ton of bubbles and nothing else. After a little while it'll start to get the consistency of whipped butter, and slowly it'll get thicker and thicker.

I use the back of a wooden spoon (the front won't work, don't ask me why; I tried). I just stick the spoon into the whipped wax, scoop a bunch on the back of the spoon, pick the pillar up by the wick (hold the whole thing over the pour pot) and start at the bottom of the pillar and frost it upwards. If the wax won't stick to the pillar then the wax is just a little too cold or it's been whipped a little past the point where you can do the technique. When that happens, hit the pot with a heat gun, stir a little and do it again. It takes a little while to frost several candles, so I often end up hitting the pot with the heat gun at least twice to help the wax at the right temperature.

After you've frosted the sides of the pillar, sit it down quickly (I use wax paper) and frost the top. If you put embeds into it, you have to be quick because the wax sets up fast and you won't be able to push the embeds into it!

HTH :) - Grubbying was one of the first techniques I learned, because i was using OK6228, which doesn't mottle or rustic and I was bored. I actually had no idea that other people did this technique all the time; I thought I invented it - LOL!


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